Be Mine!



I do not own Inuyasha/


Special THANK YOU to everyone

Who has taken the time to review!

I'm a pretty lazy person

So it really helps…

13: Equal Parts Blindfolded Desire

In Dreams

Kagome jolted awake in terror. She opened her eyes to a dark room, dimly lit by moonlight. The room was not hers but she surveyed its familiarity and the fear from her nightmare subsided. Though a cold sweat coated her forehead, she continued to hold fast to the down covers hugging her body, enjoying its sweet fragrance. The door of the room opened then, filtering in the hallway light. The shadowy figure standing in the doorframe was every bit as handsome in silhouette. He held the door open in hesitation before approaching her softly. Kagome felt her stomach knot from his inevitable closeness.

She purposely moved her body towards the wall, not to create space between them but to allow him room to be closer to her. He stared down at her in contemplation, wondering if the companionship he craved might put her into shock after the night's traumatic events. Kagome nodded her head to let him know he was welcomed.

He made small strides towards her and then he hovered over Kagome for a few seconds before finally sitting by her. His body was twisted away from her so that could only make out the side of his face. The bright beam of the full moon lit his body so that Kagome could see every perfect muscle. Kagome clutched the blanket tighter suddenly self-conscious to be near him.

He did not look at her when he spoke. He stared down at the floor. His voice was stricken with worry "Are you okay? I heard you scream."

Kagome did not realize she had screamed when she woke. She did not even remember the dream.

"I did?" Kagome asked, trying to find his face. "Sorry. I didn't mean to wake you up."

Inuyasha shook his head. "I wasn't sleeping."

"Where were you?"

Inuyasha turned his head slightly to face her. His eyes radiated under the moonlight. "I was…sitting in the hallway. I couldn't leave you."

Kagome felt the knot in her stomach tighten. "Why didn't you just stay here?"

"I didn't want to scare you."

Kagome smiled. "I think I'm past being scared."

Inuyasha's eyes flashed with anger. "He could have really hurt you. Are you so dumb that you'd follow a total stranger into the park?"

Kagome cringed. The vivid images of what happened tonight electrocuted her body. But she was more mad than scared. Kagome did not appreciate his condescending tone. She gripped the covers over her knees to stifle her desire to attack him. "Don't get mad at me! If you weren't so infuriating, I wouldn't have agreed to go out with him!" The words came out in a blur. And like always Kagome spoke before she thought. Then it occurred to her, did she go out with Naraku to spite Inuyasha?

She relaxed, aware she might have said more than she was willing to reveal. She watched his reaction, calculating each miniscule movement like it was a math problem.

"I didn't mean it like that," Kagome muttered quickly.

Inuyasha's eyes widen and he leaned in closer. "No, tell me what you meant."

Kagome turned her head, "I'm tired. I don't know what I'm saying." Suddenly, she felt his hands on her arm. He gripped her tightly. Not enough to hurt her just enough pressure to force her to look at him.

Their eyes lingered for seconds but to Kagome it felt like time had stopped and she was being hypnotized by the intensity in his eyes. He pulled her suddenly towards him. His breath was hot against her cold skin. His lips glazed her cheek and she stopped breathing from the fear and excitement of the moment.

Kagome had never felt such closeness. It made her uneasy but it didn't take long for her to give in to the tender touch. Inuyasha felt her body loosen. Inuyasha's lips traveled the length of her cheek to her lips. Kagome's eyes fell shut in anticipation.

Inuyasha wavered for a moment over her lips, barely touching them. He licked her bottom lip for taste and felt her shudder. He tried again, this time planting his lips firmly on hers. Kagome didn't react at first. She felt paralyzed. But as the kiss deepened, her natural instincts took over her self-constraint. She uncontrollably felt herself kiss back. She wrapped her arms around his neck and closed the narrow gap between them. Though she had never kissed anyone before, it felt so natural with Inuyasha directing the expedition.

His strong arms pulled her closer and caressed her back as their bodies continued to intertwine. Inuyasha pushed forward and Kagome willingly allowed her body to descend onto the bed. He lay on top of her now as his hands wandered down the course of her slender body. She felt the first touch of his fingers on her side and moaned from the unexpected skin contact.

Kagome felt as though she was having an outer body experience. Her mind continued to remind her this was wrong but her heart demanded more. He felt like a drug and she was absolutely addicted to him. She parted her lips permitting his tongue entrance. He teased her a bit. Licking her lips again before finally finding her eager tongue. Kagome indulged in the passion of the kiss. She had always thought he looked delicious. He tasted like her first bite of ice cream.

Inuyasha rubbed the patch of exposed flesh at her side. She moaned again and he smiled in between kisses. He slid his hands just short of her bra. Oddly, she did not protest. Kagome had yet to object and in all honesty, he was amazed at how long she could hold her breath. His hands crawled up the mound of feminine skin and he cupped it for a while, testing her comfort. Again she did not protest.

