Hey everybody! Here I am with volume two of the Defender! I must warn all my reviewers that due to some new rule the officials enforced, I will not be able to respond to any reviewers, except personally. So if you want to have a question answered, put your email address in the review or keep the question brief, not too complex. If you use the second option, I will try, I repeat TRY, to smuggle the answer into the chapter. Yaarp16, please send me your email address! On with the show!
Disclaimer: I do not own Lilo and Stitch, Maui Mallard in Cold Shadow, or any other thing that might appear in this fanfic. I only own the Defender Blade.
Note: The events in this story happen WAY before the events shown in my sneek peek "The Question". Lilo and the girls are now around 8 years old each.
Lilo and Stitch the Defender Volume 2
Chapter 1:
Enter Maui Mallard (AKA: the Cold Shadow Ninja)
6 months after the end of Volume 1:
The island of Kuwai was peaceful as usual and it was a beautiful day. The sun was shining, people were at the beach, it seemed like nothing wrong could possibly happen, but then a news reporter in a television starts speaking.
"This is Honolulu news Channel Ten bringing you breaking news about the sudden disaster in Maui. There are no known survivors and the island was completely destroyed. No further information was available." The reporter said.
The scene switches to a solitary section of the beach where we find a young adult-aged duck with a red cap, red Hawaiian shirt with Hawaiian flower designs, and a weird looking gun. By his expression, he looked very tired.
"Finally, I was able to survive the attack and flee to Kuwai. What were those dark creatures? Why were robots and those other unknown beings helping them destroy the island? No matter, I shall find them and destroy them all!" The mysterious duck said.
Then all of a sudden, a group of shadow creatures appeared all around him. They were about ten in total.
"So you've come to face me! I will defeat you this time! You'll be sorry you messed with Maui Mallard!" Maui said.
The shadow heartless started attacking him, but Maui dodged. He pulled out what seemed like three lightning bugs; one fire red, one pure white and one that was shiny all over. He loaded all three of them in his strange gun.
"Okay! Have another explosive taste of my Bug Gun!" Maui shouted.
He then pulled the trigger and a ladybug-like missile shot out. It hit the heartless and created a giant explosion, obliterating the whole group. He was about to relax when all of a sudden he was slashed in the arm. Surprised by the pain, he turned around and saw a group of 6 soldier heartless.
"Come back for more, right? Okay! Cold Shadow Transformation!" Maui shouted.
Then a swirling vortex of wind appeared and when it dissipated Maui was in his ninja form. The soldier heartless started attacking with spin kicks, but Maui dodged them easily and smashed each one in the helmet with his ninja staff, making them evaporate into nothingness. (The way heartless disappear when they are defeated in Kingdom Hearts.) When he finished with the group and was sure that there was no more danger he reverted back to his normal form.
"I have to find out who is responsible for this." Maui said as he ran into the jungle. As he ran across the jungle, he hit a plant that had a marble-like ball. It had the number 100 and fell into a nearby puddle. Then the marble started glowing and growing and then flashed.
Andre and the gang were just leaving Macky Mackcaw's pizza place and walking home. They were talking about the incident that happened in Maui.
"Hey, you kids hear about the disaster in Maui?" Andre asked.
"Yeah, It was horrible!" Myrtle said.
"Yeah!" Yuki said.
"It seems like nobody survived." Teresa said.
"Who could do that?" Elena asked.
"Don't know, but we have to be on our guard. Kuwai could be next!" Lilo said.
"Ih! Friends must be ready to fight!" Stitch said.
All of a sudden, a robot appears in front of them and punches Andre in the face, sending him through a wall. The other kids looked and discovered that there were three robots, seven heartless soldiers, and 5 Mettaurs at maximum power.
"Oh shoot! Stalagmite Skewer!" Keoni slammed his fist on the ground and two gigantic rock spikes exploded from the ground, taking out two of the robots. Stitch jumped at the last robot and ripped its circuitry out.
"Rainy Day!" Lilo shouted while raising her hands toward the sky. In just seconds the sky grew dark and it started raining like crazy. "Do it Elena!"
"Okay! Victoria, absorb any electric bolts that miss and use it to attack with me!" Elena shouted.
"Yeah" Victoria shouted.
"Static Storm!" Elena shouted.
Lightning started hitting the ground zapping and destroying the enemy. Victoria absorbed some of the lighting that was falling and transformed it into a beam that finished of the enemy group. Andre was returning from the building he slammed into.
"Good work, kids. I'm proud of you all." Andre said.
"But the robots looked like Eggman's! What do you think this means?" Lilo shouted.
"That possibly means that Eggman and Hamsterviel are attacking again. And with the heartless, that means that they are not alone anymore. Everybody, go home and rest. Tomorrow there will be an emergency meeting at the HQ in the cove."
"Okay!" Everybody said and went their separate ways. Lilo, Stitch and Victoria returned with Andre to their home.
End of Chapter 1
Read and Review Please!