Fate: Part Four

Fate: Part Four

By angelmoonlight

"Misty?!" Ash was starting to sound hysterical. He had been trying to wake Misty up for the past five minutes. "What am I gonna do…?"

"Ash! Misty!" Rang out a voice from above.

"Brock! Hurry!" Ash yelled back.

He heard people talking. They were voices of people that knew what they were doing. They were quick and professional as they attached a harness onto a man who was then lowered down into the abyss. Ash watched in a daze as the man went and carefully picked up Misty and was brought back up. A few seconds later, Ash found himself being carried out as well.

"Don't worry. Everything's going to be okay," he heard someone say, but the voice sounded far away. He didn't remember anything after that, for he'd passed out.

"Ash?" Came an unfamiliar voice.

Ash yawned. "Go away, I'm trying to sleep," he said groggily.

"Ash, do you remember what happened?"

"Huh?" Ash asked confusedly as the events of the previous night slowly came back to him.

"Oh God, Misty! Is she all right?" Ash demanded. He began to sit up, but the doctor pushed him back down.

"Whoa, take it easy. You've got to rest."

"But—" "You're girlfriend's got a concussion and a few broken ribs, but she's going to be fine."

"She's not—" Ash began, but then stopped himself and began to digest the information the doctor had just given him. "She's okay," he thought.

"Can I see her?" He asked pleadingly.

"Not right now. You were lucky to walk away with only a few bruises, but you need your rest." The doctor left the room.

Ash slowly got out of bed and went to the door. He watched the doctor walk down the hallway and as soon as he was out of sight, he quickly snuck out. He walked down the hall, not really sure where to go until he saw Brock and Pikachu exiting a room a few feet from where Ash was standing.

"Pika pi!" Pikachu shouted happily. Ash winced as the little rodent jumped into his arms.

"Hey, Pikachu," Ash greeted his partner.

"Ash, what are you doing out of bed?" Brock demanded.

"Please Brock, I have to see Misty!"

Brock sighed. "All right, but only for a minute."

Ash entered the room and went over to Misty's bed. He leaned over and kissed her now bandaged forehead, then he sat down in a chair next to the bed and took her hand in his. After a few minutes he fell asleep. Brock walked in then, but decided not to disturb the two and left.

"Ash?" Misty woke him. Ash didn't think it was possible, but he was actually getting sick of hearing his own name.

"How do you feel, Mist?"

She winced. "That's the problem. I feel everything and it really hurts!"

"I guess I got off easy," Ash said guiltily.

"Don't start with that again, Ash."

"I'm sorry, I just wish none of this had ever happened."

"…None of it?"

"Oh…well, you know what I mean. I…I really love you Misty." Ash smiled.

"I love you too, Ash," Misty cried happily as they painfully hugged.

"Ow—" Misty complained, but Ash silenced her with a kiss.

"You're leaving?" Mrs. Ketchum asked

"Yeah, Misty's fine now so we should get moving again," Ash said sadly. "I'll miss you, Mom." "I'll miss you too, sweetie. And don't forget to change your—" "I know Mom, I will. Bye!"

"Bye, Mrs. Ketchum!" Brock shouted. "Thanks for everything!" Misty added.

"Bye, everyone!" Yelled a teary-eyed Delia Ketchum.

And so after recuperating from the accident, our heroes embark on a new adventure that will probably lead them into a brand new cave with a brand new hole to fall into!


A/N: Kay, I know that kinda sucked, but I've been really busy lately and couldn't find the time to write a good ending. -_-; Gomen…I'll try to make the next one better, whenever that may be. For those of you who read my bio, you know I hate to write! But n e wayz, TTFN! ^_^