((I know, I feel bad for leaving Billy out. I only just realized a few holes in my story, but its a fanfic, so what can I do? I'll possibly edit some of my spelling mistakes and resubmit, too...gah, the errors drove me crazy when I went over it all...Thank you for all your reviews and I will try to update again, soon!))

At Charlie's house, his grandmother had fumed the rest of the evening and then locked herself inside her room with the three aunts. Old Ezekiel and Dr. Bloor, who had been there earlier, had long since left, but the sense of urgency in the air still lingered, strong as ever.

Charlie, his uncle and his mother were all sitting in the kitchen having a cup of tea when Olivia arrived. She was panting heavily and soaked to the bone, flamboyant clothes not as extravagant with their neon colors dimmed by their sogginess.

"Charlie!" she coughed, stumbling in the door and scaring everyone half to death, "Charlie, Terra's been hypnotized!"

Paton's eyes widened and Amy gasped. Charlie looked at his feet guiltily, then shifted uncomfortably, "I found out something else; something worse."

Olivia frowned and asked him, "What? What could be worse?"

"Billy got adopted. The Bloors set him up with a family; a different one from last time. He's not going to the same school anymore, that's why he's been gone."

"They're trying to divide us!" Olivia exclaimed angrily, flipping her sopping hair over her shoulder nervously.

"That's exactly right," Paton nodded, "but that's not important right now. They're after your friend, so take Charlie and go. I'll watch my sisters," he turned to Charlie, "just do what you can, okay?"

Both nodded and ran out the door, Charlie only after pulling on a coat and some shoes. Paton watched them go and turned to Amy with a ghost of a smile, "I worry about them, sometimes. Those kids get into so much trouble, its amazing…"

Amy nodded tautly, "I just wish they'd be more careful…"


Emma had been on her way to Charlie's when she was intercepted by the storm. She'd considered taking shelter in a tree, as a bird, but decided against it because of the danger from lightning. If her tree fell she would be as good as dead.

She walked along in the rain, not really bothering about it as she was in casual clothes anyway. She was reveling in the fact that it was Saturday—something about it just made her happy—and she found herself humming a little tune. A growl behind her ended her happiness.

"Hello, Emma."

She turned to see Asa standing there with Joshua, Dorcas and the psychic twins: Idith and Inez. All of them looked menacing, and she felt a knot form in her stomach.

"What do you want?" Emma asked suspiciously, crossing her arms and preparing to run if needed.

Asa laughed and shrugged his shoulders, "We're looking for Terra, if you must know. Have you seen her? She ran off on Manfred…"

Emma's knot tightened and she said firmly, "I don't know where she is, but you should leave her alone. She doesn't like you."

Asa laughed loudly at this remark and replied, "Of course she does, why do you think she weeded her way into your group of friends? She's obviously our spy. Remember dear Billy?"

Emma closed her eyes for a moment. This couldn't be happening; cornered and being told their new friend was a traitor. She opened her eyes and became the best bird she could manage. Asa swore bitterly as Emma flew away in the form of a tiny sparrow.

Mysterious floating pinecones hurled themselves at her, but were badly aimed. The twins pouted sourly.

Eager to warn the others about the possible threat, Emma flew to the most obvious place: Her aunt's bookstore.


"Miss Ingledew, do you remember the Tolly Twelve Bells? The thing that was used to wake Emma?" Lysander asked her curiously. Miss Ingledew gave a brief nod and he continued, "Do you know if it will wake others as well?"

Julia Ingledew pushed her reading glasses up and frowned, "I don't remember if it was ever mentioned. Perhaps…Charlie was hoping to use it on his father, if he could find him…"

Raelin nodded, listening intently, "And?"

"There's not really an 'and', Raelin, dear," Julia shrugged, "I don't think there was ever a chance to test it on another, and even if there was…there was no guarantee of success…"

Lysander sighed and thanked Miss Ingledew for her help, even though he felt like she hadn't helped at all, "Well, we'll have to find Charlie and Emma then. Oh, and Olivia," he turned to Raelin, "shall we go?"

"I guess, since there's nothing more to ask," Raelin said with care, "Thank you Miss Ingledew."

And then, they took their leave. A small sparrow followed them eagerly, then became Emma. She ran up to them from behind, grabbing Lysander's shoulder hurriedly,"Lysander! Where's Terra? I just ran into Asa and-"

But Lysander interruppted her soundly, "She's in trouble, Em. Just come with us and we'll explain everything along the way."