Lost and Found – Chapter One: Lost


Summary: Sunako loses her favorite mannequin and is absolutely devastated, but she finds an unexpected source of comfort. SunaKyo.

Author's Note: Well I was rereading Volume 3 and the chapter where Sunako loses Hiroshi-kun for the first time ever I'm assuming this. I saw how devastated she was and I was wondering, what would happen if she lost him again; however this time she can't find him at all… and thus here's my fanfic lol. I don't write fanfics, so… yeah. Be gentle with your criticism please… lol. Also, sorry about the tad bit of OOC-ness in Sunako and Kyohei. It's unusually hard to write something for that couple without changing their personality a little. But I really tried not to make their OOC-ness unbearable.

Also, title… meh… couldn't come up with a better one… so sad! Maybe after you read this chapter, you can give me a suggestion :D

And one more thing, I said that my fanfic contains angst, humor, and fluff. Well, this chapter is definitely the angst section!

Okay! Enough Author's Note! On to the story! XD


Italics – thoughts



Where are you…? Why can't I find you?

I've searched everywhere…the entire mansion… the whole town… I can't understand it.

Where did you go? Did someone take you? I had just left you in the gardens to dry after cleaning you. Completely routine, but then you disappeared… I don't understand! Why would someone take you!

It's my fault. After those gang members took you, I should've assumed another heist was possible. After that incident, I should have never brought you outside. Or if I left you outside, I should've been watching you… the entire time.

What was I thinking! How could I think that you would suddenly be safe!

It was so careless of me, and now I'm suffering for it.

Hiroshi-kun, I'm trying my hardest to find you. I've ran through this town at least three times… I don't care about the pain coursing throughout my body. I have to find you.

I will not lose you. I'll find you, my dear Hiroshi-kun.

I need to get up. I need to move. Move… move… why can't I move!


The moan alerted the boys who were currently in her room to Sunako's side.

"She's finally awake… " Yuki said slightly teary-eyed, "and she was unconscious for so long. It was good thing the doctor found her lying on the sidewalk. Who knows what could have happened if he didn't… I don't even want to think about it."

They were all worried about Sunako, who had earlier that day rushed out of the mansion crying. They had no idea what was wrong until they had searched through her room and realized that Hiroshi-kun wasn't there. He was her favorite mannequin and she loved it more than anything else.

They all glanced at Sunako, who had a very high fever. Her feet were horribly bruised from the enormous amount of running she did. She probably didn't even bother to rest, so she had unavoidably collapsed.

"She's so damn reckless all the time." Kyohei said. He was sitting on a stool next to Sunako's bed, simply watching her.

"I can't believe she spent that much effort searching for Hiroshi-kun. Then again, it's Sunako. So I probably shouldn't be that surprised." Takenaga commented. He was currently cleaning the soles of her feet due to the various cuts and blisters on them.

"And she left so early this morning too. She probably ate nothing today." Ranmaru deduced. He was holding some medicine for her high fever. Pouring the contents in a teaspoon, he brought the spoon slowly towards her mouth…

What is that weird feeling? Sunako opened her eyes. What's that spoon doing?

Nevermind. None of those things are important.

I need to get up…come on Sunako, you can do this. Do this for Hiroshi-kun. Think about the support he's given you throughout the years. When that guy horribly rejected you, Hiroshi-kun was your only comfort.

Get up… get up… now.

Slowly and agonizingly, she lifted the top part of her body. The boys looked up in shock. Takenaga stopped cleaning her feet. Ranmaru quickly retracted the spoon.

Alright, first part done. Now finish it.

She moved her legs towards the side of the bed. The boys moved aside, unable to believe that she was actually trying to get out of bed. They continued watching her struggle. It looked like it was taking every ounce of her strength to do the simple task of bring her feet over the bed. Eventually, her feet made contact to the floor. Little by little, she willed herself to stand up. Everyone was in complete disbelief. Didn't she feel any pain?

