A/N - Firstly, I'd like to say it's been a pleasure writing for you all. I'm still in the brainstorming process for another CSI fic. I'm going to be mainly working on my Sue Thomas one for now, until I come up with a fantastic idea for another CSI. Keep your eyes peeled! I hope you all have a wonderful new year and I look forward to your feedback on this story, and on the ones to come. Keep writing - it opens your imagination and shows the part of your soul that is unique to you. Keep those creative juices flowing! With Love, Shellie

Chapter 30:

"Do you want Red Peppers in the salad?" She called out.

"If you do!" He answered as he continued to carry the boxes into the newly painted spare bedroom. The house still smelt new - ready for new adventures, a new chance for life. Sara took time to heal after her brother's death, but finally came to a place where she was able to move on again, with the help of her friends. Nick and her decided a month later that they wanted to move out of Nick's place, just to escape the memories it held, for the both of them. They both had so much money saved up, that they had never really spent, they splurged and got a beautiful house; still close to the lab, but cozy and ready for a fresh start. It was weeks before Sara decided to go back to work, and even longer before she was out of the lab again, but she didn't mind. She knew she couldn't change the past, but instead decided to be grateful for how it had changed her.

Three months after the nightmare had ended, Nick asked Sara to marry him. Both wondered if the decision was rash, but after a simple wedding and over a year of marriage under their belts, they were happier than they could have ever imagined.

"You know, we don't have much time before we have to go to work." Nick said, setting down the final box. "Maybe I can start on this tomorrow." Sara just nodded and smiled and finished setting the table. As they both sat down to eat, Nick looked at his wife and gave her a hesitant look. "Are you ready?" Sara smiled back.

"I think so, I mean, we all knew this was coming and something I had to do."

"Still, I didn't think you would have wanted to…but it is for the best." She nodded and they finished up their meal before heading out to the lab.


Sara took a deep breath before entering the building. She didn't know why she felt nervous, and even a little bit scared; she had walked though those doors thousands of times before. This time was different though, and she knew it. Nick had dropped her off before parking the car, but caught up before she went inside.

"Are you sure you're okay?" He asked, his eyes flooding with worry. She took his hand.

"Nick, hun, it's not like this is the last time I'm ever going to walk through these doors. I mean, it's hard but I have to do this. Really. I'll be fine." He just raised his eyebrows but followed her into the building.

She couldn't help but notice the stares. People had stared at her a lot, ever since she had come back from the hospital after her brother's death. She didn't like pity, but she knew now it was more for support. She trudged down the halls to the familiar room, where she knew they would be waiting for her.

Tears came to her eyes as she looked around the room, Nick's arm around her waist. A big banner was hung across the break room, bearing the words – Good Luck Sara! Soon everyone was hugging her, tears were flowing and memories were shared. Good memories of the last seven years. It was one of the hardest decisions Sara ever had to make. She never thought she would see the day where she would quit the job she had loved so much. But it was time.

Tired from all the extra weight, she sat down on the couch and watched all her friends laughing. She felt so blessed. As she rested her hand on her swollen abdomen, she knew she was doing the right thing - For her baby, for her and Nick's little girl. She wanted to be a full time mother, and since she had learned about the baby, her forensics career had become less and less important to her. She knew what family meant now. She saw it in her friends and coworkers, in the family her and Nick and their baby were about to become. Nick would stay on as a CSI, and Sara knew that just because she wasn't working at the Las Vegas Crime Lab, that she would lose those bonds she had made so long ago. It was a new start, a new family, and a new life and Sara was excited for it to begin.