Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha. But I do own my new SPC card, and am entitled to all the savings on that thing. :ishproud:

A/N: chokes See, i'm back. I told ya'll i would be. So anyway, I would be handing out boxes of chocolate to my wondeeeful readers who didn't manage to tear me apart but apparently Inuyasha got into my storage of chocolates and ate the whole damn thing up. Yes, he is hospitalized for the next few weeks, but I managed to get him to do his 'thing' for this chapter.

Just goes to show how much power fanfiction-writers have.


The floorboards creaked beneath Inuyasha's feet. Gently, as to not awaken the slumbering household, Inuyasha darted around the corners, and ducked behind a table when he thought he saw lights flashing over his head. Seeing his destination, Inuyasha crawled into a small corner, eyes focused on his target. Making use of his chance of peace, he ran. Ran and darted into the small room, flickering on the lights in a swift motion and slamming the door behind him.

The only sounds that came next were noises of liquid trickling.

"Oh shiiiit." Inuyasha moaned, closing his eyes in pleasure as he grabbed his 'joystick' in self-indulgence and relished in his moment of delectation. So much that he didn't notice the door creaking open, and the sounds of angry footsteps and the flow of water from the tap. He was at his climax of soul gratification.

So it did come as a large surprise when he finished up, and (while whistling his favourite showtunes) turned around and slammed right into a body.

He didn't have time to react before a large bathroom mirror collided with his skull. Followed by an inhumane, soul-piercing/ear-splitting/ear-stabbing scream, which followed with repetitive cries of "OSUWARI!".

And then the chaos stopped as quickly as it had begun. It was then that Inuyasha deemed it mentally/emotionally/physically stable to retreat from his defense position (which awkwardly resembled the earthquake 'crouch' position). Which was pretty stupid, because the second he moved, and the thing that had been randomly attacking him a moment ago decided he was still quite 'alive', suddenly began hurling a variety of dangerous (and sharp) household objects at him.

It was all freefall into the bathroom rug at that point.

"I don't see how someone of your capabilities could do so much damage." Rin concluded, as she held a wet facecloth to Inuyasha's multiple injuries.

"--- espeically to a hanyou." Sesshoumaru added darkly as he checked out Inuyasha's arm, which was quite disjointed. "I don't see how, even if you are a miko, how you were able to conjure up so many un-bathroom objects." He looked over at Rin, who had left Inuyasha's side and was checking out the multiple shattered objects lyings facefirst on the bathroom floor. "... a ceramic model of a porcupine? Oh fuck, that must've hurt." Inuyasha moaned, and toppled over sideways.

"God," Inuyasha hissed (more from pain rather than anger) from his spot on the living room rug. "And I was just peeing---"

".. More like porn." Kagome added stiffly. "I thought you were.. doing stuff."

"Inuyasha takes great joy in his... business." Sesshoumaru explained, as he lifted Inuyasha up with a grunt. "Concerning the recent events, I take it he has not void his bladder for the past few hours."

".. Well apparently Inuyasha had a lot to 'void'." Rin said from her spot as she kneeled over the 'crime scene'. "Apparently when Inuyasha went down, he 'voided' his bladder all over the bathroom rug, too."

Sesshoumaru coughed, "Well, in any case, it was a great help of you to help clean up with your Miko spells." He turned towards Kagome, "He'll be fine by tomorrow, but I'd appreciate it rather if you decide not to communicate with Inuyasha for today. For the sake of our delicate youkai eardrums, and physical health, of course."

Kagome nodded, It was easier said than done. She stood up from her chair, where she had been miserably seated for the last hour, watching Inuyasha as Sesshoumaru and Rin fussed around him.

Rin, seeing Kagome anxious expression, added. "It's okay, this happens quite a lot. We usually have Sesshoumaru's business partners over to stay, and Inuyasha usually ends up scaring the living shit out of one or two of them with his 'midnight journeys'."

"... The last one broke two of Inuyasha's bones and almost cracked his spine."

Kagome winced, "I take it they were females."

"Females?!" Inuyasha sputtered, ".. Demons, more like it."

"Well, maybe if you had at least closed the door and turned on the lights, this wouldn't have happened!"

"But its so much more sexy to piss in the dark!"

"God Inuyasha, if you weren't so damn annoying, you'd at least have some friends!"

Rin watched the pair bicker as she sweeped up the remains of a few vases. "Seems like he's getting better already."

Inuyasha rested his tired head and against his palm, cradling it as he carressed his injuries, which were already closing up and disappearing. He smiled, looking out the window and watched the crows take off from the telephone pole flying into distant, a dark shadow against the blue sky.