Now walk. Slowly, her left leg moved, but it ended in a stumble.

"Stop!" someone screamed.

What on earth was that. She turned around and found herself face-to-face with Yukinojo Toyama. Probably one of the most sensitive guys on earth. And she sighed inaudibly. She usually found it difficult to say no to whatever he asked.

"Please Sunako-chan! Don't walk!" Yuki pleaded, "Your fever is too high! And you're injured. Don't overexert yourself again. You might kill yourself…" His eyes were brimming with tears. He held onto her shoulders and slowly guided her to the bed. Sunako reluctantly sat down.

The other boys watched, relieved. The last thing they all wanted was for Sunako to venture outside again. Who knows what might happen to her this time…

I don't want to admit it, but he's right. What good is it if I kill myself in the process of finding you? Then will be separated forever… and I don't want that.

As slowly as she had left the bed, Sunako crept into it. She lied down and placed the black blanket on top of herself making it cover her entire body. The boys understood the sign. She didn't want them in her room anymore. She wanted to be alone.

Unwillingly, and still worried, they all left the room.

I'm so sorry Hiroshi-kun. Because I'm too weak, I have to stop my search momentarily… but I promise, I'll try to find you as soon as possible… soon… I hope you're okay…

Then she felt it. Tears began forming in her eyes as her despair and hopelessness slowly encompassed her entire being.

For the first time ever since being rejected in middle school, Sunako felt true sadness.


The guys were still outside Sunako's room. All their expressions were somber.

"What are we going to do?" Yuki asked.

"I have no idea." Kyohei responded regretfully.

They all sighed heavily.

"Oh I have it! We should find Hiroshi-kun!" Ranmaru exclaimed.

"Well DUH we have to." Kyohei retorted. He shook his head. Sometimes Ranmaru didn't really think about what he was saying or doing. He just did as he pleased.

"But you saw her feet." Takenaga said, "She's searched everywhere, but she still can't find it."

Ranmaru looked very grim. They all sighed again.

Then they heard the last thing they wanted to hear. Sunako's sniffling and choked sobs had started increasing in frequency and sound.

"Don't tell me… she's crying?" Kyohei asked in disbelief. He knew she loved the thing, but to get that worked up over it… He couldn't help but feel a little sorry for her.

"Sunako-chan…" Yuki muttered sadly.

"We have to do something soon. But it's already getting late. Lets go to sleep and come up with a plan tomorrow." Takenaga said.

"Good idea." They simultaneously said.

They said good night to each other and headed towards their own rooms.


Kyohei Takano found sleep difficult to obtain. Remembering Sunako's cries made it too difficult.

As time passed, he had become fonder of Sunako. Heck, you could call them friends already and probably the closest thing he had to a girlfriend. After all, they had technically "went on a date." Plus, they had saved each other countless times…

He groaned. Where the hell was that mannequin of hers anyways? How does it always manage to get stolen? Sunako had been devastated back when the gang members took it, but at least she knew who did it. Her reaction wasn't as severe as it was now.

I wonder how she's doing… I really hope she's still not crying… but that's impossible. She can't possibly be awake at this hour right? He lifted his head slightly and found the clock. Its glowing numbers revealed that it was two in the morning. It's already almost 2 a.m. Or maybe she was that upset… that frustrated. Maybe I should check…

But why do I give a damn! Unless…

Oh no.

That couldn't be possible.

Could I…?

Could I be… no. NO. It's as I thought before. She's a friend… So as a friend, I should check up on her. Yes yes, that's right. If I know that's she's sound asleep, then sleep will come easier for me.

Yes. That's why I want to check up on her. So I can go to sleep in peace.

Kyohei slowly went through the hallway so he would not wake up his fellow tenants. He treaded quietly down the stairs and found himself in the hall containing Sunako's room. He walked against the wall carefully because it was very dark and was trying to find the doorknob or some hint of her room.