Inuyasha was the first to break away. Kagome lay on the bed stunned. She felt an odd sense of longing and insecurity.

"What's wrong?" she asked panting, realizing now that she hadn't taken a breath.

"Nothing…. I'm sorry."


"I'm obviously taking advantage of you. I mean you just…"

Kagome pulled herself towards him, throwing the sheets aside. She kissed him on the cheek. "You weren't making me do anything I didn't want to do." Inuyasha stared at her. He was hungry for more of her kisses. He was still a teenage boy after all and he craved release. But he had to tame his urges because he knew it was wrong. It was much too soon for them to take more steps than they could walk.

He kissed her gently on the lips and smiled widely, his teeth gleaming. "What's changed your mind about me?"

Kagome shrugged, "I don't know…it's more than the fact that you saved my life, which I'm thankful for." She met his eyes and held it there. "I think it's hard for me to believe that someone like you could ever invest any energy on someone like me. And the more you tell me you love me, the more I don't understand. I've never really…felt love before. My parents were never the nurturing type. I've been alone for a long time. So, I couldn't really tell if you were being sincere." Kagome chuckled to hide the tears beginning to burn their way out of her eyes.

"When Hojo…"Kagome felt Inuyasha move uncomfortably. She cupped her hand over his and he relaxed. He hated the mention of any guys' name on her lips except his own.

Kagome began again, "When Hojo showed me some kindness I automatically clung to him because I assumed that what I was feeling was love. I didn't know what it felt really until I met you. And it confused me."

Inuyasha impulsively wrapped his arms around her and held her tight. "I do love you," he whispered.

Kagome sighed, "I'm sorry I've been treating you like a real bitch."

"It's okay. Its part of your appeal." Though Kagome could not see his face because it was buried in her hair, she knew he was smiling. She lightly punched his side. He chuckled.

"Can I sleep with you?" Inuyasha whispered.

Kagome stiffened from the request. A million scenarios started flooding her mind. Despite the fact that they almost had done it, she was now feeling a little self-conscious. She was afraid he might not like what he saw. Compared to his perfect body, she had a couple flaws she took care to always keep hidden. Her breasts were too small. Her butt was too big. Her hips were too wide. And how about that ugly ass birthmark on her inner thigh? Oh no, was he going to see her inner thigh? She was on the brink of hyperventilating.

Inuyasha's boyish laughter broke her stream of thought. He poked her forehead with his finger. "You're thinking dirty thoughts."

Kagome flushed. "What do you mean? I was not." She was being a little too defensive though.

Inuyasha shook his head playfully. "Yes you were."

"I was not!" Kagome covered her mouth. She just now realized that they were being a little bit too liberal with their voices. She lowered the volume on her voice. "Where are your parents?"

"Don't worry. We have the house to ourselves. They went away on a business trip."

The words house to ourselves kept cycling in Kagome's head.

"My parents are never here either."

Kagome smiled. The two loneliest people in the word finally found each other.

"Also, I meant, I wanted to sleep beside you, you perv. Unless…" Inuyasha gave her a tempting stare.

Kagome hugged him and laughed. "I knew that." She pretended to yawn and then settled her body comfortably on the bed. Inuyasha continued to watch her from his post on the edge of the bed.

"Are you going to sleep like that?"

Inuyasha crawled forward and slipped his body under the covers. With the covers aside, he suddenly felt very warm. Kagome stared at him; the moon hit his face just right.


He inched his face closer. "Yeah?"

"Could you hold me?"

Her request sounded so innocent like a child reaching out for attention. Inuyasha gingerly swung his arms around her body and pressed her towards him so that her head snuggled into his chest. This felt right. In seconds Kagome was asleep, tired from the night's event. But Inuyasha couldn't fall asleep just yet. He pinched himself a couple times to make sure this was not all a dream. He was certain it wasn't but if it was a dream, he needed to hold on to it as long as he could. If this were a dream, then he'd rather never wake.

Running Blind

Kohaku stood fifteen feet from his house so that his body was centered in the street. He felt drugged; his body was incapacitated. He was broken and the only person who could mend him back to life was nowhere to be seen. Instead he was staring at his house, watching the lone figure stand from his front steps and approach him. Even in the dark, Kohaku had memorized her body. His heart sank. It wasn't her.

She flashed him a smile and it glowed under the weight of the moon. Rin did not hesitate to run toward him. He did not flinch, did not even smile.

"Kohaku! I've been waiting for you for hours!" She beamed at him and hugged him tightly. Kohaku could see the sleeplessness in her eyes.

"Rin, what are you doing here?" he wondered absentmindedly. But he already knew her answer.

"I've missed you! I haven't seen you or heard from you in days. I was worried."

