Crash and Burn
Chapter 21 White Wedding
Hermione P.O.V
Oh, what girl doesn't dream of her wedding day? The flowers, the music, the dress, and most of all; the groom. Surely, glancing out my window at the lavish decorations that now covered the grounds of Hogwarts; I did not feel that elated joy, that sense of satisfaction that most brides experience on their wedding day. For this was not any dream of mine; more so a nightmare. I could never have dreamed of having such a luxurious ceremony and the reception decor was well above par. No one would have guessed all this work would be put into what was about to be the biggest farce of a wedding that the world had ever seen.
The white monstrosity that I was to wear hug elegantly on my closet door waiting to be donned. I remembered the dress quite clearly from that wonderful day at Diagon Alley. I was free all but a few days but somehow those days had been some of the most elated of my existence, only muffled by the imminent sense of foreboding. I, Hermione Granger had outsmarted some of the brightest witches and wizards of the century, and I didn't even use a wand. If that wasn't an accomplishment, I didn't know what was. I had decided to take what little pride I had in myself and boost it, it was the only way to block out the darkness that threatened to overcome my mind; the sickness overwhelming my body.
My thoughts were interrupted by a loud impatient knocking on the door, as I rose half-heartedly to answer the only thought that ran through my mind was that I needed more time.
Ginny P.O.V
Pfft...Maid of Honour, what a load of bollocks. How exactly was I supposed to be a proper maid of honour when this marriage shouldn't be taking place, when the bride cringed at the very thought of the groom? Bloody cradle robber, I thought angrily stuffing my body into a poufy yellow gown. Before I could even blink my mother rushed in to tie the corseted bodice. The whole time I stood like a lifeless rag doll, a grimace covering my face. She regarded me upon finishing.
"You needn't look so morose, this is Hermione's day"
I nearly snorted at that sentiment, but managed to only sneer in her direction, she saw my expression plainly through the mirror and sighed walking out of the room. Hold your head high, I thought angrily, you are ruining a life today do it with pride. Glancing at myself in the mirror I couldn't help but feel a sense of helplessness, a sense of failure. What kind of best friend was I? Allowing this abomination of a wedding to take place, let alone being in the bridal party. I sickened myself. All of Hogwarts and many other guests would be in attendance today, though I could not see why. What was the point of having
so many people watch my friend suffer? Did they just want more witnesses, or was there some ulterior motive? I couldn't be sure.
The door opened again, I braced myself for another member of the Order but in shuffled Parvati, Lavender, and Luna. They stood sheepishly at the door, unsure of what to do or say. I couldn't blame them; there were no words, no set of decorum rules for this kind of situation, maybe because it shouldn't be one at all? But that was just my opinion which, contrary to my beliefs, had no value or leverage to the situation, and most likely other matters later on.
"Alright ladies, let's get ready, Hermione is being prepped and cleaned as we speak, and we need to get all four of you into hair and make-up!" My mother exclaimed, clapping her hands together, as she entered the room.
The four of us just stared blankly at her, Luna more off in deep thought than in uncertainty, and then there was me, glaring that vile woman down with every ounce of distain I could reap from my body. As far as I was concerned, I had no mother, because whoever this woman was, she wasn't her.
Hermione P.O.V
"Oh, how I hate my life, somebody please, anybody please, killlllll meeee, I want to diiieee, I won't bed that prrriiiiiick, ohhhhh just kiiiillll meeeee" I belted out from the shower.
Let's see how they like that I thought to myself as I continued on. They could force me into this marriage but I could still rebel any way possible, or so I thought until the door slammed open and the shower curtain was wretched to the side. I gasped aloud and tried to cover myself up as much as possible. Looking up I saw the beady eyes of Snape's dominating mother piercing down at me.
"Mrs. Granger, do you need supervision while you wash as well? If you do not stop that insipid noise I will make sure that you will be watched most carefully through every single task, do I make myself clear?" she screeched, making me flinch back slightly. If only I had ear plugs.
"Crystal." I choked out, more frustrated than ever. Sure, singing out my hate wasn't the smartest idea in the world, but it was a heck of a lot better than punching Snape's mum, which had become harder to resist.
