Disclaimer: I do not own the Mighty Ducks
Thanks for the reviews, sorry it took so long for me to update. This is a short one.
Chapter 8.
"Here's your jacket back, thank you." Julie said when they reached her dorm room, handing him his jacket.
"No problem, listen I'll call you later." he said kissing her goodbye.
"Okay" she replied. He began to walk away, then turned around and said
"Oh and tell Connie thanks." Julie laughed and walked in her room. Connie was sitting there anxiously waiting for her to say something. Julie acted like she didn't see notice and went about her business. Connie had finally had enough.
"Julie Gaffney you had better give me some details if you know what's good for you!" Julie finally gave in.
"Connie, it was the best thing that's happened to me in a long time" she said flopping on to her bed.
"I'm so happy for you, so what happened, did you kiss?"
"Yes, we kissed,
it was amazing! He's so sweet, he says thanks by the way. What
exactly did you say to him?"
"Oh nothing, just the truth."
Connie laughed
"Well, then I thank you as well, anyway, he asked me to the dance."
"That's so great!"
On the other side of the campus, Adam walked into his room. He was greeted by Charlie, Guy, Fulton, Portman and Russ.
"Banksie, where have you been all day?" Charlie asked
"Oh, just here and there"
"You're acting very suspicious Mr. Banks, what' going on?" Guy asked.
"Nothing is going on."
"Then why can't you wipe that grin off your face? Oh my God, did you just have sex!" Portman said getting excited for some details.
"NO! Guys, I did not just have sex. I just had a good day." Adam replied laughing at Portman's excitement.
"Alright, leave the man alone" Charlie said as they all begun to just talk about random things. Then Guy's cell phone rang. He answered it, no one thought anything of it until he hung up and yelled "Banksie, you lying son of a bitch, why didn't you tell us you and Julie got together!" He gave Adam a big hug.
"Hm, let me guess, that was Connie?" Adam said pushing Guy away from him.
"Of course it was, you didn't think you could keep this from us did you?"
"I was just trying to wait for the right time"
"Well, I'm happy for you and thank God you two are finally together." Russ said patting Adam on the back.
"Yeah no kidding, so did you do it yet?" Portman asked. Everyone just rolled their eyes.
"I just kissed her Portman, that's as far as it got, alright? We haven't even made it through our first date."
"You're taking her to the dance right?" Charlie asked
"Yes, the dance. Charlie, you should really do me a favor and ask Samantha Franklin to go with you and get her off my back."
"I'll see what I can do Banksie"
Ok, so the next chapter will be the last. Sorry this one is so short. I'm just having a hard time finishing it. Anyway, Review!