Disclaimer: I don't own D N Angel or the Thief Lord

Bold: Dark talking

Italic: Dai's thoughts.


By the time Daisuke got home, he was a mess. He had been attacked by a squirrel on the way home. Not one of those cute little squirrels at the park either. This was a rapid squirrel with fangs and claws. It chased poor little Die all around the park he passed by. That in it's self is weird because he normal doesn't pass by parks on the way home. Any way, finally Satoshi showed up and threw an apple at the squirrels.

The poor squirrel got it's little feelings hurt (it loved Sato) and ran away.

Daisuke was very grateful.

After the squirrel incident, Daisuke was trying to be a bit more careful. And it worked too... For at lest five minutes.

While passing a barbershop, Dai accidentally ran into someone. This someone was a boy in a Matrix kinda coat, and wearing a mask that looked like it had a bird beak on it. There was also another boy in a dark blue hoodie next to him.

Daisuke began to apologize and the other two boys did the same, in very broken Japanese.

"Hey, I know who that is!" Dark exclaimed.

'Oh, so now you want to talk. Where were you when the Evil-squirrel-Of-DOOOOM was attacking?" Daisuke asked snippily.

"Don't you dare take that tone with me, young man!"

'Look who's talking!'

"... Good point. Any ways, the one with the creepy mask is the Thief Lord of Italy! Tell him Dark says hi!"

"Um... Dark says hi," Daisuke said.

The boy wearing the mask grinned and then ran off, the hoodie boy following him.

'That was odd...'

"Ah, who cares. I wanna get home and watch your mom yell at you."

'I hate you.'

"I know."

So, Dai finally made it home... Only to find no one home. And nor traps. No nothing.

Both Dark and Dai where quite for a moment, taking in the stillness of the usually busy house.


"Oh crap! Krad's taken the family! We must attack! Hell have an arm of zombie monkeys! We must prepare for battle!" Dark started ranting and raving.

'Uh, Dark?'

"He'll be expecting us, so we must surprise him! Well enlist the help of aliens! Germs! Imaginary friends! That rapid squirrel from the park! We will get what is ours!"


"That slimy little blonde will never mess with us again!"


"The flying pigs will-"


"What! I'm planning here!"

"They left a note. They all went off to Germany for a week. And Grandpa says not to worry about how you ruined my grades. He'll take care of Mom," Daisuke said smugly. "Apparently you did something similar to Grandpa when you were with him."

Dark looking sheepishly at the ground then started to sulk.

Daisuke grinned and started to make dinner for himself.


Woot! All done! I ish so happy! I love the Thief Lord. Tis my new obsession. I saw the movie on Friday night then on Saturday afternoon went out to by the book. Id recommend the book/movie to every one!

And a big thanks to all my reviews whom where with me from the first chapie of Dark Plus School Equals Bad For Daisuke! And for all the reviewers who've been with me on this fic too. And all the reviewers who'll review this last chapie too. Thanks so much!

-hands out lots of sweets and DNA plushies-