He was interrupting during his deep moment by a sudden jutting in his gut. Of course hunger comes before life-contemplating!

Inuyashed left his spot on the sofa and bounded over to the kitchen refrigerator, which had a large yellow sticky stuck onto it.

Left with Sesshoumaru to go shopping. Yes, we will bring you some Gouda back. Take care of Kagome, she's upstairs. I told her she could use the computer. There's some cold pizza in the fridge, pop it in the microwave for two minutes. Supervise it, because I don't want the pizza in there for twenty minutes like what you did last time. Anyway, be back later and don't try to get revenge on Kagome by sabotaging her face or something like that.

kk, much love,

Rin and Fluffy.

At the end of the note, there was a small postscript fitted in, written in Sesshoumaru's sloppy handwriting.

P.S: Oiy punk, there's one more pack of ramen in there. Don't eat it, because then you'll see your nasty mongrel ass in the garbage can. Aiight?! And don't even think about touching the canned crab either, because that's saved for me too, not for you pudgy dog-hands. Have fun being a complete Jackass!

Inuyasha grunted angrily, peeling off the yellow sticky and throwing it into the garbage. He didn't have to look to know it went in. Inuyasha opened the fridge, ignoring the cold pizza, and going straight for the last package of ramen that Sesshoumaru had 'hidden' between the produce. He boiled the water, and ate the ramen, relishing the spicyness.

And for good measure, he ate the canned crab too.

Kagome sat on the chair, her fists clenched angrily around the computer mouse as she clicked to sign in to her email inbox.

Screen name: Mikosensei


She watched the spaceship circle the globe on her screen as it signed her in.

You have seventeen new messages.

Besides the usual ammount of spam from Kouga and Hojo, there were three messages of remote interest.

To: Mikosensei

From: Sangochan.

"Get well, Kag."

Heard about your recent accidents, hope you get better soon, lovely! Miroku and I are having tons of fun, wish you were here with Inuyasha! Call me when you get the time, aiight? I have so much to tell you!

Love ya, babe.


Kagome smiled as she typed a quick reply, assuring Sango that yes, she was alright, and yes, she and will call her when she got time to. She added a quick tease to Sango about the amount of fun Sango was having with Miroku and signed off with a "Love ya BFF." Then she clicked send and waited for the next message to load on her screen.

To: Mikosensei

From: Unknown

"Save yourself."

Kagome stared at the message title with a strange feeling in her gut. Could this be from the man who attacked her a few days before? Could he be following her? Could he be looking at her right this minute?!

How slow is your Internet speed? Save yourself with Vonage high-speed internet connection and make phone calls over the internet! Packages start at over $14.99! Go to www. vonage. com to start saving! 'Vonage is a leading provider of broadband telephone services with over 2 million subscriber lines. Our award-winning technology enables anyone to make and receive phone calls with a touch tone telephone almost anywhere a broadband Internet connection is available.'

VOip with Vonage!,

The Vonage team.

.. nevermind. Kagome laughed, but stopped midlaugh when the last email appeared over the screen.

To: Mikosensei

From: Korari Higurashi

"Having Fun?"

I heard about your recent injury from Rin, hope you get better darling! It appears the meeting is taking longer than planned, have fun with Inuyasha! Always remember the words of our father, and keep Inuyasha with you always. Hopefully I'll be back to celebrate your engagement!...

Kagome couldn't finish reading as her eyes blurred over, and the computer screen ominiously turned black and she felt strong arms encircle her torso.

"It was bound to happen, wasn't it?"

Kagome leaned into the arm as a tear slowly began to freefall out of her eyes. She rested her head on the strong chest behind her as she closed her eyes tightly.

"I'm sorry." Kagome murmured as she felt a long strand of white hair fall over her face. She opened her eyes and looked into the golden orbs that were staring intently into hers.

".. Don't be."

A/N ahah, catching a few smidges of a plot, are you? Smart readers! Lol, so anyway. I might not update for awhile, just warning you now. Because I just read over my past chapters trying to find out where to connect this story and found my past chapters quite to be atrocious. So I'll be editting the past chapters and try to put some more 'plot'.

But don't worry, this story ain't dead.

It's just starting. but about the first part, since my friend told me i wrote it 'like i had experienced it before' i seriously have no idea how guys go peepee, so i kinda improvised. ;3 And yes, he IS peeing not 'doing something else' like kagome thought he was doing, too.

(sick twisted people.)

Disclaimer: I don't own "VOiping with Vonage" either, kthx.

As always,

(Reviewers, do your thangggg)
