'Father and Son Reunion Is Only a Warp Speed Away'

A month passes since the funeral of Anakin Skywalker. Luke gets on with his life. There exists a threat to the New Republic from entities bent on destroying the new Galactic Order. He remains on Coruscant to help restore the Jedi Temple and to recruit new Jedi. On this day, he prepares his ship for a rendezvous with Han to the Chommell Sector. The droids assist him with the repairs. The green Jedi Starfighter is a vintage ship about 24 years old.

The Force spirit of Obi-Wan Kenobi appeared to Luke one day and told him about it. The old Jedi Master had hidden it in a remote chamber on Mustafar to keep it out of the hands of the Sith. Threepio communicates with the navigation system while Artoo interfaces with the mainframe to calibrate the engine. It is a quiet morning. Luke checks the time. He figures he will need to work a bit faster if he is to meet Han on schedule.

He cranks the wrench a few turns to the right to tighten one of the bolts under hood. He senses he is not alone. Someone cast a shadow in the entrance of the hangar. A voice comes with it.

"Nice ship. Looks like a vintage model."

"Yeah…I upgraded it." His response to the strange is instantaneous. Usually he will pay more attention to strangers approaching him and have his light saber at the ready. He does not feel compelled to do this. He eventually looks up at his visitor. "Can I help you with something?"

"Oh…no…no... I was just passing by and I noticed this beauty." He points to the starfighter with all of its 'innards exposed. "I see you put new parts in it."

"Well…yeah I installed a new motherboard but the exterior is the same. I wanted to maintain the original look. It was my father's."

The stranger checks out the vehicle and runs his hand along the pristine body as if it were a beloved pet or precious jewel.

"Yeah...I know."

"You do?"

"I know how you would want to keep up the value. Need any help?"

"Do you know how to fix starships?"

"I've worked on my share of ships and speeders."

"I am in a hurry. Alright…sure, hold this while I insert this new warp drive."

"Seen a lot of action?"

"A bit. I was in a few battles against the Empire. I destroyed the first Death Star."


"I guess. Were you with the resistance too?"

"No exactly." He quickly changes the subject. "Have you had these droids long?"

"Yeah. They've been with me since I was 18 years old. My uncle and I bought them on Tatooine. I recently discovered that they once belonged to my parents."

"Oh really? Cool."

"It is cool. My father died a month ago. Knowing that makes it special. I have something that belonged to them."

"So he did leave you something."

"I suppose you can say that."

Artoo stands in the corner keeping still but watches the stranger. The stranger knows he is being watched but continues his conversation with Luke. He leans against the wall of the hangar


"You wouldn't consider selling it would you?"

"The droid?"

"No. That protocol droid must be a real chatterbox. I don't think I could tolerate him for long. I meant the starfighter."

"Oh…no…never. It holds special meaning for me. It's worth more to me than money."

The stranger nods thoughtfully.

"Aha…fair enough."

"Why do you ask?"

"Oh…no reason. I consider myself a collector…as I said; I'm great at fixing things."

Luke looks at the stranger's perfect hands. He does not look as if he has fixed much of anything; and he sure does like to use the pronoun 'I' a lot.

'Who Is That Unmasked Man?'

'A Fiery Starship with the speed of Light,

A cloud of stardust and a hearty, 'May the Force Be With You' - The Lone Jedi'

Luke is certain that they have met before. Perhaps their paths crossed during one of his recent journeys but he is at a loss to recall when or where exactly.

Artoo finds this encounter unsettling as well but he does not fear any danger. He releases a long sigh with a series of hushed beeps. Threepio looks down at the little astromech droid.

"What is bothering you? What do you mean 'not so loud? You've been fidgety and anxious since that young man walked in here to chat with Master Luke." Artoo beeps something to him. Threepio dismisses his response as hysteria. "What do you mean? That's impossible!"

Luke tests the ships' computer. The rear beams light up. The display panel beeps. The ship hums soft and quiet like a new refrigerator. Luke jumps into the craft and observes the flashing lights on the dashboard. He looks through the windshield. He sees the stranger give a 'thumbs up' over the hood. Luke smiles with an air of satisfaction.

"It's perfect! Thanks."

"You're welcome. You have a great ship. Take good care of it. It will never let you down."

