Disclaimer: I don't own POTO. I just manipulate the characters :)
WARNING: this chapter contains slight yaoi. Though I am a fan of Erik/Raoul, this is not meant as such. It's just Erik scarring Raoul for life.
Ho ho ho Phanny ish effil.
I am so getting lynched for this.
Raoul had decided it may be best to hide out in the room he and Christine had been sharing in the Opera House. Perhaps here there would be at least some sanctuary. However, so clouded was his mind and...apparently his vision, by relief, that he did not noticed the figuring standing behind the mirror. A masked figure dressed totally in black and grinning with a look that could have only been devilishly charming malice.
Once the door was locked and bolted, Raoul plopped onto his back on the bed, hands on his face in either pure frustration of relief. It was hard to tell from Erik's place behind the mirror. He cackled inwardly to himself. This was going to be his greatest prank yet! Oh he was going to hell for it all right, but oh well! Caution was being thrown to the wind in a rush of tangy sugar!
Slowly the mirror was pulled back into the long dark corridor, making neigh a sound. Raoul had rolled onto his side, back to the Phantom who currently crept into his room with a fiendish grin. A grin that, today, had been showing itself more so then usual. Huh. In any case, he crept into the room thinking only about the ultimate revenge on the one who'd stolen the love of his life. Oh, and by the by, Christine hadn't gone unpunished, it was just a little juvenile prank like switching her laundry detergent with pure corn starch.
Ever so slowly, and with all the grace expected from the Opera Ghost, Erik stole over to the bed and laid one knee on the edge, easing his way onto the mattress in the hopes that he would not startle the person laying before him. He had to hand it to the boy, he was NOT ugly. Strands of caramel hair falling softly onto his shoulders, lithe frame that gave him an almost womanish appearance. He had the sleeping face of an angel.
But, fawning aside, Erik was here for a reason and it wasn't to ogle the Vicompte.
Erik gently laid himself next to the sleeping young man, Raoul's back to Erik's front. He couldn't wait to see the look on the young man's face. Biting his lip to stifle a chuckle, the oh so clever phantom of the opera gently laid his hand on Raoul's shoulder, shaking him lightly in an attempt to not wake him, but merely make him aware that there was another presence in the room. The young fop shifted slightly under the touch, but did not move either away or towards the touch. Thankfully, this is was Erik had wanted. He pressed a little harder, as well as moved his hand from the boy's shoulder to his neck, bare fingertips just lightly caressing the skin. Raoul shifted even more, his face contorting in a light smile, obviously not opposed to the touch. He was probably thinking it was Christine who had joined him through the secret corridor. The brunet rolled onto his back, forcing Erik back a little bit, and due to the movement, his arm was now laying across Raoul's chest.
"Christine?", he said softly. Erik grinned maliciously. This was turning out to be just too easy. Erik ran a finger down Raoul's jaw, bringing out a shiver from the younger man as well as causing him to draw closer to the sources of the touches. Erik propped his elbow up on the pillow and held his head in his hand, watching the Vicompte's reactions. To say that he wasn't enjoying this would have been untrue.
But he wasn't done yet. Erik ran his finger yet again over the boy's flesh, following the trail made by the spinal cord, an area he knew to be sensitive especially to light touches. Raoul shivered again and his breath caught in his throat. The Phantom grinned, laying his palm flat against the boy's back and then dragging it across his side to his abdomen, evoking yet another shiver and what could have almost have been a moan. This was too easy. Carefully, and with decided precision, Erik's hand found it's way under the Vicompte's clothing and ran up his stomach and chest. This time Raoul didn't even try to contain a moan of enjoyment. Erik leaned over ever so slightly so that his lips were by Raoul's ear. Now was as good a time as any to let the scarring for the rest of Raoul's life begin.
"Enjoying yourself, cher?" he whispered in the Vicompte's ear. That was all it took. Raoul's big doe eyes flew open and he immediately tried to scramble away from the Phantom. However, he forgot that Erik was much bigger then himself and was easily able to hold him in place, hands planted firmly on his hips.
"W-what are you doing! G-Get away from me!", Raoul demanded, his pleas only bringing a seductive smile to Erik's lips.