Kohaku stiffened. Rin sensed the distance in his stance. He was here physically but his mind was wandering elsewhere, probably with someone else.

"What happened?" She looked up at him but her hug did not falter.

"I'm sorry." It was the only words he could utter. He had wanted to tell her for so long that the words just overflowed naturally from his unconscious.

"What do you mean?" Again they continued to ask questions they both knew the answers to.

"Just that I'm sorry…" Kohaku felt too weak to speak.

"Don't be silly! You never did anything wrong."

He wanted to tell her that there was no place in his heart for her. That she had ruined her chances when she had stabbed him in the back by cheating on him. But the words would not form. He remembered Kanna. He remembered how much in love she was with Naraku and the broken pieces of his heart continued to shatter. Like Rin, he was chasing after something he could never have. At least with Rin, the choice was his own.

"Sorry I didn't call you. I got really busy with school." He reached around her and put his hand on her shoulder. He tried to summon all the love he once had for her. But every time he tried to conjure love, he could only picture Kanna in his head.

"It's okay. I forgive you."

Kohaku stared at her big brown eyes and he was convinced that he could love her again. Rin was beautiful and daring. Kohaku was attracted to how recklessly she lived life. How she always gambled everything away and won.

He reached into his pocket and retrieved the charm bracelet he had bought for her weeks ago. For days he's kept it in his pocket, meaning to give it to Kanna instead of Rin. He stared it under the moonlight and rolled it in between his fingers. This charm changed his life. He might have never met Kanna. He was suddenly filled with remorse.

"What's that?" Rin's voice was filled with enthusiasm. She stared at the silver chain in anticipation.

Kohaku forced a grinned and handed it to her. "It's a present…for you."

Rin's eyes widened and she clapped her hands in excitement. "Put it on!"

Kohaku took a breath and unhooked the clasp. Rin held out her arm. Kohaku secured it around her wrist. She brought it to her face and lit up again. "I love it! Kohaku!" She wrapped her arms around his neck, squeezing so tight he could hardly breathe.

"I'm glad." And it was done. The last shred of Kanna was gone. Kohaku stared out into nothing, thinking of the events that occurred just hours before. He remembered the anger in Kanna's voice. The hurt in her eyes. The rejection. The pain. His loss.

A few hours earlier

Kohaku closed his cell phone and headed towards Kanna's direction. She was upset and he needed to at least know if she was safe. He strode out of the park and made a left. He spotted the Three Moons ahead and hoped she was inside, drowning her sorrows with a glass of Coke. Sure enough she was sitting at a bar stool sipping an extra large Coke. Kohaku approached her cautiously. She didn't bother to look at him after he slid onto a stool next to her. She continued to sip her Coke. Kohaku noticed her tear streaked cheeks. She saw him looking at her and tried to cover her face with her hair ashamed.

"Coke won't solve your problems."

Kanna shrugged. "Maybe I should turn to something harder then."

Kohaku registered that as a threat and decided not to pressure her to talk. He waited beside her until she felt like talking. Kohaku was good at being silent. It was his favorite weapon of choice as well. He considers himself a master at the art.

Finally, Kanna gave in. "How did you know I was here?"

Kohaku chuckled. "It was a wild guess." For some odd reason, everyone gravitated towards the Three Moons. It was a force field for high school drama.

"Why are you here?"

Kohaku eyed her carefully, "I was worried about you."

Kanna turned her head abruptly toward him. Kohaku could not read her face. It looked like pain but it could also be anger. "Kohaku don't worry about me. You have Rin. I have…" Her voice trailed off as she slipped into her thoughts.

"You're better than that, Kanna. He doesn't deserve you! He's scum!"

Kanna blinked back tears and turned her eyes towards her half-empty Coke. "You don't know how it is Kohaku. I can't just stop loving someone that easily. It's hard for me."

Kohaku felt frustrated. He wanted to be the center of her affections. It felt so unfair. "I do! I fell in love with you didn't I?"

Kanna was unresponsive to Kohaku's outburst. Kohaku wasn't sure if she was stunned or disgusted. Her voice quivered. "You should go."

"No way. I'm staying here with you."

She looked up and stared at him ferociously. "I don't love you, Kohaku." It was blunt and it pierced his heart.

"But, I know you do!"

"I'm sorry if it seemed that way but I don't." She touched his hand and smiled. "Your debt has been paid off, Kohaku. You're free. You don't need to protect me anymore."

"I'm doing this because I really care about you."

Her smile did not falter. "Don't make it harder than it is. I'm sorry."

Kohaku felt stunned. He couldn't leave her. He loved her. "I don't care if you don't love me. I'll wait."

"You'll be waiting for nothing." She stood and turned her back on him.

Kohaku reached for her but his fingers managed to grab only air. Kanna exited the café and didn't look back.

