Chapter 2

Riley was already 15minutes late for class as she hurried down the hallway of her class.

"oh man……I'm late like crap…..what should I tell mr Bob? " Riley asked herself.

Chloe was already in class because she had left earlier and the thing that made Riley angry was that she still had not eaten and her stomache was grumbling.

Just then, her boyfriend, Alex , came running down the hallway as well.

"Hey Riley… are you?"

"Fine thanks but I'm worried about getting detention for coming late"

"Don't worry, you'll be fine….i got to go catch my class so see ya later…"Alex whispered before running off.

"Hmph!…here goes nothing" Riley said as she entered her class.

The whole class glanced at her for a moment before looking back at the teacher. Mr Bob was a new teacher at the school. He was a little stout and short but he was well known for his hot temper. Right then, his face turned red with anger and his palms clenched.

"And why are you late again Riley for the 20th time?"

"I'm sorry sir. You see, I had to finish a project that was due today last night so I worked all the way til 3 in the morning sir."

"Very well. Now go and sit down at your place. We are about to start our test."

"What? What test? You didn't say anything about a test!"

"It's a surprise test now sit down! You have already delayed the test and because of that you will have to stay back a while"


But the whole class was already staring at her angrily before she could say more.