Then her fingers felt something very cool. The doorknob. He turned the knob slightly, but then thought better of it and released it. He leaned his ear against the door and…


Sunako Nakahara was having a very difficult time sleeping. She was still crying, although it had subsided to a bare minimum. Now her crying had reduced to occasional sniffles.

I have to stop crying and get some sleep or else I will be too tired to find Hiroshi-kun tomorrow. I'm going to search tomorrow, I don't care what anyone else says.

Then she heard a creaking sound.

What was that? … I think I'm completely exhausted now. I'm already hearing things…

She let out a sigh. Come on Sunako sleep. If you're going to blame yourself, at least do it when everyone else is awake… And besides, you'll find him…

But what happens if you don't? asked another voice.

No… no… Tears were threatening to escape yet again… I will!

No you won't. He's gone forever, the cruel voice responded.

I won't…? Hiroshi-kun… and she started crying all over again.


So she is still up. But at least her crying isn't as loud as before. That's a good sign; she'll probably go to sleep soon. After all, Sunako's smart. She probably realized that she can't cry all night. It wouldn't help her and it wouldn't make her any closer to finding Hiroshi-kun.

I know she's extremely depressed right now, but I shouldn't try to comfort her again. Whenever I try reasoning with her-- that usually ends up very badly. He grimaced a little remembering past instances where she had attacked him. Most of they time they disagreed with the other person's opinions. Yeah, I'm doing us both a favor. She doesn't even want to see me anyways.

Kyohei brought his head away from the door and turned to leave, until he heard a sob. A very loud sob. And it didn't stop there. There were consecutive sobs and sniffles, which could only mean one thing. She's crying again... Damn. and the sympathy he had felt for Sunako came hitting him full-force.

Oh great… What should I do now? I definitely won't be able to sleep now…

Fine. I'll try my best to help her. But how do I do that?

Come on, Kyohei, think… What makes girls happy whenever they're sad?

… His mind was completely empty.

How the hell should I know? I don't even have a girlfriend…

He resorted to the only thing he could remember. Television.

What do the guys do when the girls cry?

He distinctly remembered this one sitcom. The girl was crying over the death of her father. Her boyfriend had held her, saying comforting words to her. He had said something along the lines of "Death is inevitable, but I'll be your crying shoulder." Eventually the girl had stopped crying and thanked her boyfriend for being so supportive.

To be honest, the scene was way too cheesy and had almost made him throw up, but the idea wasn't that bad. And to be honest, it was the best he could come up with. Or, more specifically, the best he could remember.

A hug! That's not too bad… and I've already kissed her anyways.


He turned towards the door and slowly turned the doorknob. Opening the door slightly, he quietly entered.

And he saw her. She was so self-absorbed that she hadn't even noticed his presence. She was sitting on her bed, holding her knees against her chest—crying silently to herself. The familiar aura of darkness was surrounding her, but this one was especially bad. Everything around her seemed to be pitch black—even darker than the night itself.

Kyohei was taken aback. He had never seen her this miserable before…

He continued walking. He reached her bed. And she still didn't realize he was in the room.

Suddenly, the idea of giving her a hug didn't seem so repelling anymore. As a matter of fact, he wanted to. I want to hug her. I want her to feel better… Seeing her this sad is too much.

I don't want her to suffer anymore.

He went on her bed and sat down.

He extended his arms, bringing them towards her.

And he closed them gently around her.

She was so cold. Probably sweat…

He tightened his arms a little, bringing her close to his body.

But there was absolutely no reaction from her. She still looked completely dazed and tears were still in her eyes.

She loved that thing to the point that she couldn't even sense his immense radiance. Did she even feel him hugging her? This situation was too serious. Drastic actions were necessary now.

He started speaking…



Will I never find you again?

I don't want to admit it, but things seem so hopeless now. I mean… I went everywhere… Did you just disappear off the face of the earth? Why couldn't you take me with you…

Then she felt something rather peculiar.