Kohaku was an empty shell. His arms were frozen solid around Rin's fragile figure. She reluctantly tore her eyes away from her shiny new toy to watch Kohaku stare blankly into oblivion. She swallowed the regret in her throat and punched him playfully on the arm. She didn't care what he was thinking. She always lived for the moment and right now Kohaku was with her and no one else.

"You look tired. Do you want to come home with me?" Rin asked. She watched his face flinch. His eyes studied her face. She wanted to read his thoughts. But he gave nothing away. He nodded and Rin was satisfied. She held out her open hand. Kohaku did not instantly take it. She recognized the indecision in his face. Rin had worked hard to tear it down and he had single handedly built it back again. To her surprise he firmly took her hand and pulled her forcefully towards the direction of her house.

Little did Rin know that if Kanna called at that very second, Kohaku would have gone to her without hesitation. But Kana never called.

Morning Glory

Rocky road ice cream covered in sticky hot fudge. A hot shower after an intense game of soccer. Finding two bottles of soda in the vending machine instead of one. Inuyasha tried to recall another moment in his life where he felt happier than he did now. But it was impossible. He opened one eye to a sunlit room and Kagome's neck exposing a patch of milky skin. He smiled hungrily and leaned forward to sneak a kiss while she slept. His lips hovered and breathed in her scent, a combination of fabric softener and strawberries. Then he lowered his face to taste her soft flesh. Kagome stirred. Inuyasha leaped back to his place on the bed and stifled a giggle. This made two—the number of times he slipped Kagome an unsuspecting kiss.

Kagome turned to him suddenly. Inuyasha watched her cautiously. Fear took over his mind. Oh no, she was thinking. Kagome—being Kagome—might believe that everything that happened between them was a mistake. He wasn't ready to give up the happiness he gained last night. He wanted it to last forever. Inuyasha sighed. Then without warning, Kagome leaned in and planted a warm kiss on his shocked lips. It was quick but it left a tingle.

"Good morning," she beamed.

Inuyasha was speechless. He just nodded. Yes, it was good. And yes, it was morning.

She stretched her arms over her head and yawned. "I had a good dream."

Inuyasha propped up the top half of his body to look down at her, as she lay serene on the bed with her eyes closed. It seemed as if life had fast-forwarded. First she hated him then she loved him. The hating took a long time to get to the loving but he was glad he had waited. Did she even remember what had happened at the park?

"What did you dream about?"

She shook her head grinning from ear to ear. "No. It's a secret."

Inuyasha frowned. "If I guess right, you owe me a kiss."

Kagome's eyes flashed open. They stared at each other, mentally investigating the other's thoughts. The intensity between them was electrifying. When she finally spoke, it was just a whisper. "Okay, deal."

Inuyasha flushed slightly. "Did you dream about me?"

Kagome bit her lip sheepishly. Just as Inuyasha leaned in for a kiss, she turned her head. "Nope."

Inuyasha slumped forward in defeat, landing into the crook of her neck. Inuyasha took the liberty of making himself at home. He moved his mouth up and down the curve of her neck. He wasn't technically kissing her.

"Stop! You're tickling me!" She giggled. She moved away and Inuyasha lunged for her, reclaiming his place on her luscious neck.

Kagome put her hands on either side of his shoulders. "You have school. You should go change."

"Want to help me?"

Kagome turned bright red. The temptation illuminating his eyes did not help. She summoned her self-control. "Go."

Inuyasha relaxed his body. Kagome reluctantly released her hold on his shoulders. "What are you going to do?"

It suddenly hit her. She no longer had a reason to go to Ijumari now that she had Inuyasha. It seemed so suddenly—this strong feeling she had for him. But she was certain it was always there. She had been too preoccupied with Hojo to realize. Hojo. He seemed like a distant memory. Though her efforts appeared like waste, it was through this experience that she found Inuyasha.

"I'll wait for you here." It might be the lack of sleep or the high she felt when she was near Inuyasha, but she was willing to wait anywhere as long as Inuyasha promised to return. As you might have guessed, Kagome isn't the kind of girl who had a lot of patience.

Inuyasha flashed her a smile that broke a thousand hearts. Her own heart began to beat a little faster. "I've decided that I'm not going to school today."

"Oh really?"

"Yes. I'd rather spend the day with you."

"You can't skip school. You'll get in trouble."

"My parents will just buy me out like they always do. It's not like I've never skipped class before. Now, I have a reason."

Kagome mentally slapped herself across her face. She was blushing again and from the twinkle in Inuyasha's eye, he loved it. He never had this effect on her before. Most of the time, she thought his goofy grin and feeble attempts to seduce women were repulsive. She could not understand the science behind his notorious charm and its ability to make girls swoon. Now that the veil had been lifted, there was no stopping her swooning.

"Come on, get dressed."

