Disclaimer – I do not own or profit from Saiyuki. If I did, you'd think I would know how to speak fluent Japanese...
Rated T for slash and violent and/or sexual themes. The warnings are for all chapters, by the way. Should more become necessary, I'll be sure to put them here... probably. If I remember. ('lol')
Could be considered as containing SPOILERS for Gaiden, except that I don't know if this or anything like it really happened. You just need to know, vaguely, how Gaiden 'ends', which I think basically anyone familiar with Gaiden already knows... Yes, I know I'm just confusing. I'd say it better if I could. (In order to try, these notes would end up longer than the drabble... which it might already be. 'lol')
Anyway, enjoy. Peace, all.
Tales From The Backseat
by Ghost Helwig
The monkey's punishment was simple: five hundred years of nothingness, limbo, with no memories of the only times he'd ever been warm (ever been loved).
His is still the better punishment.
Kenren spends those years drifting, immobile, a ghost – he cannot drink, or fuck. It's the boredom he hadn't experienced before. Multiplied.
Tenpou spends those years watching human and demonkind destroy themselves. The gods failed, though – he is not a man moved by bloodshed.
It is Konzen's punishment that is worst.
Because for five hundred years, all Konzen does...
Is watch Goku.
Watch Goku suffer... cry.
And so Konzen prays.
--fini drabble the fourth--