What is this? Why is everything getting warmer all of a sudden?

She experienced a quick wave of déjà vu. She had been in this position before… where had she felt this?

Oh who cares… Hiroshi-kun.

Then an all-too-familiar voice snapped her out of her extremely deep reverie. The voice sounded handsome, almost too handsome. Soothing as well. And to her surprise, it sounded a little tired.

"Sunako…" it started, "I know you miss Hiroshi-kun deeply… but you have to take care of yourself too. You don't realize it… but we're all deeply worried about you. None of us can't stand seeing you like this."

And she figured it out. It was him… the radiant one. Kyohei Takano.

But this doesn't make any sense?

Why was he here? Why was he saying such nice things to her?

Wait a minute. Did he just beg her to take care of herself? They were all worried about her? And this warm feeling… the one she experienced every so often… that must mean…

Her thoughts were interrupted as he continued speaking.

"Don't worry. The guys and me… we'll all help you find Hiroshi-kun. But in exchange, you have to stop being so reckless… You have to eat. You have to sleep. Another thing, it's not your fault he's gone. Someone stole him. And that can't be prevented, so stop feeling guilty when you shouldn't. Got it?"

It's not my fault Hiroshi-kun's gone?

It isn't…?

And, miraculously, with those words… all the guilt she had felt suddenly disappeared. The voices in her head, blaming her for everything vanished along with it. Now that the voices were gone, she was able to finally think straight. So she finally recognized what was causing her to feel so warm. After all, she already felt this feeling many times before.

Usually whenever I feel this warm…that means… he's holding me… voluntarily! Where was the catalyst!.

Before he had held her because she was in trouble, or because she had done something for him. Like before, when the club agent had kidnapped him and he was unable to free himself. She had retrieved him and brought him to safety. Or when he saved her from being hit by the glass jars falling on her.

But this time, he was holding me out of his own accord?

What does this mean! Could he possibly…

And now that she was thinking straight, she could feel the blinding presence called Kyohei.

Too hot… it's too hot now… I'm going to…

And she lost consciousness.


"Ahhh!" Kyohei yelled. Suddenly, blood had started spraying everywhere. It had gotten all over his face and shirt. Yet again, she was suffering from a nosebleed due to his presence. But that must mean…

Sunako's back to normal! He was overjoyed, despite the blood on him, because that meant she was feeling better. Or at the very least, she wasn't berating herself anymore for losing Hiroshi-kun.

He was still holding her, but tightly this time. He was just too happy!

Then he realized something unfortunate.

She's not even conscious!

Oops. I think my actions were a bit much. I guess I'll just lay her down now…

And he carefully brought her down, one hand supporting her back and the other her head. He released her as her head made contact with the pillows.

He went off her bed, cautious at to not wake her up and left her room as quietly as he had entered.

He closed the door and it shut with a faint 'click.' He started making the long journey of walking through the hallway and up the stairs once more. He found his room and entered it. Then he jumped onto his own bed and placed the covers on himself.

He willed himself to go to sleep, but there was one slight problem. He couldn't stop thinking about one little thing.

Why had he hugged Sunako so readily? … oh yes he remembered.

Because he wanted her to feel better.

But then he heard someone else speak.

"No…"it responded, "That's not all… and you know it. But you just won't admit it…"

What the heck. What was that. Oh screw it. That can't possibly be right… can't be.

Or… can it…?

No! Sleep sleep…

But he still couldn't. Curious, He lifted his head slightly and looked at the clock. It's numbers now revealed it was 3 a.m.

He groaned aloud.

End of Chapter One.


wEEe! Done w/ chapter one! There are quite a few questions that are still unanswered… What happened to Hiroshi-kun? Will anything ever happen between Sunako and Kyohei? But that's what chapter 2 is for! Thanks for reading!

Also, thanks to celinae for beta-ing this chapter! Go read her fanfics! xD

Till next time :D