Kagome gave him a quizzical look. "I don't have any clothes."

"Right, then you'll have to go naked."

Kagome punched him in the arm. "Inuyasha!"

He chuckled. "Okay, fine. I think my mom has some clothes that you could wear."

Kagome didn't like the idea of wearing his mother's clothes behind her back but she didn't protest. "Fine. But where are we going?" Kagome hated surprises.

"You'll see."

Normally, Kagome would have taken a few moments to pout and whine but she was honestly eager to spend a day with Inuyasha. He offered his hand and unlike the night he walked her home, she did accept it, without complaint.

My Lips Are Sealed

Sango stared at her cell phone; worry lines streaked across her furrowed brow. She needed to call Kagome and make sure she was okay. She hardly slept last night due to anxiety. She wasn't surprised Kagome had gotten herself into this predicament. She was careless and stubborn. Despite her protest, Miroku reassured her that she was fine.

"How do you know?!" She had screamed.

"Because I know Inuyasha. He would never let anything happen to her."

"At least let me just call her!"

"I don't think that's a good idea."

"Why not?" Sango folded her arms in frustration.

"What do you think they're doing right now, Sango?"

Sango pursed her lips. "Getting killed?"

Miroku laughed. "No, they're probably at his house."

"His house?" Sango wasn't following.

"Just trust me."

Sango grudgingly stuffed her cell phone into her sweater pocket and sighed. "But if anything happens to her, I'll kill you."

"But if I die, who will keep you warm at night?"

Sango punched him in the arm.

Miroku had dropped her off at home a few minutes after midnight. But not without a few goodnight kisses. Thankfully, her mother wasn't home to see her bad behavior. A young lady, barely seventeen coming home at midnight and with a boy! It was simply scandalous! What will the neighbors think? Her mother would say … She noticed her brother wasn't home either but didn't think much of it and didn't really care at the moment. After the stunt he pulled at the Three Moons earlier that night, Sango had the right mind to steal all his underwear and throw them into their neighbor's backyard.

Sango crawled into bed and closed her eyes to sleep, hoping she might dream of Miroku delighting her with more kisses. But she was quickly disappointed when she could not fall asleep. And the more she forced it, the harder it was to achieve. Her body was exhausted but her mind was running in circles liked a caged mouse. She blamed Kagome and her terrible judge of character and self-denial. She knew she loved Inuyasha but she was too proud to admit otherwise. Sango tossed and turned again, hoping that she might find that one perfect position to conjure sleep. She relaxed in a fetal position, cursing herself for blaming Kagome. She could understand Kagome's situation. She knew she loved Miroku but didn't want to act on it because she wasn't prepared to give her heart to the person she thought he was. But he wasn't the guy his reputation had stamped him to be. He was genuinely kind and he genuinely loved her. Of course, there was some truth to his reputation. It was a characteristic Sango had prayed was just a jealous lie. He definitely was a playboy and pervert. Sango shrugged her shoulders. She could live with that.

Thinking about the arduous task of possibly being Miroku's girlfriend finally exhausted her mind so that it was now in sync with her tired body. Her eyes fluttered and then finally closed.

She woke up annoyed. She tried to resist the need to open her eyes as long as she could before it became straining. The voices that had disturbed her slumber were loud and disruptive. The clattering of plates and utensils followed. After the trouble she had falling asleep, she was still comforted by the fact that she could wake up late the next day. But even that became an impossibility.

Angry, she jumped out of bed frustrated and walked into the hallway. The two voices continued to chatter. One of the voices she quickly recognized as her mother's but it was oddly cheerful, a complete contrast to her usually bitter tone. It wasn't that her mother was a mean woman; she was quite pleasant actually—when she had eight hours of sleep and the house was spotless. Unfortunately, neither of that ever happened. Sango's heart jumped when she heard the second voice. Only one person could do that to her.

Sango practically ran into the room. Her eyes went wild as she took in her surroundings. There on her beaten brown couch sipping tea with her mother was Miroku. He looked up at her, his face still tranquil despite seeing the scowl on her face. She watched his mouth curve into a credulous smile and wished her mother wasn't here so she could beat him with her father's collection of autographed Major League baseballs perched in reach on the mantle.

"Hello Sango," Miroku said. He sipped the tea in his hands. She spied her mother's good China. She never used her good China. It was reserved for the president and the pope. And neither one of them was sitting with her today.

Her mother turned around then. She didn't seem eager to lose sight of Miroku. She had trouble concentrating on Sango. Her face was turned at an awkward angle.

"Honey, your friend came to visit you." That strange high-pitched voice escaped her lips. The same voice that convinced her third grade teacher to allow her to pass the class even though she was being held back for bad conduct. She still claims that that bastard Aki Watanabe punched himself in the face.

