oh geez.
i wrote this fic originally in 2005 and then abandoned it. now ive decided to come back to life and re-write it.
its generally the same...i just wanted to add some things to it.
so happy reading!
and dont kill me if it sucks!

Disclaimer: so who owns naruto?
everyone raises their hand but asura-chan

by: Asura of Love
chapter one: What I Like About You

"I have no reason to be in a relationship with some girl I don't even know!" Neji's echoes were heard throughout the mansion.

"Neji, you have no choice! You are 17 now and almost at the age where you are to be married! And as the leader of the branch house, you are forced to be wed. Even Hinata will have to be married when the time comes!" Hiashi was at his wits end with him. Neji full out refused to be married.

Hinata and Hanabi were spying on the two. Hanabi couldn't stop laughing at the fact that both Hinata and Neji were going to get married by force.

"Shh! They'll hear us." Hinata whispered.

"Sorry." Hanabi quickly focused back on the argument.

"I have arranged a few beautiful young women to come meet you this afternoon. You will pick one of them, and I don't want any objections!"

"Hn." Was all Neji had to say.

Later that Afternoon

"Here they are Neji-sama." One of the many servants brought in 6 very lovely girls. They all had long hair and and sickly skinny bodies. Each of the 6 girls had on way too much make-up and their "best" smile. Neji held in his insults as each of them stood before him.

"And I expect at least on of these girls to be left standing without tears in her eyes by 2. That gives you 1 hour Neji, 1 hour!" With that, Hiashi and his servant left the room.

All of the girls looked extremely nervous.

"First one, tell me your name, likes, dislikes, and a goal you have." (asura: Sound familiar?)

The first girl in line was the shortest one out of the 6. She had long golden brown hair that fell past her chest that was brought out by her pale white skin.

"My name is Mikaharu Kiyumi," She stepped forward and batted her eyelashes at Neji. "I like shoes, chocolate, peace, money, cheese on my popcorn, and people who have a good taste in fashion. I don't like bugs, fighting," Neji flinched when she said that "hats, pimples, the color gray, side burns-" Kiyumi went on and on about the stupidest this that she hates.

'Ugh. This is going to be the WORST hour of my life...Let's see how many of them I can make cry...' thought Neji as he smirked.

Finally Kiyumi got on to the next question. "And my dream? Well let's see. It'd have to be to persuade my dad to let me stay out on weeknights with my friends." Kiyumi bowed deeply and waited for a reply.

Silence swept the room. Finally Neji opened his eyes, stared directly into Kiyumi's green eyes and spoke.

"So, if you don't like the color gray, why do you want to marry me? I mean my eyes are gray! Would you 'love' me less because of it? Would you love our kids less? I bet you would. You want to know why? It's because you're nothing more than a peace-loving, money-sucking, gray-eyed discriminating bitch!" Kiyumi broke down into tears.

'Haha! One down. 5 to go.'

The next girl in line looked at Kiyumi and looked as if her life was going to end right then and there.

Neji cleared his throat.

"H-hai..." She stepped forward cautiously. "I-" Neji cut her off.

"And just to let you know. If you lie. Thats a definite no."

Tears immediately started forming in the second girls eyes. "M-my name is Aiko N-nanasawa and I'm mostly interested in t-teaching. I like younger kids, but I don't hate older kids. Once they hit their mature point it seems as if e-everything they do is to get something from you or to get out of something. But they do have a charm to them."

'She's trying to avoid saying what whats-her-face said to keep me from yelling at her. Hn. She's not as stupid as I thought.' Smirked Neji

Aiko saw Neji's smirk and immediately got a boost of confidence. "As for dislikes, I try not to 'hate' anything or anyone. I mean, I can't judge someone based on what I see the first time I meet them or on what other people say. 'Cause thats very rude. And, there was this one time where I was going to the store and some girl came up to me and pushed the groceries out of my arms. How rude, right? And the next day I see her at my little brothers soccer game and she glares at me! Now I didn't know what I did wrong but I knew that I..."

When did Neji stop listening? It's more like when did he START listening. This girl was boring the shit out of him.

"Whats your goal?" Neji didn't care where she was getting at with her long ass story. He wanted to get to the fun part of making her cry.

"Oh...I don't really have one..." Aiko trailed off twirling her long dark brown hair.

