Author's Notes: Muwahahahaha! The privilege of having an imagination is that, occasionally, it works perfectly on paper. I'm pretty sure that that is the case in this chapter. My devilish imps are dancing around a fire in the backyard under the stars and chanting….something, I'm not sure what. It's all twaddle to me, even if it's in English. Okay, I promise to stop babbling now.
HUGE, AMAZING, AWESOMELY, SPECTACULAR, HUGE (okay, yes, I'm a moron) THANK YOU's: My magnificent readers/reviewers: THANK YOU a million times. I simply adore opening my email and finding reviews for my simple stories. It makes my day more than you could ever realize; especially when I'm supposed to be writing a paper and feel like procrastinating (like right now) J. Many hugs and smiles for everyone--you deserve it!
If I may indulge in some humble self-elevation, I think this chapter is wicked awesome, not to mention the rest of them. I've never really written violence, except in the case of Midnight Moon Madness, and even then, I dreamt it, so I didn't have a problem creating the image, whereas here, well…it took a bit of work, and some of it is very intimate violence at that, so, exercise caution ahead. If anyone thinks that I should change the rating, please tell me before you send this story to the chopping-block. I haven't ever had to deal with a rating issue, and I wouldn't like to start now. I'm pretty sure that this still constitutes as "T", but if you feel otherwise, let me know, and I'll change the rating, no questions asked and thank yous aplenty.
OH, and by the way----I don't own Sailor Moon and it's related characters, although, that sexy Tuxedo Mask in SuperS manga, he's mine. Maybe. Okay, no, I can't lie. But he is SO gorgeous. Pity me and my little fantasy about my tall, dark, and handsome, man--whoever he may happen to be. J J J I probably should have mentioned that disclaimer a million years ago, but, if you're writing fanfiction, anyone with a brain can safely assume that you don't own the characters.
Hope you like this chapter! Let me know! Thanks for reading!
P.S.---Has anyone noticed that I'm comma-happy? I'm rather embarrassed… J
P.P.S--I noticed that the words to "It's all coming back to me now" didn't have the asterisks near them. Stupid updates--they ruin everything. I may change that later, but I may just leave them as they are.
Chapter Seven: We Meet Again
Recap: The banging on the door continued until Darien lightly skipped the step and opened it. Amy was looking panicked and was wringing her hands.
"Darien, Ray has come back! I don't know how long he's been here, Greg was only just able to call. We've got to let Serena know, she might be in danger!"
Darien's mind began to race, nothing seemed to be getting through. Everything began to get fuzzy and all he could hear in his head was Serena's laughter.
They heard a door shut and the sound of a lock clicked throughout the echoing apartment.
Darien sprinted to the bedroom door, almost skidding past it before he could hammer on the wood. "Serena? Serena, are you alright," he demanded. "Serena!" He said, panicked, to Amy, "Call the police!"
"We meet again, darling," Ray smirked as soon as the door was locked.
Serena, frightened out of her mind, backed into a wall and began looking around for something to defend herself with. "What are you doing here," she asked, her voice cracking.
"I've come for what is mine," he said, ominously walking towards her with a sadistic grin on his face. "Didn't you get my calls? I've come for what you promised to give me at our wedding."
"We made no valid promises! You lied to me! Our whole relationship was based on a lie! Stay away from me," she shouted as he grabbed her wrists and held them tightly, cutting off the circulation.
"You promised to give me everything you had, and you've been holding out on me. Now," he said, sneering and nuzzling his face in her hair, "You are going to give me the money, whether it's yours or not, or I'll go into the next room and take my son with me. You'll never see him again, and you'll never know what happens to him."
"Don't you dare call him your son," she hissed, jerking her head away from the offending touch. "You never wanted my child, and you never wanted me. You are just an egotistical, repulsive, deceitful, selfish, pig, and you don't deserve anything from me!"
"Oh, but he is my son. I helped create him, remember? Remember how good that was," he smirked, flicking his tongue out onto her temple and kissing her, his voice low. It made her insides shudder.
"To be honest, you were never very gratifying," she bit back, her eyes blazing in defiance.