"He was just telling me about school…and his father's business." She turned to him when she added the last part and erupted into a smile so large it looked painful. Sango clutched her fists into a ball to maintain her composure. This could all be a dream, she thought. Or a hallucination. Please let it be a hallucination!

"Mom, can I have a minute with my friend, Miroku?" Sango asked through gritted teeth.

She watched her mother's smile fade. The scenario was getting creepier and creepier.

"Mom?" Sango repeated, her voice no longer hiding her annoyance.

She gave Miroku an apologetic smile and tore herself from the couch. I'm sorry my daughter is so rude. "Before I leave, would you like more tea?"

Miroku raised his teacup and smiled, "Thank you Atama-san but I'm quite alright."

Quite alright? Sango rolled her eyes infuriated. She crossed her arms and waited for her mother to cease her gawking. It was obvious now why her mother found leaving a challenge. Miroku's charm wasn't prejudice to age.

Her mother blushed and nodded then finally exited to the kitchen to eavesdrop most likely. Sango pulled Miroku from his seat and practically threw him out the door. She closed the door behind her.

"Give me one reason why I shouldn't take those sheers and cut that ponytail right off your pompous head?" Sango aggressively poked him in the chest.

Miroku's smile did not waver. He loved seeing her agitated. "Is this how you treat all your guests?"

Sango shook her head, "I never invited you."

"Your own boyfriend isn't allowed to come visit you?"

Sango couldn't stop herself from blushing at the word boyfriend. She swallowed the embarrassment quickly. "Don't say that so loud!"

"Are you afraid your mother will find out I'm your boyfriend?"

"That's the last thing I'm worried about with my mother. You have some way with women, don't you?"

"It's a gift." He grinned and stepped closer to her. The scent of his cologne invaded her sense of smell. Don't let his boyish good looks distract you, Sango. Stay strong!

But already her body was showing signs of betrayal. Her knees went weak and she practically fell on the spot when he leaned in again, this time licking his lips, no doubt to grace her with another kiss.

She pushed him away and took a deep breath. "Not so fast, Miroku."

He looked surprised.

"What are you doing here?"

"I came to visit you!"

"It's 7 in the morning! I was sleeping!"

He grinned ferociously. "You were? I should have just snuck into your window and slept next to you then."

Sango went crimson. "Don't you have school?" She needed to change the subject before she knees could no longer support her body.

"That's why I had to see you before I went to school. I wanted to make sure you were okay."

Weak in the knees!

"Of course I am. Why wouldn't I be?"

"I know you were worried about Kagome."

Sango cracked a smile. The best one she could. "I trust you when you tell me she'll be okay."

"Good! So I was thinking, after school we could go to a movie. And not really watch the movie, if you know what I mean."

Sango gulped. "We can't!" She blurted it out so fast she didn't even know she was going to say that.

Miroku grew confused. "Why not?"

"We can't just go out in public. No one knows about us!"

"Which is why we go out so people know!"

"I'm not ready yet."

Miroku looked hurt. He pushed his hands into his uniform navy trousers and kicked a stray rock on the cemented pathway. "I thought you said you loved me too."

"I do! Just because we can't tell anybody doesn't mean we can't be together."

"I don't understand." Of course he wouldn't understand. He prances around with a new girl more often than he changed clothes.

Sango bit her lip. She couldn't tell him that for years she's kept her love for him secret, even from Kagome. And to suddenly out go with him without telling her first would make her seem like a hypocrite. She made Miroku out to be a bad guy for so many years in the attempt to disguise her true feelings that Sango felt awkward telling the public without divulging it to Kagome first.

"Let me just tell Kagome first."

"And if Kagome was going out with Inuyasha and didn't tell you first? That wouldn't matter?"

Sango shrugged, "That's Kagome though. She's a little spontaneous. Especially in the matters of love."

Miroku sighed. "Fine go tell her first but make it fast."

"I will, I promise." She leaned in and pecked him inconspicuously on the lips.

Miroku gawked at her, "What was that for?"

"Being a little spontaneous."

Miroku smirked and leaned in closer. Sango should have known he wasn't the type to be easily satisfied. He looked hungry. With the door to her back and his arms on either side, he made escape an unfeasible feat. She pressed her body into the door, squeezing out the last bit of escape room.

The door swung open suddenly, practically knocking Sango down. Miroku caught her mid-air and pulled her body upward. They simultaneously looked at the person in the doorway, not surprised to see her mother.

"Mom!" Sango exclaimed flabbergasted and a little embarrassed. "You scared me! I was just coming in."

Her mother wasn't convinced. But she didn't appear angry. "I think its time for Miroku to go to school."

Sango turned to him and smiled sheepishly. "Good bye Miroku. Thanks for coming by."

Miroku still looked a little hungry but he knew he'd have to wait to satisfy his craving. He smiled boldly and approached Sango's mother. "It was a pleasure meeting you, Atama-san." He took her hand and planted a gentle kiss on her knuckles. His eyes grazed over to meet Sango, whose own was wide in exasperation.

