Jackson Ripner leaned back against Lisa's kitchen counter, idly tapping his glass of wine before taking a sip. He sighed, stood up straight, and once again checked his wrist watch. He walked over to a second glass near the stove, stirred its liquid contents, and glanced to the window. Any minute now…

The sound of a key being turned alerted him and he stepped back, making sure he wouldn't be seen from the front door. Lisa came in unaccompanied, dropped her black work bag, and ran lengthy fingers through her auburn hair. Then, looking up, she stilled, staring skeptically at the light in her kitchen. I never leave the light on, she thought. Never…

Slowly, nearly soundlessly, she crept along the dark hallway, feeling for the handle on the lamp table's drawer. She had learned, especially since these last few weeks, to always keep a weapon near. But as she pulled out the drawer, expecting to grab a knife, she felt nothing but polished wood.

"Lisa," said a dark, rather sing-song voice. She let out a shuddering breath, her hands beginning to tremble. No…

Lisa backed up, making for the door. "Not that way," he warned. "Come into the kitchen." She continued to go against his wishes, sliding along the wall, as far from the light as possible.

"Bad decision, Lisa. I should tell you that if you decide to run outside my partner will catch you, and I never advised him to be merciful." She made no reply, only curled her fingers around the metal handle of her umbrella. It was weak object, she knew, but she had beaten Jackson at his own game before. Closer she crept towards the kitchen, hoping to take him out with a swing to the skull. Lisa peeked in, and saw the back of Jackson's black, wrinkleless suit. Breathing in deeply to steady herself, she counted to three and flew at him.

"I thought I killed your partner!" she said harshly, swinging the umbrella handle at the back of his head. He turned swiftly, catching the object in the palm of his hand and smiling in amusement.

"An umbrella?" he asked, catching her wrists. "I thought you would have learned to step up your game."

"I stabbed you with my high heeled shoe," she spat, trying forcibly to wiggle out of his grasp. "An umbrella should have worked just fine!" He glared slightly, cocked his head, then let go of her wrists to slam her against the oven. Lisa breathed in sharply, but before she could get up Jackson held a gun in front of her face and stepped back casually.

"Red wine," he said, picking up his glass and holding it out in front of him. "But I'm not completely selfish. I've made you a Sea Breeze." Jackson grinned, putting down his own drink to pick up hers. The gun still aimed at its target.

"What do you want?" she asked finally through gritted teeth.

"At the present all I want is for you to take a sip of this lovely concoction. It is, after all, your favorite."

"I've changed my preference," she informed him, glaring.

"Is that right?" he asked. "Well, for old time's sake, then." He drew near, and Lisa's eyes scanned the kitchen, desperate for any useful item.

"Oh, don't bother looking around. I've taken care of most harmful objects myself. Can't have a repeat of last time, now can we?"

"How did you get out?" she asked suddenly, her eyes narrowing suspiciously. "I'm assuming they didn't let you go free."

"No, no, they didn't. But I'm quite competent; county jails have never held me for long." He stood over her now, swiveling the drink in his hand arrogantly. "Now, are you going to be a good girl and say, 'Ah,' or am I going to have to force this down your throat?"

"If you're going to kill me, just shoot me!" she cried, pursing her lips together tightly. He laughed lightly in reply.

"I'm not going to kill you, Lisa. I'll injure you, of course, but there is no need to rid of you just yet."

"But you'll kill me eventually," she continued, attempting to buy time.

"Not if you're good." She rolled her eyes at this comment.

"Well, then," she said, an idea forming, "bring me my Sea Breeze." Jackson smiled, keeping his gun level with her face, and leaned over her, extending the hand that held her glass. She reached out her hand slightly, feigning a new sense of compliance, but responded to his gesture by kicking in his left knee. He was quick to lose his footing, and dropped the liquid, drenching the ends of his pants and shoes. With a growl he stood up completely, holding onto the counter's edge as he shot in her direction. He missed.

Jackson shook out his leg and dashed down the hall, fighting the chairs and lamps being tossed his way. Finally he caught up, lunging at her and toppling her to the ground. Lisa let out a cry, turning around so that she lay on her back, and struggled to push herself away. Her legs were immovable now, and he struggled from on top of her to grab her hands.

"Get off me!" she screamed, tears threatening to spill as she knew she was losing the battle.

But Jackson grabbed her wrists, pinned them down, and took only a second to grab the needle from his coat pocket. She cried out, choking back a sob, but gradually loosened as the injection swam from her side into her veins. After a final whimper, she was asleep. Jackson breathed out as he rolled over, feeling inside his shirt for his cell phone.

He stopped dialing, though, as his eyes fell on her sleeping form. She was especially beautiful, he thought, when bruised and bleeding. Like an accomplice, perhaps. Like an equal.

"Lecton?" he asked, putting the phone to his ear. "I've got her."

A/N: Well, this is the new fic I promised! I'm much happier with it than I was with Feelings, and I hope you guys like it too. Please review, even if it's just flame me. ;) I'll update as soon as I can, but I start school this week so I might not be able to post a new chapter until Thursday or so.

BIG thanks to everyone who reviewed Feelings: Signs Fan, LolaQ, RoxieBarbieHer, Marumae, TheShoelessOne, Snufflesgal, Chanel, E.R.M. Griffin, Winged Seraph, Isis, and Romance-Luver222!