A/N: This is the last chapter, I'm so sad. I feel like this is my baby because it's my first story. I hope this ending does this story justice. In this I put in a song, last kiss. I just wanna let you know that I do know that the words of the song aren't exactly like my ending. But this song is what inspired me to right this so I put it in here. Besides, the song kinda sets the mood of this chapter. And here it is, the last chapter:

Disclaimer: I DO NOT own any of the characters but I do own this story and damn proud of it.

Kagome thought about it and decided that it didn't matter if Inuyasha was a hanyou or not. She loved he him no matter what. It had been three long weeks since he told her and she was still in the hospital. She only had one more day until they release her.

Inuyasha had never left her side the whole three weeks. He even missed school to be by her side. He loved her and hurt him that she was put through hell for no reason. Ever since they were together he had been thinking up of a plan for them to get away. But it had only become clear now.

He felt so stupid for not seeing it before it was so obvious, just runaway. All he had to do was steal his brother's car and they could just drive away from everything and start a new life together. But three were two problems with his plan. One, he had to wait for Kagome to get better and two, his brother's car sucked. It was falling apart and every time you turn left the horn honks.

He decided to tell kagome what he was planning and see what she thought. But he couldn't now, she was too upset. Both of her parents had basically abandoned her and now she had nowhere to go. Inuyasha kept telling her she could live with him but she thought she would be imposing. No matter how hard he tried he couldn't make her come home with him. If she wouldn't live with him, he knew there was no way she would runaway with him.

It was almost noon and kagome still wasn't up. Outside it looked like she was about rain, dark clouds covered the sky. It matched his mood perfectly.

"Kagome, are you up? I need to talk to you."


"Please, I really need to talk to you."


"If you can answer me than you're up. Hey, today's the last day then you're out of here." He said trying to get her up. It worked, after hearing it was the day she nearly jumped right out of bed. She had been waiting for what felt like months.

"What do you need to talk to me about?"

Inuyasha, who was suddenly very interested with his shoes, was quiet. He was thinking of how to put his thoughts into words. "Um… do you now where you're gonna stay yet?"

"No, just thinking about it gives me a headache."

"Well, I was thinking, I mean if you want to..."


"Willyourunawaywithmeandnverlookback?" he said so fast thank kagome had to replay it in her head. At first when she finally understood what he said she didn't know what to say. Then she blurted the answer without thinking, "Yes."

The rest of the day was spent in silence. Both were so excited all they could do was look at the clock. It never did rain that day, though it was dark, as if predicting what was to come.

Both of them woke bright and early ready to leave. But one of the nurses came in and asked to do some more tests just to make sure everything was ok. It wasn't until three in the afternoon that kagome was done. Everything was ok and they could finally leave.

They walked to Inuyasha's house making sure that their plan was flawless. It was a Sunday and so Sesshomaru would be at a friend's house. He probably would have had one of stupid drunk friends pick him up so his car would still be at his house. All they had to do was pack up Inuyasha's stuff drive to Kagome's house and pack up her stuff, then drive away into the sun set. They had it all planned out, except for where they were going but that wouldn't matter anyway.

It was still dark and the sky threatened rain. It only took them an hour to get to Inuyasha's house and they ran inside to get of his stuff. This took about two hours; he packed just like a woman, taking all the unnecessary things. They found Sesshomaru's car keys on the coffee table then jumped in his car.

Then they drove to kagome's house and kagome only took a minute to pack. She didn't want to bring anything from her "old life" except clothes. Then they off into the sunset, sort of. It began to storm heavily as soon as they left the outskirts of Tokyo. It was a blinding white rain and Inuyasha was having difficulties seeing the road. But he refused to pull over, a decision he would soon regret.

They were driving on a winding road and every turn they would start to skid.

"Please, Inuyasha, can we please just pull over."

"No, it's ok really. Here let's listen to the radio." Inuyasha turned on the radio and the song "Last kiss" was playing.

"Oh where, oh where, can my baby be?
The Lord took her away from me
She's gone to heaven, so I've got to be good
So I can see my baby when I leave this world

We were out on a date in my daddy's car
We hadn't driven very far
There in the road, straight ahead
A car was stalled, the engine was dead"

They were nearing a sharp turn but it was raining so hard they couldn't tell. Just then another car came speeding right for them. All Inuyasha saw was the blinding headlights then everything went dark. The last thing he heard was Kagome's painful screaming.

"I couldn't stop, so I swerved to the right
I'll never forget the sound that night
The screamin tires, the bustin glass
The painful scream that I heard last

Oh where, oh where, can my baby be?
The Lord took her away from me
She's gone to heaven, so I've got to be good
So I can see my baby when I leave this world"

Inuyasha woke with rescue workers placing him onto a stretcher. It was still raining and felt the rain pouring on him. "Where's Kagome?" he managed to whisper.

The rescue worker gave him a sad look then pointed to a stretcher that had a black body bag on it. "I'm so sorry," the worker breathed.

"When I woke up the rain was pourin down
There were people standing all around
Something warm runnin through my eyes
But somehow I found my baby that night
I lifted her head, she looked at me and said,
"Hold me darling, just a little while"
I held her close, I kissed her our last kiss
I found the love that I knew I had missed.

Well now she's gone
and even though I hold her tight
I lost my love, my life, that night.

Oh where, oh where, can my baby be?
The Lord took her away from me
She's gone to heaven, so I've got to be good
So I can see my baby when I leave this world"

The End

A/N: Sad ending, right? Yep, Kagome's dead and Inuyasha's all alone. I hope you like the ending. It'll make some of you mad I'm sure, I'm sorry. Thank you reading my story, hope you liked it. Please, please review and tell me what you thought about. Tell me if you want a sequel to this or not. I am writing my other story so be looking out for it. It's in the 1800s so I'm researching the era for it. So it will be really good, detailed, and more than likely better than this. Bye, bye for now, Iluvshessy.