Hey people! Wow-15 reviews, that's so great! Thanks too everyone who reviewed, I love you guys, and here's the next chapter.
Review responses:
Coalar Lee Drake: Thanks for the review! I love curry-it's my favorite food ever-but I'm not a big fan of super spicy curry. Wahoo! You're the first person on here to tell me I
rock! Thank you! XD
Luv2game: I'm so sorry, I forgot the bit explaining why Savyna didn't want Gibari to win in the last chapter! (Bangs head on wall repeatedly). Major apologies, and I'll fit it in the beginning of this chapter. She does have a good reason, I promise! Thanks for the review!
Crazygirl306: Thanks for the review, glad you think it's interesting!
WildBlackWolf and Viva: Thanks for the review!
"What do you mean?" Savyna raised an eyebrow fractionally. "There's no way I'd ever support Gibari now, so unless you've changed your mind again…"
"Just why are you so against Gibari winning anyway?" Anna asked. "You were all for it before."
"It's quite simple." The violet haired woman explained, taking a seat. "I was cleaning up the table behind Gibari when I heard the two of them talking."
"Yep, I got a feeling that me and Savyna will be going out anytime now." Gibari bragged confidently. Savyna instinctively crouched slightly lower, interested despite herself.
"Oh yeah? So where you taking her then?" Reblys snorted as he saw Gibari shrug. "If you're taking her out for the first time, it has to be really special you know. Otherwise she won't go out again."
"I know that." Gibari defended himself. "I just have to decide what would be best."
"How about fishing?" Reblys suggested. "You can't go wrong with fishing."
"Maybe you're right." Gibari nodded, as Savyna turned slightly pale. "But do you think it's romantic enough. Maybe I should just go to a nice restaurant or something instead, you know, get her some flowers." She sighed in relief at his idea, and started to move away, then froze as she heard Reblys voice again.
"Are you kidding? You can't do that stuff, it'll be suicide!" He exclaimed. "Listen, Savyna doesn't want that stupid cheesy unoriginal stuff, ya lug. You gotta take her somewhere exciting, that you can both enjoy. Why don't you forget the flowers, take her out on your boat for a days fishing, and then give her the biggest catch of the day. She'll be thrilled.".
"You really think that's what she'd like?" Gibari sounded doubtful.
"Trust me, I know all about what women like." Reblys promised. "I have way more experience with the cherries then you ever will."
"Cherries?" Gibari looked baffled. "What are you talking about now?"
"I looked it up in a book." Reblys said proudly. "It's a romantic way of saying Lady." Gibari's expression suddenly cleared and he burst into laughter. "Oh, you mean Cherie, Reblys. Your accent is terrible."
"Shuddup!" Reblys growled loudly, before taking a deep breath. "So, you following my advice or not."
"Well, I guess you're right. Like you said, you can't go wrong with fishing." Gibari shrugged. "And Savyna doesn't really seem the romantic type anyway." Savyna slowly backed away, before standing up and going to the kitchen. There was no way she was ever going on that date with Gibari. It sounded terrible!
End flashback:
"You poor thing." Sympathized Anna. "I see you're problem. But it seems my idea will work after all. If you don't want Gibari to win, and I don't want Reblys to win, it's simple. All we have to do is stop either from winning, and make it a draw."
"Interesting idea, but I fail to see how we can break those two from a contest. It's never happened yet." Savyna said skeptically. Anna grinned.
"Nah, it's easy. All we need is a little…diversion." She chuckled.
"And what do you have in mind?" Savyna looked alarmed as Anna went too a cupboard and pulled out a packet of matches.
"I'll do the curtains, you start on the tables." She beamed.
"Anna!" Savyna exclaimed.
"What? As long as we're careful everything will go just fine, we'll only loose these disgusting curtains, and maybe a few tables and chairs." Anna persuaded. "Besides, I always wanted to set fire to this place, it sounds so fun." Savyna looked rather worriedly at her friend.
"You're being foolish." She said firmly. "We're not setting fire to this place, and that's final."
"Awww." Anna pouted. "Fine, enjoy your fishing trip with Gibari."
"I didn't say that." Savyna answered. "I just have a safer plan we should try first."
"OK, we'll try yours first." Anna agreed grudgingly. "But I'm still putting these matches nearby."
"Whatever." Savyna beckoned her closer. "Now here's my idea."
"Ow! My leg!" Anna screamed as loudly as she could, while banging together several pots and pans, and winking at Savyna. While not as fun as setting fire to the place, it was still enjoyable lying on the floor and wailing, a change from her usual dull life. Sure enough, in mere seconds Reblys had come bursting in, followed by Gibari, and several other curious and friendly fishermen.
"Anna! What the hell happened?" Reblys cried, kneeling by her.
"I tripped and banged my leg, and now I don't think I can walk properly." Anna moaned, thoroughly enjoying the attention as the fisherman crowded round.
"OK, back of people." Gibari shouldered his way through. "Just you leave it to Reblys and me Anna. We'll take you to the shop and get some healing magnus for ya."
"Be careful." Warned Savyna, her usual dead-pan expression revealing nothing. "You'll need to go slowly, and make sure she isn't bumped around too much."
"We know what to do." Reblys growled at her, as he slung an arm around her shoulders, and gently lifted her up. Anna groaned in pain.
"It hurts." She cried. As slowly as he could, the fisher-man carried her to the kitchen entrance. Just then, there was a gasp, and a startled cry.
"Anna, what the hell are you doing?" She turned with horror, and saw Mattimus standing at the open doorway, eyes wide and trembling.
"Mattimus, wait, it's not what it looks like." She started. The fisherman didn't hang around to listen, turning and running straight out the door. Anna got up, ignoring the cries of shock and surprise from around her, and ran after him, as Savyna put her head in her hands back in the kitchen. Everything had gone wrong.
"Mattimus!" Yelled Anna. "Mattimus." It was no use. He was gone.
Sorry if this chapter wasn't as good as the others, I've been suffering from the dreaded writers block. Sincerest apologies, and please review anyway.
Au revoir!