I had originally planned to move as slow a pace as I wanted throughout the day, in hopes of dragging the day out longer, perhaps a few centuries. However my wardens would have none of it. Many women of the order, including the usual witches that continuously made my life living hell. No sooner did I step out of the shower, Professor McGonagall rushed in with a wrap around, spa-like towel. She muttered a drying spell towards my body to stop the dripping and I was quickly ushered into the next room. It
had been transformed in a matter of minutes to a beauty center, with every kind of make-up and hair styling product imaginable. Ribbons and frills brightened up the dank castle atmosphere. How ironic, I thought to myself, that my wedding day nightmare would be picturesque in another woman's eyes, minus the groom of course.
My arm was suddenly in a bruising vice grip and I was half dragged over to a chair by Madame Snape and thrown down into it. The door opened and I struggled to see who was entering. That was when my buttercup yellow bride maids filed in one by one into the big room. I guessed quickly that the stations were set up for each of us, hair and then makeup. Ginny's face immediately darted to mine and we both shared a grimace and a look of hopelessness which made me want to start crying all over again. That was until my head was whipped in the other direction as Isabella began pulling and tugging at my hair trying to rid me of the knots. I smiled inside knowing that it would be no easy task, then braced myself for what was about to be a painful experience. I welcomed the pain, it was better than the empty sense of dread that had filled me up inside, agitating my stomach. I longed for the ability to control the twisting and turning of my stomach, to wish away the nausea and to think clearly about today.
"It's no use!" Isabella exclaimed out loud as she viciously ripped her comb out of my hair. Tears pooled immediately in my eyes as I cried out in agony.
Talma hurried over to us and consoled Isabella, offering to take over my hair. My friends had whipped their faces in my direction when they heard me cry out. Ginny shot her mother one of the evilest of glares I'd ever seen Ginny give, her mother pretended not to notice and went back to fixing Ginny's hair. Ginny flinched under her touch, a pained look touching her features. I felt bad that Ginny and her mother were not speaking, but Ginny of course repeatedly reminded me over and over that this was her mother's doing and not mine. That didn't lessen the guilt I felt however. If only they had allowed me to wipe my magical existence from their world. Everything would have went back to the way it should be, they would move on with their lives and I would find my way back in to mine, the natural course my life would have taken, had I not been thrust into this mythical world. Once again I was yanked back into reality.
"This calls for some heavy duty magic." Talma exclaimed, tugging on my hair. She reached over to one of the shelves stacked with numerous hair styling products. What did they do? Buy a beauty salon? I eyed her warily as she browed the shelves, occasionally grabbing at a product and placing it on a trolley. When she had finished there were at least fifteen different oddly shaped concoctions being wheeled towards me. That was when the 'fun' really began. Her and Isabella, under the watchful eye of Madame Snape and McGonagall, worked diligently, rewashing my hair and pouring various potions and serums into my locks. When they dried it I was surprised to find it straightened and soft, but I was not allowed to touch it, that's when the styling actually commenced.
When they had finished with my hair I had to admit to myself that they had done a decent job of taming it. Perfect ringlet curls cascaded towards my shoulders, some of
which were pulled back into a chic twist at the back of my head. It looked simple at first glance, but after a second look one could see the intricate braiding of the curls drawn into the tiny twist and the exactness of the rest of the curls that landed just past my shoulders, resting on them. If it were for another reason or any other occasion I would have been so happy to finally see my hair tamed and actually looking elegant. I took a moment to absorb my appearance before being whisked out of my chair toward another chair in front of a huge illuminated mirror. There were various shades of makeup lining the table nearby; there was no way they'd put that much on my face. Somehow they managed to use a lot of it, which was much a blow to my self esteem. I knew I was no supermodel, but I wasn't that bad to look at. Glancing at the mirror I knew that they wouldn't make me look like a clown, but somehow I was none too trusting.
"Better make it waterproof mascara." Isabella muttered to Talma, many brides cry on their wedding days.
"Yes but I doubt I'll be crying tears of joy." I responded, unable to contain myself.
The elder women glared at me and buffed up ready to unleash a hoard of rebuttals and insults when I heard Ginny giggle from the side, apparently hearing what I had said. The women shot a glance over at her.
"Yeah more like tears of disgust." She barked out, and smiled at me. I was glad to have at least one friend on my side.
"You insulate, vile girl! Molly control your daughter." Madame Snape snapped.
The other girls were in make up as well, they were all practically done, I, however still had yet to get my dress on. That was when the chaos began.
"Remove your towel." Madame Snape exclaimed at me. I looked at her, taken aback.
"What? Why?"
"Because we need to make sure your body is perfect for tonight, my son deserves only the best. And I don't want any unsightly hairs or chapped skin to turn him away." She growled out pulling me up by my arm.
