DragonRose888: This is not my story! It is my friend Wonnykins's story! She does not have an account cuz of her stupid computer. So instead I am going to post it for her. Hope you like!

Wonnykins: Hewwo, Nya! I am such a big fan of ShiShi Shipping. Duh, or I would not have written this. Oh, well I guess I would have anyway if I wanted to see Satoshi suffer…

Satoshi: Hey!

Wonnykins: Oh, hush, Nya. Shigeru, read out ze warnings and disclaimer, please.

Shigeru: Otay. This is purely a work of fandom-ness. Wonnykins nor Dragon owns Pokemon, Saotshi, or me, the really devilishly attractive Shigeru.

Wonnykins: Stop being so full of yourself, Nya.

Dragon: That is so wrong…

Shigeru: … Anyways, this fanfic contains torture, rape, angest, depression, and you get the point. Poor Sato-chan….

Satoshi: On with the stupid fic. Let's get this over with…


I'm finding it hard to catch my breath. Not surprising, since someone bigger then me is dragging me down the hallway in a chokehold. I should be used to this by now, having it happen everyday now since I've been here.

Brawn-but-no-Brains stops, holding my throat unnecessarily tighter, fiddling with a key for the door in front of him. I struggle with his arm, trying to get a breath. He opens the door, finally, and loosens his hold. Air has never tasted so good. But I don't have time to savor it. I am thrown bodily into the dark confines of…

…my prison.

The air is knocked from my lungs. As I try to sit up, the door closes, and the only light is a dim bulb hanging from the ceiling. I wish it was darker. It helps, not seeing the pathetic conditions; a rusty cot, short –sheeted; pans that once contained the too-little meals I have been forced to choke down, not cleaned up since I was first locked in here…

My stomach growls. Thinking of food on an empty stomach never helps. I wasn't kidding when I said meals were too small. Not only that, but I don't get them as often as I like. Once, or, if my captors are in a good mood, twice a day I get 'meals'. Sometimes, if I'm unlucky, I don't get anything at all.

My stomach roars. 'Not helping, Satoshi…', I think to myself, pressing my hands against my belly. Hmph. Not really. I've lost so much weight since I've been here that my pants should be around my ankles. Still, I can't help wishing I had something in me; I'm so hungry it hurts. God, when was the last time I had a decent supper? Oh, yeah, before I was kidnapped. And I was so nervous then that I almost couldn't keep it down…


"Takashi, is supper done yet? I'm starving!"

"It's coming Satoshi, be patient!"

I sat back and crossed my arms pouting. 'Damnit' I thought, 'Can't he hurry?'

I bit my lip the sooner I ate something the better. I glanced at Shigeru at the table. My rival was just as impatient. He saw me staring and glared. I looked away. After dinner, I had to tell him. It was getting too much to carry on my shoulders; that feeling. And it was growing all the time.

-End Flashback-

'And it still is…..', I reminded myself. I forget the cramps my stomach and think of the pain in my chest, my heart really. If not for that, I wouldn't be here with my empty stomach in this horrible room, with these horrible bruises and scars.

And speaking of which….

I finally realize that part of the pain in my stomach is due to the fact my hands have been pressing on a huge bruise. It's new. I can't believe I haven't noticed it before now. As I take my hands away, lifting up my shirt to be sure. I wince.

Purple and black, the huge sore covers most of my stomach. How could I have not noticed it? But no one hit me in my stomach today….

…….did they?

I can't remember. With a sinking feeling, I realize that I can't remember today at all and that my head feels funny….

Out of habit, I pull up my sleeve. I groan. There is a tiny blood stained mark, a needle hole. I slump against the wall, wincing as my sore back touches the wall. A drug. I've forgotten the whole day because of a drug. Not like this hasn't happened before.

I close my eyes, screwing up my face, my head pounds. I know that it's stupid, but, even so, knowing what has happened doesn't, er, well it hurts, but I've got to remember for when I get rescued.

Excuse me, if I get rescued.

Thoughts are blurry at first, and clearing then is making me dizzy and sick to my stomach. Finally, I am able to piece together my day.

It's not pretty.


"Oh Shigeru…..please…." I opened my eyes. My dream faded. I resisted the urge to cry. Shigeru had been there, right in front of me. Trying to save me. Saying he loved me…

The door to my prison opened. A huge man with brown hair came in. It was then I started my day.

I was dragged from my pathetic room and down a hallway. A door with an odd, eerie aura had opened, and I had been thrown bodily inside. Before I had time to regain myself, the men within the room descended on me. As they held my limbs, one grabbed my arm, pulling me forward. As another kissed me hostilely, the one who grabbed my arm jabbed a needle into my arm. As the pain coursed through my arm, my cry was muffled by the mans teasing lips. Then they started their daily routine of feeling me.

Hands slid up my shirt.

Caressing me.

By the time they had pinned me to the bed, things were getting fuzzy. Finally, as one laughed cruelly, I could not remember anymore.

-End Flashback-

Dragon: I loved IT! Angst! XD

Wonnykins: Well, that's all I gots for now, Nya. But I will Keep Dragon posted on updates, so rest assured, there will be more. Please Rand R her. She will forward what you have to say to me. Thanks for reading, Nya!

Satoshi: You mean there's MORE to my suffering! Oh no...