Author's note- Hey sorry it took so long to update. Also I know my last chapter wasn't very good. Sorry about that. I had typed it around 11:00 at night. Here is another chapter hope you enjoy. Plus with school and having been grounded from the computer b/c of my grades and I have been having a hard time coming up with ideas. Please R&R maybe even put ideas there.

Previously on Love, Fear, and Hate-

Jess was just sitting there holding her hand when he thought he felt her grip it a little. He looked up at her face and saw her eyelids moving a little he thought he should go and get a doctor but he couldn't bring himself to. He started to get up to get one finally but she gripped his hand more and with her eyes still closed she whispered. "Jess…." Jess stopped and looked at her. "Jess… is that you?" Rory said and opened her eyes to see him standing their looking at her.

"I…I… should go get a doctor" Jess said shocked she woke up and was about to start for the door when Rory said.

"No please don't go."


"How long was I in here?" she asked

"About 10 days"

"Oh, your right it is a good thing it's summer." Rory said and Jess looked shocked and said


"I could hear everything all of you guys said and I'm glad I did." She told him and smiled then said. "So you have seen my eyes and my smile you just need to hear me laugh I met I will soon." Jess smirked and Rory hugged him. At first he was even more shocked then hugged her back. Jess was now sitting on the bed and when they let go they stopped when their faces where just inches apart from each theirs and kissed.

When they separated they smiled and Jess had told her he had to go find a doctor. After he left Rory was deep in thought.

'Finally I'm awake. I am so glad I hope everything will workout ok with Jess and with everyone else.' Rory thought and just then a doctor came in to check on here. Jess had gone to call Lorelai and Dr. Lewis told her she would be able to go home in a few days.

"Rory" Lorelai said and ran to hug her daughter. They were both crying a little enjoyed to see each other again as if it was the first time.

"I love you so much babe. Don't ever leave me again ok?" Lorelai said

"Ok I won't I promise. The doctors said I could leave in a few days." Rory told her.

"That's good honey that's good." Lorelai said

Meet me at the Bridge

2 days later

Lorelai had just brought Rory home from the hospital and went to Luke's to get some food for her and Rory. Rory had only seen Jess once since she had woken up. Her grandparents had visited her also. She had her arm in a hot pink cast from falling still. Lorelai had been the only one to sign it so far.

Luke's Diner

It had been quieter in Luke's when everyone found out about Rory but it was back to normal minus the two crazy Gilmore Girls coming in.

"Luke, I need 8 cups of coffee, 2 cheeseburger, 2 order of onion rings, chili fries, and 2 slices of every pie you have." Lorelai said to Luke as she sat at the counter.

"Why? I thought Rory was coming home today are you taking her the food at the hospital?" Luke questioned.

"No, she is at home and we are going to have a movie night tonight and she is still working up some courage to face the town." Lorelai replied as Jess entered the diner from the storage room.

"Hey Lorelai, is Rory back yet?" Jess said

"Hi Jess, and yes she has she it at home getting ready for a movie night." Lorelai told him.

Lorelai had grown to like Jess and think that he was good for Rory, as did the rest of their town except for Taylor and sometimes Kirk.

" Oh… that reminds me she wanted me to give this to you and I didn't read since I promised her she said she would make you and Luke withhold coffee from me." Lorelai said and handed Jess a sealed envelop.

"Thanks" Jess said as he took it and put it in his back pant pocket where his book was. 'Wonder what it says I just need to get away from the diner to read it.' Jess thought as he went to take someone's order

"No problem." She told him thinking, ' I should have read that damn thin now it is going to be bugging me. Why did I have to promise Rory…'

"Here's your food Lorelai tell Rory I said I hope she feels better soon." Luke said while giving Lorelai four bags of food.

"Ok sure thing. Also Luke can you help me with all of this?" Lorelai said

"Yeah sure, Ceasar take over I'll be right back." Luke hollered and he took the bags of food while Lorelai took the two coffee carries

Gilmore House/Rory's Room

Lorelai had just dropped Rory off at the house so she could put away all the things she got from everyone who had visited her. Which was somewhat hard since she couldn't use her arm.

"Gosh this place is a mess." Rory said to herself then started picking things up and just started cleaning everywhere in her room. Thinking that if she could get it clean enough it would remove the mad memory that happened there. She looked under her bed and found a cardboard box. She pulled it out and found everything that Dean had given her and then found a picture of them together.

She was filled with hate, anger, sadness, fear all at them same time. Just then she looked down at her wrist and saw the bracelet she pulled it off and looked at it them yelled in anger and threw it at the wall, while letting tears slowly rolled of her cheeks.

Then sat down on the floor and cried part of her wanting to grab that everything it that box and burn it all. Just then she heard the door open and she froze thinking that it was Dean even though he was on the other side of the continent.

Gilmore House/ Living Room

Lorelai opened the door and didn't she Rory so she went to put everything down on the kitchen table. She had told Luke she could handle carrying everything into the house so he had headed back to the diner after protesting a little. After setting the food down she walked into Rory's room and found her sitting on the floor.

"Honey, come on I brought you some food." Lorelai said sitting by her daughter.

"Thank you for putting all of this in there… I love you" Rory said

"Your welcome and I love you to babe."

They both got up and sat down in the living room with the food and started watching Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.

Luke and Jess' apartment

Luke had just given Jess his break so Jess had headed upstairs to read what Rory had written to him. He sat on his bed and opened up the envelope and started reading.

Dear Jess,

I just got home today, though you probably already know. Any way can you meet me at the bridge at 11:30 tonight?


Author's note – I know really short chapter but it was all I could think of please r7r, sorry for not updating is such a long time.