The Jungle Movie – Part 15 (Epilogue)

It is the day after the volcanic eruption in San Lorenzo. Arnold appears from the sacred shrine of La Corazon, flanked from either side by Stella and Miles, and makes his way to the main square, where everyone is waiting for him. Arnold pets Abner, who trots about at his feet as he says his goodbyes to everyone. His friends and their parents come to give their good wishes, and finally he walks over to Helga, who's trying to play it as cool as possible.

Helga: I suppose this is the part where I'm supposed to say "I'm gonna miss you?", right?

Arnold looks at her hopefully. Helga rolls her eyes and sighs.

Helga: All right...If it means that I'll have one less football-headed geekbait to torment, then's a tragedy.

Arnold: Well...for what it's worth...I'll miss you.

Helga: (scoffs) Whatever. Have fun in the jungle, football-head.

Arnold turns as if he is going to leave, but then pauses, and looks at Helga earnestly.

Arnold: I gotta know...

Helga: What?

Arnold: When the volcano erupted...I was dreaming...I thought I heard you say...

Helga: S-say what?

Arnold: Um...heh...never mind. It's nothing. Goodbye, Helga.

Arnold walks away. Suddenly Helga turns him around and hugs Arnold with all her might. Before he can react, Helga releases him and quickly storms off without saying another word. Gerald approaches, shaking his head in disbelief.

Gerald: WHOA! Either I'm coming down with something, or Helga Pataki just hugged you! You really must be a god!

Arnold: This place is just full of miracles, I guess...

Gerald: Whatever you say, Arnold.

They do their secret handshake one last time.

Gerald: Good luck, man.

Arnold: Thanks, Gerald.

Miles:'s time.

Arnold nods. Together, both he and his parents ascend the staircase leading to the highest point in the Green Eyes temple. They are greeted at the top by the Elder, who hands Arnold La Corazon. Arnold walks to the very edge of the dais and looks down on the others. He looks to the Green Eyes, to his peers, to Mr. Simmons, to the chaperones, and finally to Helga, who is putting up a brave face and smiling, giving him the thumbs up. Arnold hesitates when he sees this, but only for a second; he then raises La Corazon above his head, and it glows brightly. A strange energy emanates from the core of the artifact, which pulsates outward and effects everyone in attendance, causing them all, for a brief second, to possess eyes of total green. The light spreads outward, increasing in brilliance, until the whole of the entire temple is awash in emerald light.

And then, darkness.

Helga is awoken by the sound of a bird calling in the distance. She sits up to find herself back in her tent, in her sleeping bag. She looks around to see that the others are getting dressed and packing.

Helga: Wha...what's going on?

Rhonda: We're late, that's what's going on! Hurry and get ready, we're supposed to catch the ferry in one hour!

Mrs. Heyerdahl: My, the week certainly just flew by, didn't it?

Helga: Hour...? Flew by...? But...we just got here...Mr. Simmons said...and how did we get back here...wasn't the camp raided?

Mrs. Lloyd: Raided? What on Earth are you talking about?

Rhonda: (whispers, to Nadine) And you wonder why I didn't drink the water around here...!

Phoebe: I think you were having a bad dream, Helga.

Helga:...a dream...?

As the others continue about their business, Helga crawls out of the tent and looks outside. To her surprise, the camp looks the same as it did the night they first arrived in the jungle. There is no indication of a struggle or that anything traumatic had happened in the area. She runs over to Gerald, who is helping Eugene and his dad take down their tent.

Helga: Gerald!

Gerald: Not now – can't you see I'm busy?

Helga: This is important! Where's Arnold?

Gerald: Arnold?

Helga: Yes! He was sharing a tent with you, remember?

Gerald: Are you crazy or something? Arnold didn't come on this trip!

Helga: What? But-!

Gerald goes by Helga, leaving her horribly confused. Finally, Helga resigns to go along with everyone else and help take down camp. As she does so, no one mentions any of the events that took place during the last couple of days; even stranger, no one seems to remember that Arnold was on the trip, which greatly troubles her.

On the ferry ride back to the mainland, she stands alone at the edge of the boat and takes one last look as it sails away from San Lorenzo.

Helga: (thinking) What's going on...did I really dream up the whole thing...?

She hears the oh-so familiar sound of wheezing behind her. In her frustration, she prepares to punch Brainy in the face, but at the last minute has a change of heart.

Helga: Wait a minute...

Helga turns around to face Brainy. This totally catches him off guard, but before he can react, Helga lifts his shirt, exposing his stomach. Sure enough, the Green-Eyes sun tattoo is still etched onto his skin.