"Yeah heaven forbid the sick pervert not be happy with my underage virgin body." I rebutted. It happened so fast I didn't even see it coming, but her hand struck my face harder than anyone ever had before making me yelp out in pain, clutching my once perfectly made up face. There were gasps of shock heard around the room and I felt my face begin to throb; that was going to leave a mark. She uttered a spell and the redness was gone but the sting remained.
"You will remember your place, and you will not talk ill of your husband. You ungrateful mudblood or you will be punished." She glared and ripped the towel from my body. There were anti-hair growth charms being muttered and cream being placed all over my body along with perfumed oils. I tried to cover myself up to no avail, my cheeks turning red in embarrassment and anger at the older women gawking at me in all my naked glory.
I was alone in a smaller dressing room surrounded by a three-hundred sixty mirror around the room. After being forced into white lace undergarments and the wedding dress I was left alone in here for a few moments. I just stared at my reflection in the mirror, even the makeup couldn't hide the sadness in my eyes. I looked like a fairy-tale princess, but I felt more like the old washed-up hag. Well wasn't that what my life was about to become? This was the up high point, the essence of my existence, because after today I would no longer be young, vibrant, intelligent Hermione Granger, I would be Hermione Snape; the bat of the dungeons used up and put-upon mistress. A tear escaped my steeled eyes and rolled down my cheek slightly washing a bit of blush off. I wiped it away and took another hard look at myself I knew what I needed to do. I quickly left the room in search of my jewellery.
Ginny P.O.V.
Ugh, it was almost time for the wedding. We were getting ready to be ushered out when Hermione called me over.
"Gin, have you seen the bracelet your brother's gave me? It matches the necklace for my dress and if I don't pick out something soon, I'll be forced to wear another Snape relic. I don't think I could bear it." She pleaded with me wide eyed.
I quickly muttered an Accio spell and the bracelet zoomed over into my palm. I handed it over quickly to her and she shoved it quickly over her manicured hand. There was no expense that had been spared for this wedding. I took a look at my best friend, it was true she never had looked more beautiful. However, it wasn't the beautiful most brides aimed for on their wedding days; it was a sad kind of beautiful; like watching the death of a proud animal. The death was glorious but hollow, much like Hermione's eyes, which had taken a cold dead feel. It was as if when she looked at you she wasn't actually seeing you; catatonic like.
"Ginny darling, you need to get in your position along with the other girls, the procession is about to begin," my mother called out as she ducked into the room. McGonagall was right behind her and walked towards Hermione. She put her hand lightly on Hermione's shoulders, in an effort to consol her; Hermione flinched away.
"It will all work out dear, you'll see," she told her quietly. Hermione harrumphed in response and pulled her gaze away from our teachers face, she was no longer our mentor. That was when my mother gripped my arm and tugged me out of the room.
"Come along Ginny, or we'll be late."
"Of course, let's not keep the greasy git waiting." I muttered.
I was to be the last bridesmaid to enter before Hermione. There were no groomsmen, and since Hermione's father could not know about this no one would be giving her away; she had only herself. My thoughts were briefly interrupted when a bouquet of pale yellow flowers were thrust into my arms by Isabella. That was when the music started and my stomach plummeted. I took a glance behind me and saw Hermione waiting off to the side in the corner, McGonagall watching her all the while. The doors open and that was our cue to start walking.
Luna went first, dreamily, entering the elegantly decorated Great Hall. There were hundreds of people seated for this event many, I realised, here to see if this monstrosity was going to take place. Parvati and Lavender followed Luna, holding there flowers as relaxed as they could, fake smiles donned. Then it was my turn. I was the last one before Hermione. I took a deep breath and stepped out into the aisle. Everyone's eyes were on me, but I wasn't about to fake my smile like all the others. I set a hard grimace on my face and glared directly at Snape as I walked slowly and steadily down the aisle. I almost had to laugh at myself. I felt like a murder slowly cornering the victim, hate set in my eyes. Unfortunately I reached the end of the aisle and took my place beside my friends. The music changed again to a wedding march and I sucked in a deep breath and steadied myself for the rest of the wedding.
Hermione P.O.V.
It was time and I was alone at the entrance of the Great Hall, the hall where I first entered at Hogwarts to get sorted into Gryffindor. Where had the time gone? This hall no longer signified a new beginning, it signified the end. An entrance way towards a most certain ill-fated life.
