
First of all, I now have a grammar/spelling checker, so hopefully the errors don't distract you anymore. Emon: Thank you so much )

Second of all, I absolutely had no idea you're not supposed to give personal responses to your reviewers, thanks for pointing that out. So I guess I have to stop that. But, I'll build some wonderful statues for you in my backyard and I thank you all!

And third... I am reading Harry Potter 6 (Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince) for the first time now, and I'm loving it. (I'm really a fan but I was planning to wait for the Dutch translation. But then, I didn't.) I suspect Harry/Ginny coming up and it's not even really boring. Maybe I'll write about those two later on.

I hope you enjoy the next chapter.

(WARNING: there is a very sexual scene down there, so read at your own risk! Just thought I'd warn ya.)

The next night Hermione sat at the table in the Head's Room, bent over some poetry-books she borrowed from the library and her assignments in front of her. Her head was spinning with the variety of poetry and all the different essay's and assignments she had to make.

She knew Draco was at the Slytherin's Common Room, probably drinking Butterbeer and talking loudly with Blaise. She smiled. He was just craving for attention. She frowned however, when she thought of a certain well-known Slytherin slut down there as well. Pansy. Even when she thought it, she said it with anger and gritted teeth.

Today, before breakfast, she went down to the Slytherin Table. Pansy was sitting there, absently minded shoving food into her pug face.

"You'll be happy to know, that Draco got sprayed with your Dung bomb-spell, and not me." Hermione said grinning, with all the strength she had, while trying hard to restrain her jealousy.

Pansy looked at her, turned pale and shrieked: "Oh my poor Drakie!"

Hermione smiled. "Oh, he got over it real soon." She bent over a little so her face was next to Pansy's. "First I made all the dung bombs disappear and then I ran his bathwater." she continued with a soft voice, "Then I undressed and got into the tub with him myself, and I slowly began to wash him. He certainly seemed to like that." She laughed a little, as she taunted her. "And afterwards we got out of the tub, not wearing anything but towels and we had sex in front of the fireplace."

Then and there, another smut story was born, but it sure had been worth it.

Pansy had turned from pale to almost green with envy and angry she hissed through her teeth: "You.You..."

"Yes, Pansy. Me." Hermione had answered calmly. "He's not fucking you, he's fucking me. And you better well learn to deal with it."

Hermione grinned and enjoyed the memory of Pansy's face.

Focus Hermione; focus on your study now.

She tried to shake the thought of her off and buried her nose back into the Wizard Poetry.

An hour later, Hermione was writing enthusiastically and when Draco entered the room she didn't even look up. Draco stood in the doorstep, watching her with his usual smirk. She had tried to make a ponytail but several strands fell down her face, that was a little flushed from the warmth in the common room and her enthusiasm.

"Stop watching me, Ferret." She said, still not letting go of her quill and not taking her eyes of her parchment.

"I like watching you, Goldie." Draco answered, referring to her status as the Golden Girl.

He slowly walked up to her.

"You know, Bookworm, the fireplace was a nice touch." He said, still smirking.

Hermione's head flew up and her eyes grew wide. "What?"

Okay, so maybe she made up the fireplace; they actually had sex on the bathroom floor. Draco had grown impatient and Hermione had to admit it was kind of hot.

"Pansy came up to me." Draco said satisfied and slowly, tasting every word on his tongue. "She was crying and wanted to know if it was true."

Hermione held her breath. "And what did you tell her?"

Draco observed her, enjoying every minute of letting her be in doubt.

"That is was true."

Hermione was smart enough not to let out a sigh of relief, but deep inside she did a victory dance.

Draco walked even closer, so he was standing behind her and let his hands rest on her chair.

He bent down and mumbled while smelling her neck: "You understand you have to make it true, don't you, Bookworm?"

Slowly he started to kiss her neck with a trail of wet, soft kisses.

Hermione closed her eyes and tilted her head back, enjoying the feeling of Draco's warm lips down her neck.

She gasped when he bit her earlobe.

Draco smirked.

She got up from the chair and Draco saw the hunger in her eyes. That's what he liked so much about her.

Her lips came crashing onto his and she buried her hands in his platinum blonde hair.

God, she thought, even though I have him every night I still can't get enough of it.

While they were kissing he guided her towards the fireplace. He let go of her and sat down in a big comfy chair. "Undress." He said. It sounded more like a request than a command and he knew that if he had used his commanding voice, she wouldn't have obeyed. Now she did.

Slowly she unbuttoned her blouse, revealing her simple black bra, which Draco would usually find boring, but it suited Hermione.

Hermione felt Draco's eyes wandering over her as she pulled off her jeans as well. She stood there in front of him in her black bra and hipster and didn't even feel insecure about being half-naked while he was still dressed.

He eagerly watched her body as she came closer towards him. The flames in the fireplace accentuated and softened her curves and he loved the fact that she simply did what he had asked her.

"Granger, you're bloody gorgeous and you don't even have a clue." He said when she kneeled between his knees, put her hands on his upper thighs and lifted her face to him. She was flattered and smiled as he felt a rush of tenderness through his body.

He leaned in towards her and slowly started to kiss her again. Hermione lifted one hand to caress his neck while she bit his lower lip, causing him to slightly moan. His hands wondered all over her upper body.

Then she pushed him back in his chair and took off his shirt and started to kiss his abs, slightly biting it.

He closed his eyes. I love that she's a biter.

While she kept kissing and with one hand caressing his abs, she unbuttoned his jeans and before he knew it she had pulled it down to his ankles.

"Granger, what do you think you're doing?" He said, raising one eyebrow.

"You'll see." She said with a smirk quite familiar to his and began to kiss his thighs.