Helga: I knew it! Arnold was here! He really did find his parents! You remember, don't you?

Brainy:(wheezing) Uh...

Helga: Oh, what difference does it make? Arnold, you did it!

At first, Helga is elated, but then she becomes more somber as she comes to another realization.

Helga: And now you'll never have to put up with me again...

Brainy: Wheeze...wheeze...

Helga: know what, Brainy? I think I figured it out.

Brainy: Wheeze...wheeze...

Helga: All these times, when I'd be by myself thinking of Arnold...I'd hate to think of what life would be like without be alone with my thoughts and nothing else...that's what I was truly afraid of. But you knew that...didn't you? All this time, you kept me from realizing that fear by being there for, behind me...even if it meant risking your face. You really are a good friend, Brainy.

Brainy blushes. Helga motions at the spot next to her by the railing. Brainy eyes her warily.

Helga: Well? Don't look at me like that...Come on, I promise I won't toss you overboard again.

Cautiously, Brainy saunters over to the spot beside her at the edge of the boat. When he's convinced that Helga isn't going to change her mind, he finally relaxes, and even stops wheezing long enough just to enjoy her company. Together they stand in silence, looking at the jungle island, which is slowly shrinking away into the horizon.

Arnold is sitting with his parents in his own private quarters within the temple, petting Abner. Arnold seems distracted and his mother picks up on this.

Stella: something on your mind, Arnold?

Arnold: Huh? Oh...I'm just thinking of my friends...and where they are. They're probably on the plane by now. I can't believe I might never see any of them again.

Miles: Does that bother you...?

Arnold: Well...can I ask you a question? When you sent Eduardo to see me, did you expect me to find you so soon...?

Stella: Arnold...

There is a knock at the entrance and the Elder appears.

Arnold: Xiocese?

Elder: Forgive me for intruding, but might I have a word with Arnold for a moment?

Stella and Miles look at each other knowingly. They approach Arnold and first Stella embraces him, then Miles.

Stella: Arnold...we love you.

Arnold: I know...I love you, too.

Miles: But...understand that...We love matter what.

They remain huddled together for several seconds, not moving, simply savoring the moment. Then, with a great sense of reluctance, Stella and Miles exit the room. Xiocese stands before Arnold and bows.

Elder: How are you, my lord?

Arnold: I'm...I'm okay, I guess.

Elder: Is something troubling you?

Arnold: Why do you ask? I'm happy...

Elder: Are you? You sound conflicted. Like you are questioning whether you made the right choice.

Arnold: Of course I did! I found my parents, just like I promised I would! It only makes sense that I'd stay here with them, with the Green Eyes.

Elder: So you made the right choice, then.

Arnold sighs.

Arnold: I don't know. I thought I did but...what do YOU think I should do?

Elder: Arnold, my role is merely to consult you, to guide you to the right conclusion. It seems as if you would like nothing more than to stay here with your parents, and I understand that. If it were up to me, I would insist that you stay and assume leadership of the Green Eyes. However, I must is a daunting task for one as young as yourself. And perhaps...there is something else beckoning to you.

Xiocese hands Arnold an item wrapped lightly in cloth.

Arnold: What is it?

Elder: It is the answer you are seeking. But it is up to you to decipher it.

The Elder leaves Arnold to be alone with his thoughts. After several seconds of simply looking at the mystery item, Arnold gives in and unwraps it. Abner immediately recognizes the item, and barks excitedly. Arnold looks at the item, turns it over several times in his hand, and then his eyes widen as he is hit with a sudden epiphany.

The small plane en route to Hillwood quickly fills up. Sid unexpectedly screams as his takes his seat, his camera clutched in his hand.

Lorenzo: What's the matter, Sid?

Sid: M-my footage! It's all gone!

Harold: What? You mean it was erased?

Sid: Worse than that! All I've got is this weird overexposure crud! Everything's green, I can't see a thing!

Stinky: Well...don't that just beat all? Still, it's not like you captured anything important on camera anyway.

Sid: Yeah, this entire trip was a bust. I can't remember one interesting thing that happened while we were in that stupid jungle. When I get home, the first thing I'm doing is watching the new Abdicator movie! Now that's a REAL jungle adventure!

Phoebe: I saved you a seat, Helga.

Helga: That's okay, Pheebs. I think I'd rather sit in the back.

Phoebe doesn't argue, and instead allows Gerald to sit in the seat that she had saved for Helga. Helga sits alone in the last row of seats, next to the window. She looks out the window and sighs despondently. Mr. Simmons stands in the center of the aisle to get everyone's attention.

