Harry Potter and the Gathering of Worlds

By James the Fox

"This is it!"

Shadow: "The apocalypse?"


Shadow: "Darn!"

Naruto: "Hey, I brought that chapter you requested!"

Sora: "What's ninja boy doing here?"

Naruto: "Oh, just working a part time job."

"He gets paid 30000 munny a hour!"

Shadow: "Where do you get the munny?"

"I just slay Heartless."

Riku: "Where do the Heartless come from?"

"I warp to End of the World or The World that Never Was."

Link: "Okay…"

"Final chapter, folks! I love the smell of it, even though it's the first time I've smelled it."


The two dark ones stood together. They watched the battles unfold, and smiled. Their partner, who had died with Doom, had none the less completed his purpose. Shadow had felt his fears rain down on him. "All goes according to plan. Shadow may have survived, but that is of no matter to us… His emotion has fueled our power. We are closer to our victory…"

Harry had cheered up thanks to few things. Sirius was a free man, and could take Harry in for part of the summer vacation. Summer was just around the corner, and the sun was shining on a good day. Umbridge was out of Hogwarts and Dumbledore was back in. They had a bunch of DE's in custody for interrogation. Finally, almost everyone in the Ministry battle had come back relatively unscathed.

The key word was almost.

Harry turned toward the lake, where Kairi and Riku sat. Sora was still in St Mungo's. There were several extremely nasty curses that had hit Sora before the Keybearer had gone down. There was even evidence that a Crucio had been held on him for a few seconds. His left leg wouldn't be able to fully heal even with magic. He could walk, but with a slight limp. What surprised everyone was that Sora had fought ruthlessly, taking 34 Death Eaters down, even after taking so many blasts. When Kairi or Riku were asked about it, they always said, "He's taken worse." How much worse could there be?

Sora found himself standing on the Dream Pillar. This place was where he had first fought the Heartless, in this dream world. This is where it all had started.

"The closer you get to light… the greater your darkness becomes."

"But don't be afraid."

"You are the one…"

Sora had learned to be able to come here at will during his sleep. He trained here. He could make this place whatever he wanted. He could train and become stronger, even while injured. This was his secret weapon.

Sora changed the world around him into the Lake of Hogwarts. He altered reality to create "Heartless." They weren't real, but convincing copies of some of the most powerful Heartless he had ever faced. They, like him, stood on the lake, almost as if it were solid. He grinned, and launched himself at them, the never-ending swarm of darkness in his own mind.

Link looked at the glass ball in front of him. He pondered whether or not to tell Dumbledore. It was true that he could be able to help with it, but he usually preferred working alone. He listened to the Prophecy one more time. He would continue to do so until the end of the school year. Watching and pondering about the simple yet complex object before him…

The train whistled, warning the soon to be occupants that it was almost time to leave. Sora released from St. Mungo's a few days ago, and was already aboard the train. In his lap was a cane that he now used to support himself. Of course, he could discard it at a moment's notice to fight, but it hurt like hell afterward, so he had with him at all times. Kairi and Riku were siting next to him, catching up with their old friend on what had happened. They had already explained that Harry had been blaming himself for just about everything that went wrong at the Ministry. Sora sat, royally annoyed at Harry. Finally, he voiced his emotions.

"Harry shouldn't be so foolish as to count himself responsible for everyone else's decisions. I chose to fight those Death Eaters, so I'm responsible for my injuries. He should look on the bright side. He's lucky to have one in this case." Kairi and Riku knew that Sora knew very well what he was talking about. A man named DiZ had shown them many of the things that made Sora who he is now. Many things made them wonder how Sora managed to stay sane through it all. Then again… maybe he wasn't.

Link and Shadow watched as Sora opened a portal to the Great Sea, Station Square, and Destiny Islands with a spell Dumbledore himself had taught the three of them. Slowly, the crowd of otherworldly students disappeared until there was nobody else on the platform. Then, finally, they were about to leave when Link stopped them. "Here." The boy in green produced 3 small white gems and deposited them into his friend's hands. "This is a Gossip Stone. Wherever you go, these stones will allow us to talk to anyone who has a linked Gossip Stone. Just say the name of the one you want to talk to, and you'll be able to talk to them. Dumbledore also has one of these, just so you know." With that the three heroes said their good-byes and returned to the worlds where their family waited…

"… And that's the end of my tale, for tonight."

"You mean there's more?"


"Tell us! Pleeeeaaaasssse?"

"I'm sorry, but you'll have to wait till tomorrow."


"This is THE END! Yes! I DID IT! WAHOO!"

Shadow: "Great, now we-"


Special Secret:

Ocean Fear

A worldwide storm. Tsunamis were at every island on this ocean-covered world. Hurricanes, Thunderstorms, every kind of storm imaginable struck this usually peaceful place.

The only eye of this king of storms was a tower. It rose up from the sea, giving any observer of it the feeling that gods themselves had built the place.

Deep below, a kingdom of many years ago had reawakened. Its landmark was a castle of an epic size. Inside, a battle was raging.

A man who many had believed to be dead stood his ground against another man. The dark skinned, red-haired man wielded two swords, while an armored, white-eyed-and-haired man held a strangely shaped double blade sword with blades that wove between each other. The men stood off. Suddenly the desert-person spoke.

"Your land's destruction is inevitable."

"A Horcrux… a fragment of a soul."

"Even if you defeat me, this world's obliteration can no longer be postponed."

"The gods have willed it."

The men charged.


"… What the heck?"

Link: "We kind of lost the signal for a moment."

"Well… I didn't do it."

Mark: "Hey. You know, you shouldn't have any of these wires poking everywhere. I tripped on one just now and unplugged it. But being the good brother I am, I re-plugged it."

"That explains it. Hope nothing weird happened on your side of things, folks. Until the next story! See ya!"