Her mother giggled wildly, allowing every little snort to escape. "Miroku, dear."

"Okay get going!" Sango shooed. She felt the bile rising in her throat again.

Miroku smiled sweetly and turned around. Watching him leave, she spied the neighbors loitering on their front steps, doing a whole lot of nothing. Sango was positive her mother's interruption wasn't a coincidence.


His mother's usual tone of voice returned—serious and irritated. Sango suddenly wished her ridiculous high-pitched squeal was back. She turned to her mother and gulped. She didn't look quite the picture of cheerfulness as she did on the couch a few minutes ago.


"Be careful." Though she tried to hide it, a sliver of a smile curved her lips and in an instant she was inside preparing breakfast as she did every morning.

This felt like trouble. Her mother approved of Miroku. Besides Kagome, she no longer had an excuse to refuse his affections publicly. Miroku and Sango. Sango and Miroku.

"Kaho Sango." She mouthed the words softly, trying it on for size. She shook her head violently and laughed. She needed more sleep.

"Sango, what are you doing there? Come inside and help me make breakfast! For goodness sakes!" Her mother muttered a couple other words under her breath. Sango caught crazy teenagers and ridiculous smile.

Guy After My Own Heart

It was Friday. It was sunny and even the birds were singing. But Kouga found little to be happy about. He drudgingly woke up that morning, nearly beat the alarm clock to its grave, and then mechanically prepared for school. He didn't find the weather any more appealing than any other day, even though it had been quite gloomy for the past few days. And a bit of sun was supposedly the cure for any ailment. But not for Kouga.

He didn't have an appetite so he caught the early bus and took his time to get to school. He stared at the fence to the prison that was his school and let out a sigh of despair. Kouga had spent the last two days of school hiding from a certain boy whose very presence caused a reaction in his body that could not be explained by science. Though he fought to avoid him, he also secretly wanted to catch just a few glimpses of him. It was sad, really. He trembled from seeing him and from not seeing him. It made the days unbearable and even his grades were starting to reflect this disruption. Fortunately (or unfortunately), he hadn't seen him for a few days now, which made him a walking time bomb.

Even though he tried to deny it, he was worried about him. He spent the rest of his evening yesterday making him soup. It was a specialty of his called instant ramen. But after he added water (as the instructions told him to), he realized, he didn't know where Tohu lived. So, he ended up eating it himself.

Kouga stared at his passkey and stuffed it in his pocket. If Tohu did decide to go to school today, Kouga was not willing to subject himself to any more confusion. Kouga passed the school gates and headed for the café to grab some coffee.

Kouga couldn't understand what made Tohu so special. He was pretty sure he wasn't attracted to any other guy. The thought actually repulsed him. But with Tohu, it was different. Maybe it was because sometimes he didn't think of him as a guy. There was something familiarly feminine about him.

He stepped into the café and headed for the cashier. But mid stride he was suddenly blind-sided. In the corner, out of sight, were Kagome and Inuyasha. His back was turned to him but he recognized his long raven strands. Their bodies were leaning so close to each other that they were closing gap the table created between them. Suddenly, he felt it. That excruciating feeling in the pit of his stomach. He hadn't seen Kagome in nearly a week but she still captivated him. In that instant, he realized he wasn't gay! A gay man couldn't possibly like a girl.

Kagome smiled then as she stared into Inuyasha's eyes. Kouga's stomach did a flip. It wasn't instant recognition or déjà vu. It was like he was seeing a memory that never happened. He stared at the curve of her slightly crooked smile, her squinted eyes, and the wrinkle in her nose. This all belonged to Kagome but oddly it also belonged to Tohu. It was embarrassing to admit this but Kouga had memorized his face like a textbook and every curve and wrinkle was an exam question leading to a perfect score.

Tohu had mentioned briefly that he knew her. But their uncanny resemblance could not be a coincidence. Kouga wasn't the smartest pea in the pod but when it came to Kagome, he was a road scholar. He studied her again and noted every facial expression. Everything was a perfect match. He was positive…Kagome was Tohu.

Why she had disguised herself as a boy and masqueraded as an Ijumari student, he did not know. But one thing was certain: his blood was boiling. He was nuclear. He had never considered Inuyasha his rival but he could take him.

He approached him with an intention to kill. Kagome noticed him first. Her eyes followed his approach. Inuyasha realized she was no longer looking at him and turned to see what had captivated her attention. He looked at Kouga with little interest. Inuyasha was annoyed.

"Kagome." Kouga called out to her, his eyes beating down Inuyasha's face.

"Kouga, don't you have class?" She was nervous. Kouga was a little frustrated in her tone of voice.

He looked down at the table and saw they were holding hands.