Mr. Simmons: People! We'll be taking off shortly. Just to make sure that we don't leave anyone behind, I'll take attendance one last time. Gerald, Phoebe, Rhonda, Nadine...

Helga takes one last look at the runway and shuts her window.

Mr. Simmons:...Robert, Brainy, and Iggy. Well, I guess that's ever–

The door to the plane opens. To Helga's astonishment, in walks Arnold, backpack in tow, as if he was always on the trip. Mr. Simmons scans through his list quickly, then looks at the paper in surprise.

Mr. Simmons:...and Arnold. Hmm...strange... I must have missed your name the first time...

Gerald: What took you so long, man?

Arnold: Better late than never, Gerald!

The plane prepares for takeoff as Arnold hastily makes his way down the aisle. He stops at the seat next to Helga. Helga looks at him and he looks back; this lasts for several seconds.

Arnold: Hi Helga.

Helga: Hey Arnold.

Arnold: Mind if I sit here?

Helga waves her hand and Arnold sits down. The passengers put on their seatbelts as the plane slowly creeps down the runway. Helga looks away from Arnold (even though she had closed the window), resting her chin on her hand. Arnold looks downward, twiddling his thumbs.

Helga: You came back.

Arnold: I had to.

Helga: Why?

Arnold: You left something behind.

Arnold digs in his pocket and tosses something onto Helga's lap. Helga stares at the familiar item and gasps: it is her locket. Slowly, Helga clasps her heart-shaped treasure in her hands. She looks down at the picture of Arnold in the locket, even though it's soggy and torn from being lost in the jungle for several days. She's unwilling to look the actual Arnold in the face.

Helga: Who...who else knows?

Arnold: No one else. No one else needs to know. Listen...Helga...these last few days have been...well, they've been nothing short of amazing. In the course of a week I've found my parents, saved the Green Eyes, defeated La Sombra, and through it all...somehow...I've realized I'm not ready to leave my old life behind. To leave Hillwood. I mean, Grandma and Grandpa still need me and...


Helga looks at Arnold anxiously. After several tense seconds, Arnold finally returns the gesture and looks Helga in the eyes, smiling timidly.

Arnold: ...I found out how little I really know about you.

Helga: ...

Arnold: You''re a remarkable person. I realize that now. I just regret not realizing it sooner. I can't help feeling...that we got off on the wrong foot.

Helga: ...

Arnold: I...I want to start over.

Helga: Start...over...?

Arnold extends his hand to Helga.

Arnold: Hi. My name's Arnold. Arnold Schwartz. What's yours?

Helga looks at Arnold in disbelief, but when she's sees that he is serious, she plays along and shakes his hand.'s Helga. Helga Pataki.

Arnold: Nice to meet you, Helga. Let's be friends.

Helga:...okay, sure. I'd like that.

Arnold: I like your bow, it matches your dress.

Helga: Seriously? Thanks foo– , uh...thank you, Arnold. Sorry, that's going to take a while to get used to. Old habits die hard.

Arnold smiles at Helga.

Helga: Uh, Arnold? You can let go of my hand now...Arnold?

Arnold: Oh. Sorry. (lets go) That reminds me, there's something else I meant to give you back in the jungle.

Helga: Oh yeah? What's tha–?

Before Helga can finish her question, Arnold gives her a quick kiss on the cheek. Stunned, Helga slowly brings her hand to her cheek. She then sits back in her chair, closes her eyes, and sighs contentedly.

Helga: Hey Arnold?

Arnold: Yeah?

Helga: I think...that this is the start of a beautiful friendship.

Cut to an exterior shot of the plane, where now the audience can see how Arnold got to the plane in time - Stonewall is relaxing on the runway, on top of the roof of a muddy Land Rover. He watches casually as the plane takes off into the sky.

Stonewall: Ah, Stonewall, you've done it again. You've redeemed yourself. Good on ya. Maybe they'll write a book about your exploits when this is over. Better yet, maybe they'll make a movie. Hmm..."The Adventures of Stonewall: the Aussie Savior of San Lorenzo". Yeah...I rather like the sound of that. (sighs) I'm just full of ace ideas...

Stonewall pulls his hat over his eyes as the plane ascends up in the air, into the heavens, and to a new golden beginning.


And the credits roll, the audience applauds, and Hey Arnold: the Movie 2 is number one at the box office.

...Well, we can dream can't we?


Thanks much for reading. And Craig Bartlett? Thank you so much for the best show of my childhood.