He gently but firmly lowers the hood of the ship. Luke nods.

"I will. Thank you."

"Well…I should be going."

"Ok. Nice meeting you."

"May the Force be with you."

"And also with you."

The stranger walks backwards out of the hangar. Luke is distracted for a moment by Artoo's beeps and chirps.

"What is it, Artoo? Yeah…Oh, wait!"

Luke turns back around to speak to the stranger. There is no one there. He had only turned away for a second. Where could he have gone? Luke rushes outside to the edge of the hangar leading to the tree-lined walkway. No one is there except for a few students heading towards the plaza to the Jedi Temple. The man seems to have vanished into thin air. Artoo follows Luke out towards the walkway. Luke is somewhat disappointed that he did not get the young man's name. He reaches for the wrench he left on the floor. Artoo watches his master and sighs. Luke walks over to Artoo to comfort him.

"I know, Artoo. Something seems oddly familiar about him to me too. It's as if…no, that's impossible."

Threepio joins them after taking a few tentative steps towards the entrance of the hangar. He walks back to stand at Luke's side.

"Who was that strange young man?"

"I don't know, Threepio. Come on. We still have work to do."

Threepio looks out onto the walkway once more the puts his golden fists at his waist.

"How rude! The nerve of him! He told me I was in pretty good shape for a droid my age!"

"I'm sure he meant it in a good way."

"Master Luke, are you aware of my memory ever being erased during the years that I have been in your service?"

"No, Threepio. Never. Why do you ask?"

"Artoo thought that young man's remarks were quite amusing. I fail to get the humor. Artoo, you sure did calm down when he turned on me."

Luke rolls his eyes. He notices that Artoo is more relaxed. It is Threepio he finds amusing now.

"Come on. Let's get this ship loaded. Han's going to complain for the next two days if we don't get a move-on."

Luke takes one last glance towards the entrance of the hangar then returns to his work.

'Across the Expanded Universe…Nothing's Going to Change My World'

Several years pass before Artoo reveals the secrets embedded in his back-up memory drive of events leading up to the Battle at Endor. Luke takes off in the star fighter for his rendezvous with Han. The young Jedi would never again meet the stranger who helped him with his ship that morning.

There is another big event during the year that Artoo releases the information. At the beginning of summer there is a great celestial event called the 'Jedi Starburst'. It is an amazing spectacle to behold. The phenomenon of the Northern Lights pales in comparison. Billions of people across the galaxy are waiting for this great miracle of the Force.

High in the heavens, as this event unfolds; the specters of three Jedi appear. As the Force Ghosts gradually fade into view, a discussion begins. The one with the long hair and beard speaks first. He seems to be the leader of the group. They seem to be waiting for someone.

'Think he'll show up?'

'I bet he won't.'

'He'll show up. He always does.'

'Aayla, do you have that much faith in him?'

'Yes. Yes, I do. There's no show without him. He would never leave us hanging like this.'

'Girl, you're so naïve!'

The specter with the long flowing hair and neatly cropped beard speaks again.

'Alright everyone, let's give him a few more minutes.'

'Okay, but if he doesn't show up, this party's over. Look at the time. He's still late. We're supposed to do this together.'

A fourth voice speaks. It sounds out of breath as if the non-corporeal part had been running for dear life.

'Woooh! Did…I miss anything?'

The specter of the last member of the group fades in and leans over. His elongated head dips between his knees as if he has just completed a 25k marathon. The tall baldheaded Force Ghost stares at him and rolls his eyes.

'I knew it. Mofo's late again. You should get yourself a watch.'

Their longhaired leader glances around at the other stars in the heavens and speaks firmly but gives the other Force Ghost a calm reminder.

'Mace, language.'

'I apologize.' He continues to direct his question to the latecomer. 'Man, why are you out of breath?'

The late arrival catches his breath then speaks.

'I'm ready, okay?'

'Finally! All of that huffin' and puffin'! You sound mofo ridiculous! You're a Force Ghost, you dig? You're supposed to be at one with the Force and all that 'sith.' You're supposed to appear as a majestic figure of wonderment. You're supposed to be beautiful! Instead, all we hear is wheezing and gaspin' Now no Jedi Padawan is gonna want to join the 'hereafter' once they get a load of you.'

The latecomer responds.

'Are you though?'