"Okay. Let's get this straight. You like kids, teaching, and all that shit. But there's some things that I would like to tell you." Aiko stiffened in response to his cold harsh voice. "I can see right through you. I'm not stupid. I know that you are just another typical teenage girl who could care less about any of the boys' ears or the fact that their brain is melting in their head from the lack of whats in yours. What makes you think that people actually want to hear the words coming out of your mouth? If you really want to go into teaching then I would definitely not want my kids in your class. And I for sure as hell don't want you to parent them."

Just like Kiyumi, Aiko broke down and cried her little eyes out.

"Next?" Neji said with a cheesy smile.

"You are a terrible per-" said the next girl in line only to be interrupted by Neji

"And you are ugly...next?"

She gasped while bringing her hand to her mouth. The girl wasn't exactly ugly, she was just awkward. She didn't quite grow into her facial features yet. Or maybe they were just too big for her face...who knows.

The remaining girls just death glared Neji with either their arm folded over their chest or their hands on their hips.

"Well looks like my job here is done. The door is on your right ladies." Neji said as he put his hands into his pockets and walked for the exit. He felt accomplished. Not only did he post pone his wedding night, but he also made 2 girls cry and 4 extremely pissed off.

Lee and Tenten

"It's not like Neji to be late like this." Tenten told Lee as they strolled down the streets of Konoha.

"That is exactly why we're doing this! Don't you see? Neji's youth could me in mortal danger! It wont hurt to just check his house." Lee replied.

"Only you." muttered Tenten. "But I don't see why we could have just waited, Lee. He'd come sooner or later. Unless something was up at home..." Tenten was starting to get suspicious.

"Now you're thinking like a youthful blossom!" cried Lee giving her the infamous good guy pose.

"Yeah, right." Tenten muttered.

Time came and went, and before you know it, the two were in front of the Hyuuga mansion gates. Lee knocked franticly.

"Yes?" said the guard

"Is Hyuuga Neji here?" asked Lee "We've come to see him."

The guard looked at Tenten and smiled. "Of course, Please come in." The gates swung open and the guard allowed the two in. "Please wait here while I get Hiashi-sama."

Lee and Tenten waited silently for a minute until Hiashi entered the room.

"So, you're here to see my nephew?" he asked as he came into proper view.

"Yes sir." Tenten said while bowing "We were to have a training session and Neji's late so-"

"You're his team mates?" Hiashi cut Tenten off

"Yes sir! We have an important training session today and we cannot be late!" Lee cried

"Can I have your names?" He asked ignoring Lee.

"I am Rock Lee! Defender of Konoha!" cried Lee giving Hiashi a good guy pose


"Well, you're a pretty little thing." Hiashi was curious "Now tell me Tenten, are you close with my nephew?"

"Uhh...we're sparring partners. If that's what you mean." said Tenten a little shocked at the sudden question.

"And how often do you train together?"

"Nearly everyday. Sometimes even 2 or 3 times in one day." said Tenten casually

"I see, does he talk to you?"

"Yeah. But he's more open to me when we train though."

"Good, good. Do you enjoy his company?"

Lee started to laugh "As much as anyone else, I suppose...but..." said Tenten drifting off.

"But what?" Hiashi wanted to know everything.

"There are these strange moments where he wont stop teasing Lee and I." Tenten finished

"Hmm. He sounds like he really likes you two." (asura: lightning has just struck Hiashi's brain)

"Hiashi-sama, I've just sent for Neji, he should be here soon."

"And how did he do with the girls?" Hiashi whispered into the servants' ear.

"Not good." he replied shaking his head

"Well that's alright. I think I have a change in plans."

"Hai, here he comes." The servant moved back to his position as a guard.

"Neji! Your youth shall not be damaged! We have come to get you!" cried Lee

"Let's just go." Neji said firmly.

They were on their way out of the mansion until Hiashi passed Neji and whispered in his ear. "I like her."

"What?" Neji was both scared and confused. But Hiashi was gone the instant he turned around.

"Neji, please, Gai-sensei has been waiting." Tenten went over to Neji and put her hands firmly around his arm. Along with putting on a very cheerful smile. "Come on lets go train." Neji turned to her and muttered something she couldn't quite understand. But it did sound like an apology.

As they walked down the street to the training grounds, there was an odd feeling in the air. No one knew what though. Lee didn't care; he was leading the small group. Neji was trying not to think about what Hiashi had told him. He was confused. And Tenten was dead last. She was starring at the ground the entire way. Sometimes even muttering bits of a sentence.

