As you all remember… Rouge was strangling Redd…
"I can't fucking believe you!" Rouge said.
She was on top of Redd, strangling him. Knuckles walked upstairs and saw this… he… misunderstood. He fainted from the shock.
"Aww… see what you did? You made your boyfriend faint!" Redd said. (rhymes…)
Rouge stood up. She put her foot on Redd's stomach.
"What… the… HELL… are… you… doing?" he gasped out.
"I HATE YOU!" Rouge yelled.
Downstairs…Rouge's scream echoed all around her house.
"Oh my… why is it so bad?" Tails asked.
"Because your other gender is completely different from you…" Shadow said.
Kryssa looked at him. "What?" she asked.
"She's stupid again!" Shadow said.
"Why are her behavior patterns changing?" Tails asked.
Suddenly, someone rang Rouge's doorbell.
"Someone get it! I'm too busy killing someone!" Rouge yelled.
Shadow pushed Kryssa up to get it. She sighed and walked to the door.
When she opened it, Sonic came in.
"I have a major prob-… never mind… it can wait…" he said, after he spotted Kryssa.
Tails and Shadow went to see who it was.
"Shadow… Sonic looks like he likes Kryssa…" Tails whispered.
"He might get… some info from her… which is the same info as yours…"
Sonic looked at the girl hedgehog. Kryssa looked at his eyes.
"What's your name?" Sonic asked.
"Kryssa…" she said with a smile.
"That's a unique name…" he said with a sigh.
"Umm… Sonic… why are you here?" Tails asked.
"Umm… I don't remember… wait… umm… machine… oh yeah! I played around with your machine and there's this really smart, evil hedgehog trying to take over the world!" Sonic said.
"Okay…" Shadow said. "So?"
From upstairs, everyone heard:
"You know I'm you, right? You just called yourself a motherfucking, son of an ugly bitch!" Redd said.
He ran out of Rouge's room and ran down the stairs. Rouge followed him.
"Grr… you ugly bastard!" she screeched.
"You did it again! You called yourself an ugl-"
Redd stopped near Shadow and Tails. Rouge was panting. She walked over to them.
"I can't do this… I'm going upstairs…" she said.
She walked to her room.
She sighed. "He is such a pain in the ass! Oh shit! I just did it again! I called mys-…… whatever… but… I keep thinking… this is just for my attention…" Rouge whispered to herself.
Outside in the hallway, Knuckles woke up and heard Rouge talking to herself.
"I can't believe this… I can't love myself! Can I?" she asked.
That's it for now! Any suggestions?