'Yes, wheezy.'

'Just for your 411, it's a 'Force of habit.' Before I died on Mygeeto, I had to fight off those Clone Troopers. They were supposed to be on our side. I had no idea they were working for the Empire. You're lucky you didn't share my experience. I was looking death in the eye.'

'Oh, so getting my hand lopped off and getting thrown from the window of the Emperor's penthouse office isn't traumatic?'

'I never said that.'

'You should look at the Jedi Archives of you running like a girl. That was some funny stuff!'

The leader of the 'Fab Four' waits patiently, checking his wrist for the imaginary watch. He sighs and rolls his eyes as the two continue to bicker.

'Must we go through this every time? Are you through?'

'Yes. Sorry.'

Aayla claps her hands then makes the announcement.

'Okay, take your places! It's showtime everyone!'

On this clear summer evening, the swirls of gold and white sky spin in the heavens like a pinwheel firecracker. The swirls break up into four groups of tiny stars across the dark sky forming four distinct constellations.

On the balcony rooftop of a vacation lake house, a young father gathers with three of his four children. They are all in their bedclothes peering up at the night sky. His wife has seen this spectacle before. The first time was on the day of their wedding. She is happy being a wife and mother. She abandoned her career as a critical care nurse. Mildred was right. This is the life for her.

The eldest child takes command of a high-powered astronomer's telescope.

"Dad! I see them! I see the 'Great Four'"

The next youngest pushes his way to the telescope to get a view.

"Wow! This is awesome. The constellations are moving, Dad!'

The youngest of the three is a little girl. The oldest boy regains control of the telescope blocking her view. She wastes no time to protest to her father.

"I want to see the consolation! Daddy! Li-An's hogging the telescope! I didn't get a turn."

"Relax! Everyone gets a chance to view it. If you look carefully, you can see it just fine without the telescope. Now, can anyone name each of them?"

The beautiful little girl raises her hand.

"I do! I know it Daddy. Uhm…Aurelia Secura Borealis, Windu Ordell Major, Qui-Gon Major, and Adi Cerea Tardus, because it always appears last."

The father smiles proudly at his only daughter.

"Very good, sweet pea."

"Thank you, Daddy. Now can I look through the telescope?"

"Yes you may, Ana-Le. Li-An, step aside and let your sister get a view."

"If you gave us a chance we would have gotten the answer right. And the word is 'constellation', crybaby."

Their father gives the eldest boy a warning.

"Hey, don't start. It's Ana-Lena's turn."

Ana-Lena tugs at her brother's hand.

"Lift me up so I can look though the scope."

"I might drop you." His father gives him a disapproving look. Li-An sighs then gives his little sister a boost. She is barely at the telescope for two minutes when her brother Alex taps her.

"Okay, that's long enough. Let me see. The Blue Milky Way is coming. Cool!"

Ana-Lena whines.

"But I only got a short look. Daddy!"

Their father keeps an eye on the door leading to the second floor. He does not want to wake his wife or his infant son. He gives the older children a final warning.

"Don't make me dismantle this thing. I'll send you all back to bed. Don't test me. I'm in deep enough trouble as it is with your mother for keeping you up past midnight."

"Well, actually, you woke us up. Dad. I thought you liked spending time with us. You said it makes you happy."

A voice came to a young Padawan named Anakin Skywalker during the Battle of Praesitlyn. The voice implored Anakin to spare the life of the surrendering Admiral. Afterwards, the voice, now revealed as that of Qui-Gon Jinn, said these words then repeated them as the fallen Jedi lay on his deathbed:

'I cannot promise you happiness in this life, but you will find it in the next.'

The young father smiles and kisses his son on the forehead

"It does. I am happy. Now behave." He looks up and speaks to the heavens as the children concentrate on the light show in the sky. "You kept your promise, Master. Thank you."

The starburst display can be seen across the galaxy. The images are closer now like a fireworks display. Everyone returns to bed happy to have seen one of the great wonders of the galaxy. The father enjoys peaceful sleep through the night for the remainder of his new mortal life.

In the quiet house, the Force Ghost of Qui-Gon Jinn appears in the nursery. He stands over the crib. The baby sleeps soundly.

'Your father has done well. Sleep, little one. You will become a Jedi…like your father.'

-END –