Disclaimer: I am in no way affiliated with Power Rangers, or anything else related to Power Rangers. No money has been made off of this story, it is nothing more then a way for me to show my appreciation for the series


Chapter one: Falling in to place

Krybots were easy to deal with, Blue Heads tended to fight back a bit, but Orange Heads were a massive pain in the rear. "Among other places as well." Muttered Jack Landors, SPD Red Ranger, the red ranger quickly recovering from the brutal attack launched by the robotic soldier. Jack couldn't exactly complain or ask for help since the other rangers were busy fighting a small army of Krybots led by an intergalactic convict named Baramos.

Baramos had decided that his latest crime would involve theft and hostage taking; basically the alien had decided to rob a bank and take several women and children as hostages. Luckily Z had happened to be at the bank during the robbery and had called the rest of the team and informed the, about the robbery/hostage situation. The team had managed to get the hostages out safely thanks to Jack's molecularization abilities. However, Baramos refused to go down, and had summoned an army of Krybots and an Orange head. So now Jack and the rest of the rangers had to deal with an army of Krybots AND a very dangerous intergalactic criminal.

Jack quickly dodged an energy blast shot by the Orange Head, but his efforts were in vain, when he realized that the energy blast was a nothing more than a distraction, the Orange Head's sword connected with Jack's shoulder, the force of the attack alone was enough to send the red Ranger flying. "Ok, now I'm mad." Snarled Jack angrily; he quickly drew both his Delta Blasters. "Let's see how well you deal with this!"

Jack charged into battle, all the while shooting lasers at the Orange Head, most of the blasts were deflected by its sword but a few blasts managed to get in. A stray blast blew a hole right through the robot's head causing it to drop its weapon, but despite the damaged that it had suffered, the Orange Head still stood. Jack quickly pistol-whipped the robot warrior, before kicking it in the gut. "Time to end this!" said Jack; he quickly combined his two firearms. "Delta Blasters Combo Mode! Delta Shot!"

The massive energy ball that was launched was more than enough to finish off the Orange Head, but the battle wasn't over, not yet by a long shot, they still had to deal with Baramos. "Useless Krybots, I knew I shouldn't have used them!" roared a very angry Baramos. Standing at 7 feet tall with scaly turquoise skin and armed with an axe for a right hand the alien certainly looked like it could hold his own in battle.

"Any ideas?" asked Syd.

"Yeah, how's we blast him until he can't get up, sound?" replied Sky his Deltamax Striker was out and he quickly converted to it's laser mode.

"Well, it sounds kind of plain, and arrogant and egotistic and…" Said Bridge.

"BRIDGE!" shouted Jack, slightly annoyed at his teammate's habit of stating the obvious and trailing on. "The problem at hand?"

"Right, sorry." Bridge quickly replied as he pulled out his Deltamax Striker and combined it with his Delta knuckle to form his Deltamax laser weapon. The others quickly did the same. "Ready?"

"Ready!" shouted the other four rangers.

"FIRE!" shouted Z; four laser shots were blasted at Baramos followed by a Delta shot launched by Jack. The five shots were enough to knock out the massive alien.

Jack quickly pulled out his Delta morpher and switched it into its Judgment mode. "Baramos, you have been charged with obstruction of justice, attempted robbery and hostage taking." The judgment came up guilty. "Containment mode!" A bright flash of light consumed Baramos and captured him in a containment card. Mission complete.

Back at SPD head quarters, Jack was bored out of his mind, sure being the leader of the B-squad rangers was fun and all, but the paper work was a massive pain. Luckily, for Jack the report he had to write was a short one. But it didn't really matter, paperwork was paperwork.

'And paperwork is a bitch.' Thought Jack

"Having fun?" asked Z casually leaning on the door to his room.

"About as much fun as a guy can have." Replied Jack dryly. "Shouldn't you be training with the others?"

"Depends on your definition of training." Said Z, "Right now Sky's doing target practice, Bridge is modifying some of C-squad's weapons and Syd? Well I'm pretty sure that Syd ran off to get a manicure." Z brushed back a stray lock of chocolate brown hair away from her eyes and sighed. "Things are different now aren't they?"