He drove her body against the wall roughly, and grabbed her by the hair, forcing her face to look at his so that she could see the malicious look in his burning eyes. He grunted, pressing her slim form in the corner against his, his chest heaving with indignation and a sudden, unexpected desire.
"Get away from me," she growled, trying to force her way out from the corner. It was no good, she was pinned against the wall. He was too strong for her and he was determined to keep her at his mercy.
"Now, dearest, is that any way to greet your husband? I just got back, and--"
"I don't have a husband. Or, didn't you get the papers and the ring? We haven't been married for some time now, so-"
"You may have given up on us, Serena, but there is no way that you are getting out of this." His free hand ran down her neck and across her chest, stroking her breast. She struggled to escape his touch, but it was in vain that she did so, because every time she moved, he would press further into her and cut off her air. "Darling, darling, don't struggle. It will only make things worse for you. The more you struggle, the more you get hurt," he said, conceit thick in his voice. And with those words, he kneed her in her gut. She slumped over, her head against his shoulder, and gasped for breath, her eyes now becoming wide with fear.
"Darien, how long ago did I call," Amy wondered, pacing up and down, worried sick.
"It seems like a million years ago. I wish they would hurry up," he said, frantically, pacing outside the bedroom door and wearing a hole in the carpet. "She could be in serious danger. Amy, go lock yourself in the room with Joseph so that in case anything happens, you'll be safe with him."
Amy nodded and quickly walked into the next room, locking the door behind her with a grim smile.
Darien made an effort to think of something else to do other than try to ram the door down, but he could not. His mind clouded with apprehension and fear could only imagine what was going on in the next room. He was becoming increasingly suspicious that Ray was harming Serena in some way.
"Serena, can you hear me," Darien called, leaning against the door.
"You'd better stay out of this, Darien, or she gets even more suffering," Ray warned. "This is personal business."
"Darien, don't listen to him," Serena moaned. Her voice was small and weak. "I'll be alright. Just don't let him take Joseph."
Darien heard a body being thrown to the floor and a sob coming through the door. He was about to batter the door down when he heard a knock on the front door. Praying that it was the police, he ran to the door and flung it wide open. There were three policemen at the door, one had a notepad open and a pencil ready.
"We received a call concerning domestic violence and a break in. Is a Ms. Amy here," one of the officers inquired.
Darien explained the situation as quickly as possible, and led him to the bedroom door.
"They're in there. I can't tell exactly what's going on, but I've heard enough to think that he is beating her or harming her in some way."
The officer banged on the door and shouted, "Anyone in this room, unlock this door and come out with your hands above your head, or we'll come in and get you!"
"Damn," Ray swore, his eyes fixed on the door. Picking Serena up off of the floor by her hair, he began to pull her toward the concrete balcony just outside the room. Something inside his brain had snapped and he could imagine his electrodes misfiring left and right. None of his thoughts were connecting in the right places. He had nothing to look forward to after he escaped, it seemed. He would have to return home empty-handed and ruined. "Well, if I can't get the money, then you won't either," his evil grin sending a new wave of fear through Serena's heart as he turned his face toward her slowly. His eyes were shining with a strange light that she had never seen before, and hoped she would never see again. Ray dragged her over to the balcony as the police began to batter on the door again. He flung aside a large potted plant, smashing it against the wall, and overturning two chairs on his way to the edge.
Picking up her struggling body was a challenge. She scraped his arms and his face with her nails and tried to kick him anywhere she could. Her body was becoming increasingly slippery with the icy rain pouring down from all sides, and her struggling was becoming more frantic by the second.
"Let me go," she cried, attempting to rid herself of his hands.
The wind howled around them and whipped her hair into her eyes, not allowing her to anticipate his next move. He was going to have to throw her over the railing and to the concrete ground below to meet her death. Never before had he thought that things would go this far; Serena was usually very compliant with his wishes. Death was, apparently, not one she was willing to agree to.