"Funny," he said quietly, leaning toward Raoul's face. "Only a moment ago you were moving nearer to me and now you tell me to get away? That's called sending mixed messages my dear Vicompte and it's quite infuriating."
"I-I thought you were Christine!", Raoul defended. Erik laughed.
"Come now my dear Vicompte, Christine's fingers are long and thin, the fingertips not at all worn down from years of playing the organ now are they?" Raoul was silent, knowing that regrettably the Phantom was right.
"Th-this isn't right..."
"Now you're just being silly. When have I ever cared about right and wrong, Raoul?" Raoul gulped, knowing this again was the truth. "With that in mind, you have to realize that human beings as a race like to be touched. Whether by a man or a woman is an unimportant factor. Close your eyes and you don't know who it is or what sex the person is. All you do know is that you're being touched and it's a wonderful feeling." As though to emphasize the point, Erik dragged his hand back down Raoul's chest and stomach, arousing another shudder/moan mix.
"You are human as well Raoul. I know you like the way I'm touching you, so why not let me?" Enter a gentle and repetitive rub of the young man's stomach. Following this was another moan and shiver mixer. Erik's grin broadened when Raoul's body went lax, as though giving in to the sensations Erik was sending him.
The moment of glory, however, was interrupted by an abrupt knock on the door.
"Raoul!" It was Christine. "Raoul are you all right!"
"Christine!", the younger man said, sitting bolt upright. "Jesus, if she finds me like this-"
"No need to finish that sentence." By this point, Erik had already climbed off the bed and had the mirror partially opened, one foot inside the corridor. "Until next time my dear," he whispered, blowing a sarcastic kiss in the Vicompte's general direction. Without another word, the phantom of the opera disappeared. With his face slightly redder, Raoul rushed over to the door and quickly unlocked it. Christine wasted no time in flinging herself into her husband's arms.
"Oh Raoul, this is not a safe place! Erik could easily slip in through the mirror," she warned him. Raoul reluctantly put his arms around his frantic wife, not quite sure whether or not he should tell her about what had been going on in the room mere seconds before she'd arrived.
Madame Giry sat quietly in her chambers at the end of the day, combing out her hair and preparing for sleep. She had long since given up the search for Erik and abandoned any hope of keeping the Opera House safe. She sighed to herself in remembrance of some of the mischief he was already responsible for. The managers' office a wreck, Carlotta storming off the stage, every one of Christine's dresses being ruined, and she was sure that he had found some way of getting to the Vicompte. His mind seemed far off ever since they had found him in Christine's old room. Raoul claimed that she had arrived before Erik could really do anything but his demeanor suggested that something had happened. Though what, he would not reveal.
She was so wrapped up in her thoughts, that Madame Giry almost didn't notice the letter on her boudoir. Sealed with a red skull like all his letters, the letter was quickly picked up and opened. Giry made the observation, firstly, that the seal was rather sloppy, as though Erik were inebriated when he made it. She set this thought aside, and went on reading the letter.
Inform everyone that if they come anywhere near my home in the following week they will be either shot and/or stabbed on sight. For whatever reason, I've a splitting headache and no tolerance for fools.
Not even bothering with a signature. You know damn well who this is...dear God it hurts to blink...
She sighed to herself, somewhat in frustration, somewhat in relief. He was off the sugar high but...he'd caused so much trouble that it would be hell to set things back to normal in the opera house.
"Worst day of my life," she said to herself, blowing out the candle and climbing into bed.
Raoul didn't join Christine in bed tonight, instead stayed up thinking, staring out the window. He couldn't get Erik's smirk out of his mind. Raoul knew deep in the back of his head that he would never live this day down, that it would haunt him till the day he died.
"Was he trying to scar me or seduce me?", he asked himself. He was tired, confused...VERY confused...and, if nothing else, curious.
Erik moaned in pain, rolling over yet again in an attempt to relieve the pressure on his head. If this was the aftermath of all those god-damned sugar tubes then he would never touch one again.
Another moan and he turned over again, holding a pillow over his head to block out all the noise from above. People were still moving about, cleaning the isles and the seats, jabbering on and creating quite a stir. Erik growled angrily.
He'd never touch sugar again.
Hope you all enjoyed my story!