a/n: There are some issues such as Piper learning of her premature death, Jo and Paige's relationship etc that I am not glossing over, they will be dealt with in the follow up (if any one is interested)

Chapter 17: Tying up some loose ends

5 months later

"Paige hurry up!" Jo cried as she came running into the kitchen

Following a magic "word" with Leo, all those months ago, Mr Cowan had agreed to let Jo stay with Paige and the Halliwells long enough for a DNA test to be carried out. When the results had come back positive, much to the surprise of everyone at South Bay Social Services, Paige had been granted long term custody, ironically though, as Jo had been adopted, Paige had no legal rights over her daughter, her claim being merely biological, thus they had embarked on the long legal process of restoring those rights, the final court hearing for which had finally arrived.

"I'm just finishing up the paperwork, so that the moment the judge says yes, I can put it all in the post." her mother reassured her. "Besides I can't do it after we come back from court as we have a double wiccaning and a party to attend"

"Ughh, okay "Jo whined, thumbing through the stack of legal documents on the kitchen counter


"You forgot one" Jo brandished an incomplete form

"Oh that's just if you want to change your name, so we don't have to worry, it's mainly for babies and stuff"

"Oh right…speaking of names, why are Chris and Wyatt Halliwells not Wyatts? and do I get to chose a wiccaning name?"

"What do you mean?"

"Like when you get baptised you get a baptism name, so is it like the same with a wiccaning? Is that why you all have P names?"

"You are full of questions today aren't you?" Paige smiled indulgently "Come on, I'll explain in the car"

She grabbed her keys from the counter top "we wouldn't want to be late would we?"

"Bye guys" They shouted

"Bye" Phoebe, Piper and Chris chorused from upstairs.

After finally vanquishing Gideon, Wyatt had been saved from turning evil. Chris had been gravely injured by an athame, but fortunately Sam had been on hand to help heel him. Now fully recovered, Chris had decided to stay in the past for a bit longer, so that he could help Piper out with mini him and Wyatt, especially since Leo was not 100, after learning of his mentor's betrayal.

"At least they can escape" muttered Chris from the second story landing where Piper and her clipboard reined supreme.

"What was that?" Piper barked


"Good, now where was I?" she consulted her clipboard "ah yes… Phoebe, you are to continue putting the streamers up, and then lay the place settings, ..Chris.."

"Mom you want to calm down a bit"

"No, Chris what I want is for you to help Phoebe finish the decorations, then summon your grandmothers, I also want to see you and your brothers downstairs suited and booted by the time Paige comes back from Court"

"My brothers?"

"Oh, Wyatt and mini-you, I know what I mean, don't split hairs with me mister"

"Oh I love all this family togetherness, you and the boys, Paige and Jo, if only I could find the man of my dreams and have a family of my own, if only James Robertson was here to share it all with me.." Phoebe moaned.

"Phoebe, give it a rest!" Chris exclaimed.

"Self reflection is not my schedule" Piper intoned

"A little happiness is all I ask.."

"If you must know, you will meet Robert Clune very soon okay?" Chris lost his patience.

"What?. When?"

"Does it matter? He was your true love, soul mate, and father of your children, isn't he worth waiting for?"



"I still don't understand why you can't at least tell me what he does for a living, or what he looks like.."

"you will, trust me, everything will become very apparent when you meet Robert"


"I can't say anymore..future consequences"

"And" Piper butted in, " we have things to do, now move it people"


"The place looks lovely darling" Patty commented as she examined the decorations in the dining room. Chris had summoned her first, so that she could spend sometime with the girls before Grams arrived and started bossing everyone about.

"thanks" Piper replied smoothing a non existent crease out of the table cloth." It's a pity Dad got called away on that business trip so suddenly"

"hmmmm … and who's this handsome fellow?" Patty asked as Wyatt toddled round the corner in a suit.

"Wy Wy" the little boy repeated.

