Disclaimer: I do NOT own The Legend of Zelda.

Zen's Amulet
By: blondie 91


A long time ago, it was told that the goddess of power, Din, had given birth to a son. He was called Zen. But Zen was of an evil heart, and held plans of pure evil within the depths of his treacherous mind to bring chaos and utter destruction upon the land of Hyrule, whom is mother had been a part of creating. He planned to bring the people to their end…

Din saw this and refused to allow him to do such a thing. Although, she would not subject to killing her own son, but instead, trapped his spirit within an amulet where he would remain for the years to come…The only way possible for him to be released was if the amulet were somehow discovered and shattered…When released, the people of Hyrule would be in grave danger, for how does a mortal kill a god?

Time passed and the tales regarding the amulet and of Din ever having a child faded through out history. No longer did anyone know of the danger the amulet was capable of releasing…

Chapter 1

Kokiriko Village…

"HELP! Somebody please help! My baby's in there!" a woman shrieked much to the dismay of the onlookers.

Flames soared high into the air as fire devoured the woman's home. A water bucket chain had even formed going from the well to the flaming house, but their attempts were only keeping the fire contained, miserably failing to put it out.

A mysterious figure crouched in the shadows surveying the fire before him. He was of a tall, lean, and muscular build, garbed in a black cloak with the hood up to hide his face and beneath the cloak he wore a significant unusual green tunic.

He could already tell the house wasn't going to make it, but when he heard there was still someone inside, there was no way he was about to stand to the side and let them die such an inhumane death, especially an infant.

So with an amazing burst of speed, he crashed through the window and through the blazing inferno. There was a loud wailing, he scanned the place, but a smoky veil blocked him from seeing very much. Dropping to the ground below the smoke, he began making his way towards the cries.

He gagged and struggled for breath in the smoke laden room, and then he heard the snapping sound of something giving way and on instinct, rolled to the side just as a blazing timber smashed down on where he had been just a moment ago. He crawled faster, the heat was unbearable and he needed to get out soon before the house caved in and he ran out of air.

He was closer to where the cries were and found the baby emanating them lying in a crib. He scooped the baby up into his arms and held it against him under his cloak to protect it. Then the house shook violently, threatening to cave in over their heads.

The boy kicked the glass out of another window and dived out, being extremely careful to not crush the baby. Just as the last of him flew out the window, the house completely crashed inwards.

"NO! MY BABY!" the woman dropped to her knees sobbing, those not part of the bucket chain crowded 'round her to offer comfort.

He shoved through the crowd, being sure to keep his hood down over his face and people were startled to hear the crying of a baby. He knelt in front of the woman and presented her with her child. She instantly took her baby into her arms and hugged it to her; joy filled her, leaving her speechless. As the boy hopped up to leave before anyone began wondering who he was, the woman pressed something into his hand and mouthed 'thank you.' He nodded before shoving back through the crowd, not bothering to look at what she had given him, simply sliding it into a pocket on the inside of his cloak.

Just then the princess of Hyrule rode up atop a majestic snow white horse, of course flanked on all sides by guards…and her nurse, Impa. She noticed the figure retreating towards the graveyard and whispered something to Impa. Impa nodded. Princess Zelda climbed down from her horse and dashed off. Impa knew she would be protected where she was going. The guards said nothing, if Impa thought it was fine for the princess to go off like that then they supposed it was ok. The doctors they had brought along went to see if there was any medical attention needed.

Princess Zelda dashed into the graveyard and looked around to see no one, but the hoarse coughing gave away the person's position. Over to the side he was there, doubled over in a coughing fit, hood down to reveal deep blue eyes and shaggy blonde hair, as well as a soot covered face.

"Link!" she ran to his side.

"How'd you know I'd be around here?" Link gasped between coughs.

"When I heard about the fire I knew you'd be nearby to offer help…and of course running away from the credit due to you." she added, handing him a flask of fresh water. He accepted it gratefully and immediately set to forcing it down; he also splashed some on his head to cool off.

"You're hurt!" Zelda exclaimed, snatching his arm before he could hide it.

"It's just a few burns, they'll heal…" Link replied, his voice was less strained and he had no coughs caught in his throat as the burning in his throat had left once he drank the water.

"Uh-huh…You know I'm just worried about you…" Zelda released his arm. "But why all the secrecy, is it wrong to let people you've helped know what you look like, who you are?"

"I don't want any special attention, I just want to do what's right and that's that." Link said sternly.

"But you deserve so much, Link! You've done so much for Hyrule, you're the Hero of Time---"

She was instantly cut off by Link, "Oh yeah? Well guess what! No one remembers that alternate future so a lot of good that does me…"

"Do you regret that future completely? Do you regret meeting me?" Zelda knew the answer but she had something important to ask him and she needed him to soften up a bit.

"Don't say something like that! I love ya Zel and you know it," he kissed her lightly on the lips, the tension building up shattered at that moment.

She relaxed, "I know, ya big dufus. I love you too."

"So now I'm a big dufus?" he teased.

"Yup." she said smiling. "You're my big dufus. …And there's something I need to ask you…"

"What?" he asked curiously.

"Now don't interrupt me before I finish," Zelda began. "I'm tired of meeting in secret and keeping our relationship hidden from absolutely everybody and there's a party tonight at the castle and I know you don't like appearing in public but please Link…"

"No way."

"Please Link! Would you do it for me?"

He sighed, "All right…I suppose….I don't have to dress up do I?"

"Uh…heh heh…" was all Zelda could say.

"I take that as I yes, but if you've forgotten, I don't have anything 'nice' to wear."

"Well…I've kinda been planning to ask you for a while now, so I had something made for you…You'll like it…for the most part…just come back to the castle with me and you can get cleaned up."

He sighed again, "All right…I so can't wait for this…" he said sarcastically.

"Too late to change your mind," Zelda grabbed his arm and dragged him along after her, not giving him the chance to change his mind. Link could have easily broken away from her grasp, but he would do this thing for Zelda…

The object the woman had given him remained forgotten and unlooked at, if he had only known what he held in the pocket of his cloak….


The prologue is on the same page as chapter 1 because basically I didn't see the sense in puttin the prologue on its own page since it seemed just like a more in depth summary than the one I had up...so yeah...lol

On your way out, don't forget to review :)