She was trying to piece together what Hiashi had asked her. She couldn't come up with much, except for the fact that he wanted to know if Neji had a social life.

"What's wrong Tenten?" Lee asked suddenly stopping.

"What makes you think some things wrong?" asked Tenten masking her previous expression and hiding it with a cheerful, yet fake, smile.

"You're acting different today." said Lee examining Tenten

"Lee shut up. She obviously doesn't want to talk about it." Neji said as he pulled Lee along the road with Tenten beside him.

Tenten mouthed a "Thank you" to Neji, who returned it with a smirk.

"Where have you been!" cried Gai as they walked into view of the training grounds.

"We just went to pick Neji up. He got held back a bit." stated Lee, he really didn't know the reason Neji was late to training.

"Well, it's good to know that my youthful students thought to retrieve him!" cried Gai with streams of tears flowing down his face.





Gai walked over to Lee and embraced him in a very "manly" hug.

"Ugh! I think I'm gonna be sick!" Tenten held her stomach and turned around to face Neji.

"Yeah." he said with a sickened look on his face as well.

"Today is the weekly 'Let's train until we puke' training session!" Gai was a little too enthusiastic for everyone but Lee's liking. "It will be a three-way battle between you guys. And the last one standing doesn't have to pay for the victory dinner."

Lee was staring at Gai with water flowing like rivers out of his eyes. Neji was emotionless. And Tenten was staring at the ground.

"Now start your stretches! Don't want any body parts to give out now do we?" asked Gai poofing away.

"Hai! Gai-sensei!" shouted Lee as the three began stretching.

After stretching, the three got prepared to fight one another. Well...excluding Tenten anyway.

"I have a plan." Lee whispered to Neji while Tenten was getting her scrolls prepared.

"Oh?" Neji was interested in this 'plan'. Lee told him, but Neji didn't want to do any of the dirty work. So he let Lee do it all with Neji as back-up.

Tenten was sitting on a very large, and beat up, stump. When out of nowhere, a green blur pushed her off the stump and tied her to it. She barely struggled knowing who it was.

"Lee, what are you doing?" she asked quite irritated.

"What is going on?" asked Lee.

"It shouldn't matter to you." Tenten was still staring at the ground.

"I'll bet it will." Neji managed to spit out.

"So tell us already! Before Gai-sensei comes back!"

Tenten sighed, she really didn't want to tell them her worries. It made her seem weak in their eyes. "It's your uncle Neji."

Neji looked at her in shock. "What?"

"It's your uncle! When we stopped by this afternoon, he was giving me the strangest looks and asking me questions about you."

"Oh yeah! This! This is what you've been distracted by?" Lee was holding in his laughter.

"What questions?" Neji asked shooting Lee a death glare

"He asked me how close me and you are and if you talked to me. And how often do you train together." said Tenten imitating Hiashi's deep voice. That caused Lee to let out a small bit of laughter.

Neji was speechless. He now knew what Hiashi was talking about when he had said 'I like her'.

"Is that all he said to you?" asked Neji wanting to know the full details.

"Well, no. He asked a few more but I really don't remember them." said Tenten

'I cant believe it! I can't marry Tenten. I mean, it's true we enjoy each others company, but not to that point!' thought Neji giving Tenten the look of a terrified child.

"Neji?" she asked slowly "Are you okay?"

Neji immediately turned around and said "Tenten don't worry about anything Hiashi had said." And with that, he walked out of the training area back to his house.

"Let's call it quits then. Not none of us are going to be focused on training. We'll plan it for another day this week." Said Lee untying the rope and letting Tenten go.

"Thanks Lee." Tenten was the second person to leave the training grounds.

'I really hope she's alright. I haven't seen her this distracted since the incident where her parents died.' thought Lee being the third on to exit the training grounds.

"My youthful students! I have-" Gai jumped into the empty clearing and to his surprise, he didn't find any 'youthful students'. In fact he found nothing at all. "That's strange. Oh-well. Maybe they finished already! I have such wonderful students! They really know how to beat the living shit out of each other quite fast!" said Gai over enthusiastically as he hopped out of the forest.

well there it is. Its pretty much the same as before...but whatever. tell me what you think.
updates will come in time...hopefully ill actually go through with this story.