Hermione cried in Draco's arms for some time. After what seemed like hours she looked up into his blue eyes which looked glossed over as if he had been crying as well.

"Draco, there's been alot of wierd things happening to us both lately, that I don't even think I have them all straight in my mind. I don't know what I'm going to do. I have a new brother who is 6 years behind in his studies, at least five people have asked me if your little sister is really my own little girl, not to mention i don't even know that little girls name, you're not the same guy I remember from the past six years, Voldemort is my father of all wizards, and I don't even know how to react to the orders he's givin me! Does Dumbledore even know about any of this? Why hasn't he done anything?" Hermione was going on frantically she was tightening her whole body more and more as she went on.

"Well, for starters," Draco cut in, "her name is Jazmine. Jazzy for short. My mother had a thing for muggle jazz music. I will help you with your brother's studies. You just worry about getting to know him and making decisions with him on what you're going to do. I'm not sure if Dumbledore knows, but we can go check right now to see what he does know and fill him in. Once he's fully in the loop we can see what kind of protection he can provide us all from your father."

"Why are you being so nice to me? I thought you hated me?"

"Now why would you think a thing like that?" Draco said with a smile on his face.

Hermione just looked at him with glossed over, green eyes that drove draco crazy. "You know we can't be romantically involved, right?" Hermione said.

"And why's that?"

"My father killed your parents! I can't live my life looking into your eyes every day knowing my blood is the reason you have no parents..."

"But by leaving me you'd also be taking away one of the last things I hold dear to me. Would you rather live knowing what your father did and lose me too? Or just live with what he did? Because I don't know if I can live without you Hermione-future-malfoy."

"What are you trying to say Draco?"

Draco stood up in front of Hermione and helped her stand up. Held her hands in his and looked straight into her eyes. "I love you, Hermione. I have since day one. I can't fight it any longer. I don't care who knows. I'll tell the world!" Draco ran to the window and got up on the ledge and yelled out the window, "I love Hermione! I LOVE HERMIONE!!" He then jumped off the ledge and walked back to Hermione. "So, what do ya say?"

Hermione smiled and giggled, "Are you asking me to be your girlfriend or to marry you?

"Oh! I almost forgot the biggest factor." He pulled out a little green velvet box and got down on one knee and just stared into Hermiones eyes. He opened up the box and smiled at her.

"Oh god!" Hermione started breathing heavily. "I..I...I don't know what to say."


"YES!!" Draco slipped the ring on Hermiones' finger and stood up.

"At least something good came out of this day." Draco said with a sly smile on his face.

"You've got that right. Boy have you got that right."



"Harry, did you hear that? said a befumbled Ron.

"Hear what?"

"It was coming from the towers upstairs. Follow me."

Ron and Harry both ran up the stairs as fast as they could. They stopped when the could clearly hear the voices.

Hermione smiled and giggled, "Are you asking me to be your girlfriend or to marry you?

"Oh! I almost forgot the biggest factor." He pulled out a little green velvet box and got down on one knee and just stared into Hermiones eyes. He opened up the box and smiled at her.

"Oh god!" Hermione started breathing heavily. "I..I...I don't know what to say."


"YES!!" Draco slipped the ring on Hermiones' finger and stood up.

"I can't believe this!" Ron said looking at Harry.

"I can. And I don't care."

"What are you saying? He's obviously brainwashed her! We have to help her!"

"I CAN'T HELP HER!" Harry screamed, "Voldemort is her father! Her blood is the reason my parents are dead!"

Harry stormed off. Ron stood there with a bewildered look on his face, then ran after Harry.