"How? I mean we're still eating, sleeping, and helping people right?" asked Jack.

"Yeah, but you and me, we don't spend that much time with each anymore." Replied Z.

"I wonder why?"

B-Squad Rangers please report to the meeting room immediately.

Jack and Z exchanged glances, "C'mon, duty calls." Said Z. Jack nodded in agreement.

The conference room of the Troobian Empire wasn't exactly like the famous five star Hotels down on Earth, it was dark, musty, and reeked of death. 'Which is exactly why, I don't exactly enjoy my visits to this dump.' Thought Broodwing as he impatiently waited for evil Emperor Grumm to make his appearance. 'Why do I even bother with this dump?'

A large wad of money suddenly landed on the conference room table. 'Oh yeah that's why.'

"Why Emperor, this is more than I usually ask for. Not that I'm complaining though." Stated Broodwing as he eagerly reached for the money.

Broodwing looked up to see Grumm glaring at him with his blood red eyes. "Broodwing, I'm about to send one of my top generals down to Earth. I want you to help him in every possible way."

The criminal mastermind casually picked up the money before placing it into his wing-like cape. "As you wish my lord."

Commander Doggie Cruger felt a shiver go down his spine. Something that rarely happened to Sirians such as himself. 'Not that there are anymore of us.' He thought sadly as memories of that day began to return to him, and he felt himself begin to fall into a light slumber.

The skies were a sickly yellow color as the massive Troobian Warships invaded the once beautiful planet of Sirius. The number of Krybots seemed to have no end, as the Sirian army continued to battle the mechanical soldiers. SPD's fleet had suffered massive losses, Grumm's forces just kept coming. SPD's most elite forces were on the frontline holding back the Troobian army.

"Dammit!' grunted Doggie as he cut down another krybot with his sword. "We destroy one and two more take it's place."

"Suck it up soldier!" called another officer as he blasted another krybot.

The fighting continued for quite sometime and for a minute it seemed like SPD actually stood a chance, then the Troobian fighter jets came into Doggie's line of vision.


A hand on the shoulder quickly snapped Cruger back into reality, quickly turning his head he saw that his assailant was none other than Kat Manx, the best engineer/scientist for SPD, she was also on of his dearest friends. At the moment a look of concern was all over her face. "You had the dream again, didn't you?" Doggie growled angrily. "I'm taking that as a yes."

"Kat, it's none of your business." Doggie growled as he angrily swatted her hand away.

"It is when it affects the way you behave." Kat replied, a look of hurt was all over her face, and for a second Doggie regretted doing that. "Doggie, you need to stop blaming yourself, you were just a cadet back then, there's no way you could have stopped that invasion by yourself."

Doggie growled.

Syd was thrown back about twenty feet by yet another Orange Head, luckily Jack was there to break her fall. "GET THE HELL OFF ME!" Jack yelled angrily, or maybe not.

"Sorry." Said Syd as she got off of Jack. "This one's tougher then the previous one, think we should call for help?"

"Nah, I got it covered." Replied Jack. He and Syd quickly charged back into battle, after a few blows were exchanged, the two rangers were quickly sent flying once again.

"Now?" asked Syd as she quickly got back up.

"Nah, he's falling right into my trap." Replied Jack confidently.

"Fine." Said Syd, her tone of voice indicated that she was a little annoyed, a few more blows later, the two rangers were sent flying back.

"Ok, maybe we need to call for help." Muttered Jack.

"You think?" replied a very annoyed Sydney Drew. She quickly reached for her Delta Morpher, which also served as a communicator. "Guys, we could use some help right now."

"Not now Syd, we're in the middle of a crisis right now, we need you right now." Replied Sky. "Bring your Delta Runner."

"Dammit." swore Syd.

"Go." Ordered Jack, as he quickly pulled out both of his delta blasters. "Leave this guy to me!"

A/N: I hope that this story goes the way I want it too. Hope you enjoyed he first chapter.