"Yeah Kouga, shouldn't you be in class?" Inuyasha stared smugly at him. His hand tightened around Kagome's delicate porcelain fingers.

"It's none of your business." He responded sharply.

Kagome tore her hand away and stood up, "We have to go." She sensed the ominous threats of a battle ensuing.

He put a hand on her arm. Inuyasha stood then and tugged on Kagome's hand, gesturing her towards the door. Kagome's hand was firm. "I just need to talk to you."

"Kagome, let's go. We don't have to explain anything." Inuyasha was instant. He tugged again on her hand. She turned to follow.

He was determined the have her more than ever, even if it meant maliciousness. He leaned in and whispered in her ear. "I know."

Kagome's eyes widened and he interpreted the reaction as understanding and this confirmed his speculation. She turned to him but Inuyasha put an arm around her shoulder and led her towards the door. Kouga decided not to torment her any further. He allowed her to leave without disruption.

"What did Kouga say to you just now?" Inuyasha inquired. They had just walked out of the door. Kagome knew it was a bad idea to meet so conspicuously near his school. But Inuyasha had convinced her that school had started and it only made sense that no one would see them. She didn't care if the whole world knew she loved Inuyasha but it was difficult to get used to the attention.

She spotted a couple girls from her high school strolling towards them in the opposite direction. They immediately saw Inuyasha and erupted in a fit of giggles. It took them a couple glances to realize she was with him. Their mouths flew open. Kagome looked down at her fingers interlaced with Inuyasha's and gulped. The girls gasped and pointed like she was a monkey in a cage.

"Is that Higashiri Kagome?" they whispered loud enough for her to hear.

"Don't tell me the Inuyasha is dating her!" That last emphasis on her sounded like they were discussing fecal matter. Ironically, she felt like poop.

She felt Inuyasha's fingers tighten around hers. She looked up at home reluctantly. "Are you okay?"

Kagome couldn't resist the urge to brush away the stray strand of hair on his forehead. Seeing him so close erased her skepticism. "You've grown up a lot."

He chuckled. "What do you mean?"

"Maybe you don't remember but about three years ago you tugged on my skirt like an arrogant bastard." She smiled when she saw a blush begin to grow across his face.

"Yeah…sorry about that." He looked genuinely apologetic.

It was Kagome's turn to laugh. "You've changed a lot. Back there, with Kouga, the old Inuyasha would have probably punched him."

Inuyasha considered that. "I guess I would have."

"What made you so mature all of a sudden?"

"You." His response was serious. He looked at her and she stopped walking to hold onto the gaze.

She poked him in the chest. "So tell me, where are you taking me?"

He smiled and tugged on her hand. He didn't respond. They walked the last few steps to the car and they slid onto the leather seats. He had borrowed his father's Porsche again. They cruised down the street and out of the city. She watched the scenery change. The skyscrapers turned into rolling hills. And little by little, people were disappearing until it felt like it was just Inuyasha left in the world.

Though she was still tired, she couldn't sleep. Her hands suddenly felt empty. She bravely slid her hands onto the armrest that separated her and Inuyasha. He looked down at her gradually nearing arm and decided to take the initiative. He lapped his hand over hers. Kagome smiled and stared out the window into the expanse of sublime greenery.

The moment was so enthralling that she didn't notice they had stopped. She looked outside again, this time actually seeing, and marveled at the midnight blue ocean.

"Where are we?"

Inuyasha grinned and opened the door. She followed him outside. Her hair blew crazily and her skirt billowed like a cloud. Kagome tried to tame it but it was futile. Inuyasha had already walked ahead of her and she ran to catch up. But she ran too fast and nearly walked right off the precipice. Inuyasha caught her and wrapped his arms around her waist. She was suddenly sensitive to his touch.

"What is this?" she asked, trying to concentrate on not melting in his arms.

He whispered softly in her ear, "The end of the world."

She was inches from the edge. She could taste the salt in the air as the waves crashed against the shore with a thunderous roar. She looked forward. It looked infinite.

Kagome wrapped her arms around his and stared out at the picture book come to life. She was suddenly plagued with what Kouga had told her in the cafe. He knew? Knew what? She felt so horrible not telling Inuyasha about she had deceived him. She turned around, eager to just tell him before Kouga beat her to the punch (so to speak).

His eyes were closed. He was so beautiful. She touched his face. "Inuyasha, I have to tell…"

He kissed her suddenly. She tasted the salt on his lips. Kagome was lost in the moment—the warmth of Inuyasha's holding her beside eternity.



Another Kikyo revenge

Kouga's deception

More Inuyasha and Kagome exchanging saliva

Miroku and Sango go out on their first date?

More sad Kohaku


A million THANK YOU's

Hugs and Kisses


to everyone who has supported

my story…

Please continue to REVIEW!


c.o. tsukino