Cyborg and Raven are the most underrated couple in teen titans. So I'm going to try my luck and write one. I've read a bunch of good ones though.

Deep down Raven always knew that there was something between her and Cyborg. She was sure she had felt something for the older member of the Teen titans. But had a neither the courage or the will to tell him how she felt about him. For one thing she wasn't sure how he felt about her, if he felt anything at all. And she distinctly remembered him having a crush on that girl Jynx just thinking of the two of them together made her sick to her stomach.

Raven first started to realize she had feelings for him that day when she helped him look for his T-car. Was she sure just how far they went, no she wasn't completely sure if she loved him or not but she did know that she felt something for him. When she left her room and made her way to the kitchen she saw the usual sight Beast boy playing video games... but thats when she saw that Cyborg wasn't there with him. He usually was and now wasn't a part of her wondered where he was but of course she would not say it out loud to anyone.

"Hey Raven didn't see you come in." Beast boy said.

She went straight passed him and decided to make herself some tea. Just as she was about to go to back to her room. The teen titans alarm went off.

"Titans go!" Robin shouted.

Thats when Cyborg came running looking around as everyone was leaving. He knew he shouldn't have spent to much time in the garage but hey he was here now.

"Yo whats the problem?" he asked.

"Its the hive again." Robin answered.

The Hive, he didn't really like battling them. Only because their was someone in that group he still had feelings for. Jynx he could never really completely get over her they came really close to dating if
only it hadn't been for the fact that he was a teen titan and she was his enemy. Robin noticed Cyborg was extremely quiet and he knew why.

"Hey Cyborg you going to be okay?" he asked.

"Yeah I'll be fine."

They got to the store that the Hive was robbing and to Cyborg's surprise Jynx wasn't there he breathed a sigh of relief. Because he didn't feel like fighting her right now. He was so into his thoughts that he didn't see Mammoth behind him.

"Cyborg watch out." Raven said.

He turned around but Raven already stopped him from attacking Cyborg.

"Azarath metrion Zinthos." she said.

"Yo thanks Rae." he said.

She didn't say anything to him. She just continued fighting until all the members of the Hive were defeated and arrested. She still wondered in the back of her mind where was Jynx, surely she was still a member of the Hive.

"So what do you guys want to do now?"

"Oh please let us journey to the mall of shopping there is so much I wish to see." Star fire said.

"Dudes we have to totally go to the new video game store that opened up." Beast boy said.

"Okay sounds like a plan to me." Robin said.

Soon the friends started walking off in the direction of the mall Star fire was as cheerful always and Beast boy kept talking about the new video game store.

"Cyborg are you listening?" he asked.

"Huh, oh sorry what were you saying BB."

"Where are you man your like a million miles away."

Before he could answer that question he heard someone calling his name the titans turned there attention to where they heard his name. And there in standing in the alley was Jynx they knew it was her because of her pink hair and bright pink eyes.

"Jynx?" he said surprised.

"Cyborg over here quick."

He reluctantly walked over to her. Seeing the way he went to her so quickly made Raven feel extremely jealous. She put her hood over her head so that no one would notice how jealous she was becoming.

"Jynx what are you doing out here?" he asked.

"I need your help, your the only one who can help me."

He was confused now, what did she need his help for. Was she somehow forgetting that they were enemies.

"I, uh you do understand that we are enemies?" he asked.

"Yes, we were not anymore I'm not with the Hive I left."

He wasn't sure if he should believe this information or not. It almost sounded believable but he also had to remember that this could be another trick from the Hive academy.

"Wait here." he said.

He walked back over to the awaiting titans they wanted to know what happened over there between Cyborg and Jynx.

"Cyborg what happened?" Robin asked.

"She's said she needs my help, and that she left the hive."

"And your not seriously going to believe her are you?" Raven said in her monotone.

"I don't know but if she's in trouble I want to her."

"Cyborg we'll give her a chance but only one if she screws up then she has to go." Robin said.

He nodded and walked back over to Jynx to tell her what they had decided. Raven on the other hand couldn't believer they we're seriously considering taking her in. Did they forget all about Terra and what happened before. She didn't know about the rest of them but she didn't want a repeat of what happened with her.

"Jynx." he started.

"Yes you can stay with us for awhile but if we find out you're lying...well you know what we gotta do." he said to her.

"Thank you Cyborg." she said throwing her arms around him.

Raven opened her eyes wide with shock she didn't want to watch this. Another reason why she didn't want Jynx staying with them was because it gave her an excuse to get closer to Cyborg. And it was obvious that he wasn't over her either.

"I have to go." she said.

"Raven wait where are you going?" Robin asked.

But it was to late she had already left leaving everyone slightly confused.

This chapter is done R&R let me know what you thought and if I should continue.