I braced myself, my body way shaking, tears threatened to fall down my face. I knew what I had to do. I took a graceful step into the aisle and saw everyone was turned to face me. My face turned red in embarrassment. I was upset that so many people were here to witness this...this...I couldn't even think of a name. Oh right, I had to keep walking. I stared straight ahead and saw Snape, my future husband, watching me walk towards him. Was that a smile on his face? Oh I wanted to throw up. Wouldn't it be funny if a bride threw up on her groom. Oh if only my stomach would cooperate.
I glanced around me and caught a few familiar faces in the crowd. Some Gryffindor's sitting in resonated horror to Slytherin's with taunting smiles playing on their lips, undoubtedly thinking of the wedding night I would have to endure. Bile rose up from my throat, I tried my best to swallow it back down. It wouldn't be long now, I was just about to approach Snape. I looked up and there he was leering down at me. I set my eyes and held out my hand as steadily as I could for him to take into his.
"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here to witness the joining of a man and a woman in matrimony..." the officiator began. I really didn't pay much attention to what he said about love and how marriage worked. I mostly just tried my best to avoid Snape's gaze. It seemed as though her was trying to interlock his eyes with mine but I tried to focus on anything else. I was very aware of the fact that we were holding hands through the ceremony.
"Now if anyone objects to this marriage, may they speak now or forever hold their piece."
That was when the uproar started. There were a couple objections and many people yelling sit down. Ginny, Harry, and Ron had all objected as well as Ernie, to my happiness, and a few other Gryffindors.
"We can just skip over this part, this marriage is non-negotiable." Mrs. Snape cried out hurrying over to the officiator , urging him to continue on, despite the angry murmurs of disgust and disgruntlement. I noticed Mrs. Weasley chastising Ron while sending glares of disappointment over at Ginny. Oh well, I sighed, at least they tried.
"Alright, let us continue. Severus Snape do you solemnly swear to take Hermione Granger as your wife, to have and to hold, in sickness and in health, until death do you part?"
I glanced up at his dark pooling eyes, his gaze freezing me to the spot.
"I do." He said huskily; I gulped.
"And do you Hermione Granger solemnly swear to take Severus Snape as your husband, to have and to hold, in sickness and in health, until death do you part?"
At that instant I felt all the eyes in the room land on me, staring me down, waiting for those two fateful words to escape my lips. Most of all the two coal black ones leering down at me. My breath hitched in my throat as I broke away from Snape's gaze and glanced around at the entire congregation. Expectant looks melded with the fearful and helpless looks; I knew what /I had to do I just hoped that it would work.
"I don't." I responded, quickly withdrawing my hands from the potion masters grip.
"I'm sorry, what?" the officiator asked, confused.
"I can't marry Professor Snape, I won't!" I objected loudly, backing away. Three things happened very fast in that moment. Professor Snape made a lunge for me, the Order moved quickly to surround me, and gasps and cheers rang out through the room. I dodged Snape a quickly tore off down the aisle as fast as I could in the wedding dress. Thankfully the heels were not too high and I could run in them. I relied on my 'thunder
thighs' from soccer to guide me as spells and immobilizing charms were thrown towards me. I was thankful for my bracelet at that moment, because no spell could touch me.
I was soon out on the grounds, running as fast as I could towards the forbidden forest; that was my only option. There was a chase party following behind me and I knew I would have to lose the heels if I were to make any sort of escape. I quickly transfigured them into runners and took off at record speed into the dark forest. My dress was muddy in minutes and tore on branches as I ran, but I did not slow. Only when I felt my mascara running down my face did I realise that I was crying. I did not want to be dragged back there, back to him. So I ran as fast and as hard as I could.
I continued to run until it was pitch black and I could no longer see where I was going. That was where I quickly lifted my dress to grab at the shrunken equipment I had transfigured last minute and set up a hidden camp, too tired to change out of the dress I quickly curled myself up in my sleeping bag and threw Harry's invisibility cloak over myself; I hadn't asked him if I could take it, but he would understand. And with that final thought, I drifted off to sleep.
A/N: I'm sorry that updates are far and few but the truth is my life is extremely hectic, I'm heading off to university in about 10 days and so I'm trying to pack my life together and this last year has been a whirlwind. So many changes, I lost many people who I thought were friends but turned out to be nothing more than followers, but gained some awesome ones in return. Anyway since its summer I had a break and the inspiration hit me, I'm not promising I'll update soon but I will try my best. I do want to finish this story, thank you to everyone who reads it and enjoys it. And also to those who continue to review. Much love