Suddenly, shots rang out and the doorknob was shattered. It was only a matter of seconds before they were on him. With one last heave, he raised her writhing body to the edge of the railing and pushed. She clutched his shirt in her icy, wet hands and tried to push back, but to no avail. She slipped over the edge, hitting her head on the railing, and fell. Ray braced himself on the railing and pushed himself back onto the floor.
Serena reached her left hand out for the last hope of safety, the floor of the balcony. She clamped her fingers down and raised her other hand to grip the twisted, metal bars. Ray, now in a panic, stamped the heel of his shoe into her hand and tried to crush her fingers before the police grabbed him from behind and slammed him, face first, onto the ground. Serena screamed. She was losing her grip on the floor, and her head was bleeding profusely. Unconsciousness was starting to take hold, and her eyes began to close. Ray's panic-stricken face was blurry and the rain was stinging her head where she had hit it on the blunt edge of the railing.
A large, strong hand grabbed her own and began to lift her body from danger. A mop of wet, black hair was all she could make out, and a calm voice was what her heart latched on to. The voice was saying, "I've got you, dearest, I've got you." The calm voice was even closer now, and the strong hands became arms that enfolded her within their warmth. "Serena, can you hear me?" The echo of the voice resounded in her head without making any sense. Her body, limp, collapsed to the floor and into bitter unconsciousness.
"Darien, will you stop wheeling me around? I can walk on my own feet."
"But you look so cute in this wheelchair," he said, leaning over and locking the wheels. When he had learned that Serena would in no manner be permanently damaged Darien re-evaluated his decision to go down to the prison and ram Ray's head into the wall over and over again until it bled like his heart had. Then he decided against duct-taping Serena's mouth shut. Her tongue had in no manner been injured by her brush with death. She had been requesting strange things the whole time she was in the hospital, including rice with peas and tuna. He hoped it was a passing phase. Besides, Serena looked so darn adorable in the wheelchair. In fact, she looked like a little child being wheeled around in a supermarket cart. In this case, however, she was blindfolded, so that she might not see where she was going. And she wasn't wearing a child's clothing; she wore a beautiful white gown that brought out the light in her eyes and little pearl pins adorning her golden hair. Darien had some unfinished business to take care of, and he wanted it to be a surprise. Serena's next words however deflated his intent.
"Darien, I don't think I'm in the mood for tea right now…"
"How did you know where we were," he asked, rather disappointed that she had seen through his plans.
"I counted the floors."
He was moved to pieces that she had memorized everything, and he didn't want to think about how you could memorize floors in an elevator. "Well, for your information, my dear, we are not having tea," he informed her quietly and took the blindfold off, smoothing her hair as he did so. She let out a slight purr as he did so. He reminded himself to do that often.
Serena gasped. The roof had been completely transformed and was decked out in strings of lights and tinsel. There was a table and two chairs sitting in the middle of the roof with two delicate pieces of stemware adorned by a bottle of something that usually tickled her nose. Soft music was coming from a far away violin that stirred the chilly air and made her feel giddy and caused her ears to ring. A stirring in her heart and chest triggered a faint feeling within, like it was all a wonderful dream that she never wanted to wake up from. Someone familiar stood near one of the walls, but she couldn't tell who it was for the tears sparkling in her eyes. The moon was shining through the late November sky and a crown of clouds climbed to heaven. The stars were blinking and smiling down upon her upturned face. She reached her tiny hand out to touch the warmth nearest to her and Darien took her hand in his own firm grip.
"You're making my legs wobbly," she whispered in his ear, smiling. She felt so vulnerable and yet so protected with Darien near to her.
"I did that yesterday afternoon. Remember," he asked wickedly.
"Oh, I remember, silly," she said, poking him in the chest and laughing. "It was for a very different reason altogether. Next time, though, you should put some towels on the floor before you decide to throw pudding at me."
Darien chuckled and pulled her in a circle, drawing her close to him in a slow, slow, dance. With her cheek softly touching his he felt content, and he almost regretted having invited Andrew and Lita to help him out. When he opened his eyes, however, he could see Andrew drawing Lita down the stairs with a look of unmistakable intent in his eyes. Darien had given Lita a good talking-to a few days ago, and she became more than aware of Andrew's intentions. At least Darien could have some privacy now. He could smell the enticing, flowery perfume that Serena wore, and he almost felt himself going under, almost yielding to her warmth and sinking into precious memories…But he had a purpose for this plan, and he intended to see it through.