"so it is!" Patty exclaimed picking him up "I could just eat you all up"

"jeez" Chris rounded the corner carrying mini him" I know where Phoebe gets it from now"

"and don't you look beautiful too" she continued "both of you"

Chris blushed slightly "here" he handed baby Chris to Piper

"ah, look at you, your brother did a good job of dressing you didn't he?" Piper cooed.

"His brother?" Chris corrected his mother again.


"anyone home" Sam yelled as he orbed into the living room.

"Sam!" Patty exclaimed

"Patty" Sam stared at her "I..um..nice to see you again."

"And you, hopefully we will get to talk more this time"

"Yes, last time was a little tense shall we say.."

"Grandpa!" Jo ran through the front door and practically knocked her grandfather over.

"hello sweetie" he replied giving her a hug. "Did you leave your mother at the court?"

"No, she's parking the car, silly"

"They get on well" Patty whispered to Piper, indicating Jo and Sam

"She's got him wrapped around her little finger, I think he's trying to make up for what he missed out on with Paige" Piper explained.

"ahem" Patty coughed loudly. Jo looked up. "Grandma!" she ran to her grandmother.

"That's better" Patty replied, " I was beginning to feel left out!"

"Howdy folks" Paige finally made it to the living room, accompanied by Phoebe.

"Did it go well?" Phoebe asked

"Yep, she is legally mine, so I can do with her what I see fit!"


"No, seriously, she is mine lock stock and barrel, and no one can take her away!" She continued, giving Patty a peck on the cheek.

"That's excellent!" Piper declared, ", Now everyone upstairs Leo is summoning grams, so lets get this show on the road"

The assembled adults made their way toward the stairs, Paige lagging behind as she tried to unfasten the buttons on her suit jacket.

"Come on Mum!" Jo shouted, causing Paige to stop in her tracks. The 'M' word. Paige, like Jo, was of the opinion, the Mum was a title that is not automatically issued as a birthright, and it was a title you earned. From the day she found out that Paige was her mother, to this very morning, Paige had been 'Paige', that's not to say she hadn't dreamed about one day in the distant future being called the 'm' word, she had Jo back and that was all that mattered. Jo apparently thought otherwise.

"what did you say?" Paige asked, double checking that she wasn't hearing things.

"I said, come on mum" Jo repeated, knowing exactly what her mother meant. She grabbed her Paige's hand, and together they made there way up towards the attic

"Hello my darlings" Grams greeted them. " A double wiccaning how wonderful! Of course I am always the last to know…"

"Grams" Piper and Phoebe grumbled

"I was only saying…now, a bit of tradition if you please, who presents these Children to be wiccaned?"

Piper walked forward holding baby Chris in her arms " I present Christopher Perry Halliwell"

"This so freaky" Chris whispered to Leo " I get to see my own wicaaning"

Paige and Jo stepped forward "I now present to you Miss Josephine Halliwell"

"Halliwell?" Phoebe exclaimed.

"It was Jo who wanted to change her surname to Mathews, and I said I would rather she was a Halliwell" Paige detailed.

"ehm aren't you forgetting something" Jo tapped her foot.

"Sorry" Paige apologised " Miss Josephine Poppy Halliwell."

"we added a P for protection" Jo added.

"you know" Chris began "although Josephine Poppy is phonetically better, in my time you were known as Poppy-Jo"

"In your time Wyatt was the overlord of all Evil, so you know, things change, and roll with the punches" Paige quipped

"Anyway" Grams interrupted, "A bit of silence please"

Everyone sprang to attention.

"Welcome to the family Christopher and Jo, may you enrich and bring much joy into our lives….I call forth through space and time,

matriarchs of the Halliwell line…………

The End (for now)

Coming Soon, Sequel (If any one wants to read one)

'Letting the Cat out of the Bag"

Chris makes a difficult decision, Phoebe is in for a surprise when she meets her man, Paige gets more than she bargained for at her High School reunion, Piper and Leo clash over kids, and all the Halliwells receive for an enormous shock.