He moaned in surprise as she kissed one thigh and ran her nails down his other.

Then without any warning, she had pulled down his satin silk boxers.

"Granger, what?...Oh Merlin..." Draco panted as she slowly began to run her tongue down his length. He hardened immediately.

He closed his eyes and let his head rest against the chair as she continued.

Hermione let her fingernails run down his thighs and wrapped her lips around the head. At the response she got she noticed that was a good thing and moved her tongue around it as well.

Draco gasped and she quite got the hang of it now.

Oh Merlin, she's really working it down there.

Soon he felt he couldn't hold on that much longer.

"Hermione, I'm about to..." He said, breathing heavily.

She looked up and chuckled at his flushed face, his eyes dark with lust for relief but still trying to restrain it.

He got out of the chair, kneeling before her so they were face to face.

He didn't wait for her answer, just simply began to stroke her legs, her thighs, her stomach, her neck and all the way down from her arms to her hands, while looking into her eyes, observing her reaction.

Their fingers entwined and they began to kiss. Draco pushed her down and crawled on top of her.

Hermione pulled him close and he began to place butterfly kisses all over her body. She sighed and closed her eyes as he gently stroked her through the thin fabric of her underwear. He caressed and kissed her and Hermione lost track of time until she felt she was about to come.

She wanted him and she sat up, pushing him up as well. She slid down his boxers as he unhooked her bra and slid down her hipster. He wanted to feel her close, no clothing whatsoever involved. After a little struggle they were both naked and Hermione gently sat on his lap.

He found her entrance and they both moaned as he entered.

Hermione began to move slowly and he buried his face in her neck, trying to delay his approaching orgasm.

Hermione increased her tempo and Draco's mouth came crashing onto hers as he grabbed her hips and pushed even deeper.

That got Hermione over the edge, and with a shudder she came.

Draco felt her clenching her muscles and with a last thrust he came, screaming her name.

"You screamed my name when you came, Blondie." Hermione said with a lazy satisfied smile on her face.

"Yes I was afraid you'd forgotten it during the heat of the moment, Granger." Draco said dryly.

They were lying in Draco's bed, both tired and satisfied.

"Tomorrow we have to do one assignment together, Blondie." Hermione said, cuddling up against him and kissing his neck for one last time, closing her eyes.

"Whatever you say, Bookworm. As long as I still find you in my bed every morning." Draco said, closing his eyes and drifting off.

"What is your favorite poem?" Hermione read out loud.

She was sitting at the table in the Head's Room with Draco, and was holding a parchment with questions.

Draco sat next to her, slouched, his long muscular legs on the table, smirking.

"You're the image of laziness, right now." Hermione said. "Pay attention."

"I only read two."

For their previous essay they had to come up with two different poems and write about the time and place it was written.

With this essay it was required to do it together. They had to ask the other questions about their interest and favorites in poetry and write an essay about why they thought the other person liked these. Today they were doing the questions. Hermione hated every minute of it. Because she was the smart one she had already written down the answers for Draco to analyze. Draco however, thought it was more fun to let her interview him.

"Well, pick one." Hermione said impatient. She had promised to meet Ron and Harry in the library later and Draco was unbelievably slow today. He probably was doing it on purpose to annoy her.

"What's with the rush, Bookworm? Don't you want a good grade?" Draco said with a grin.

"I'm supposed to meet Ron and Harry in the library."

Draco's face darkened. "I see."

Hermione gave him an amused look. "Looks like I'm not the only one who is a little jealous" She said with a small inward laugh.

"Well, I would never want to mess up your meeting, so it was a poem from Tecurp, a Wizard Poet." Draco said, not very good in hiding his annoyance.

"For he who believes, there is conquer. For he who fails, there is a second chance. For he who loses love, there is friendship. And so on."

Hermione wrote it down.

"What attracts you to this poem?"

Draco started to think and made hmm-noises.

"I guess the suggestion of always having different options attracts me." He simply stated for almost 1 minute.

"Wow. That's deep." Hermione replied dryly.

Eventually Hermione lost her patience. She threw the parchment on the table and stood up.

"Malfoy, I don't have time for this. Do this in your own time, not mine." And she left.

Flabbergasted Draco looked at the door. Did she just leave him for Potty and Weasel?

Cranky he grabbed a quill and, muttering curse words, he began to write.

"This better be good boys, I ditched Malfoy for you two and he is not going to be happy about it." Hermione said breezily, collapsing on a chair

Harry and Ron exchanged glares and grinned sheepish.

"Err...we kinda have girl-trouble." Ron confessed.

Hermione widened her eyes. "And you're asking me for help?" She said, frowning.

"Well, you're our friend and a girl." Harry explained mumbling. "And it's weird to ask Ginny because she is my sister." Ron added helpful.

"Do you even noticed that I've been kissing Malfoy for the past few weeks? How can I possibly help you?"

And again Harry and Ron looked at each other and back to Hermione.


"You honestly won't believe what they want me to do!" Hermione said indignantly when she came storming into Draco's bedroom.

Draco was lying on his bed and looked up with an irritated expression.

"No but frankly, I don't care either."

"They want me to write poems to the girls they like so that they can get the credit for it! And I can't even write poetry!" Hermione told him, ignoring his response.

Draco started laughing. "Well that's a whole new view on romance and poetry. Wait till I tell the Slytherin's how very Casanova-ish Potty and Weasel are."

Hermione froze for a minute.

"Please don't tell them, Draco." She said, almost pleading. "They would kill me if they found out I told you."

Draco raised one eyebrow, amused. "Hmm. I'll think about it. But first you have to make up for storming away from me like that."

If you review, I'll fill my neighbor's gardens with statues of you people too!