Darien's fingers curled protectively around Serena's waist, sending shivers up her spine. Her dress rustled in the still night, and Serena's heightened senses were alerted to a change in his breathing.
"What's wrong, Darien," she asked, her eyelashes softly brushing against his skin.
He smiled down at her with warm, electrifying eyes and said, "I haven't---You see, the trouble is---the trouble is," he began again, but couldn't form the proper-sounding words. When the time came to actually take the plunge, he clammed up like a frightened cat, unable to do anything but stutter. "Oh, hell. Serena, you are the most wonderful woman in the world, and I would be," he pulled away from her and got down on his knee, "so very honored and blessed," he looked up into her eyes, "if you would marry me and spend the rest of your days with me in complete and utter bliss. I've been waiting for the right moment to ask you, but yesterday, with the pudding and all…well, that didn't seem to be the right time."
"You're doing it again, Darien," she said, the sparkle in her eyes not missed by his own. Her voice rang with laughter, and it caused his heart to leap with joy.
"What? What am I doing now?"
"You don't have a ring again. It's not like I'm materialistic or anything, but you seem to forget this part of a girl's dream. I'm not quite sure why, but it's the most important part." Here, she reached into a pocket on the side of her gown and held out the ring to him. She had slipped it into her pocket before he had knocked on her door earlier that evening, and it had given her courage throughout the night; he was the steady rock to which she clung.
Darien took the ring from her slim fingers and, after kissing it tenderly, he placed it for all eternity on a finger that he would caress long into the night. Serena pulled him up from his knees and kissing each finger, she held him close to her, feeling truly at peace for the first time in her life. "I think I will marry you now," she murmered, "I don't want to spend another minute without you."
"Darien," Serena asked, while they watched the sun rise, their arms wrapped snugly around each other and a long yearning echoing between them. "When were you going to kiss me? I was under the impression that you wanted to a few hours ago, and it would have fit perfectly with the dream--"
"You're not dreaming, sweetheart. I'm only making your dreams come true; forever and ever I'll make your dreams come true."
"And so we meet again, Darien Shields. You're different from what I remember," she said, her nose rubbing against his, her lips tempting him to the point of distraction. His hair brushed against her forehead, tickling her senses and sending her stomach into fits of butterflies. "I'm just so….peacefully, and wonderfully happy now that you are with me," she said, placing her hand on his cheek.
Fighting the extremely pressing urge to kiss her into oblivion, he smiled and whispered, "I love you. That has never changed, and it never will."
Serena's mouth twitched into a smile and, leaning forward, she kissed him with all the love in her heart. With hearts combined and limbs entwined, they greeted a new day and a new future filled with a love so beautiful that the passing flower petal danced and sang with joy for the wonder of it all. Love is about possibilities. Love is always something worth fighting for.
An End and a Beginning
Author's Notes: Weep. I'm such a sucker for romance, so I hope I've made your insides twist with glee. This story is nothing and everything I had hoped it would be. My plot twisted and confused me and blocked me until I had grown up. I hope I have done these characters justice, and I hope you love this story as much as I do. I've had a lot of fun writing it, and I hope you've had fun reading it. I want to thank all of you for reading this story, and I want you to know that words can not express the gratitude I feel for your encouragement and kindness. I hope I have not let you down in the telling of the tale, and I look forward to hearing from you. Who says I need an editor? Scoff. I quite like my commas, thanks. Next up: Chapter 1 of The Test; Chapter 2 of After Shock, and the Prologue of Sailor Moon and: The Case of the Missing Rabbit. See you there! Ja! Smiles all around!
December 15th--I would like to thank my sister for reading this and not laughing at me. She's a bit of a tomboy and I wasn't sure how she'd react to the violence. She liked the story, however, as well as the part about pudding, so it is because of her encouragement that this last installment has been posted. Thank you, Maura (Oops, I mean--Jack)!