I'm not sure when I'll be able to upload a story again (hopefully soon) so I decided to upload my thanks to the people who have read and reviewed my story- As the Sun Rises.

To cutekitten, (Lol) sorry about that one. I always confuse London and Paris. Thanks for the correction- that would've really destroyed the story. Thanks also because you liked it.

To hotaru420, thanks that you thought my story is good. It's meant to be a one shot though so I don't like to continue it anymore. Don't want to destroy the mood I already created. Do watch out for my other stories though, I'll do my best to make equally good or better ones.

To Insignificant-Raindrop, I really appreciate you putting me in your favorites list. It really makes me happy. Every good review makes me want to create more stories.

To Remusly-Moony, sorry but that is the end of this fic. I don't want to lengthen it more on the event that I might end up destroying the story. Like I said to hotaru420, I'll compensate by making, I hope, better stories. Do watch out for my other upcoming stories….. Although, I am not sure when the next time is since I'm having a case of writer's block.

To hollabackgurl, I won't be making a follow-up story on this fic but I'll tell you this- they are trying to take things at a slow pace. Probably after graduation, they will test things out in the real world- like if they will still work out even after Hogwarts. And when they are sure with themselves, they will take it to the next level. I'd say around a year or two more after graduation- few fights in between (trials that usual relationships have- work, other people, time). But I'll leave the final conclusion to you readers at how happy they would be.

To leprechaun-chick17, thank you so much for the reviews for my three stories. And thank you for liking all of them. I have to admit that after writing I sometimes have doubts about the stuff I use. I worry if they will actually work or clash with the whole plot. Especially because everyone thinks differently, I might think they work but for others it might not. Right? Anyway, I wrote As the Sun Rises way before I even joined fanfic, and when I was editing it for posting I was kind of worried. Nevertheless, I didn't change it because I wanted to see what people would think of it. As for Leaving You in Silence, I love that story too. And to be compeletely honest, I didn't expect it to end so together. And then for the Beneath Your Veil, the line that you like is actually inspired by my mom's endless chatter about what she feels about my dad. She always tells me and my siblings how much she hates my dad's constant drinking but how much she also loves him and thinks that she wouldn't be as happy if it weren't for him. I thought that Fight with me if you want to. Fight with me if you have to. Because to be perfectly honest, I'd rather spend my life arguing with you than grow old with someone else perfectly describes my mom and dad. Hahaha  I always thought and I still do think that it is good to actually use real life experiences, mine or those around me, for inspiration. Which leads me to share that the part in the As the Sun Rises where Hermione fights with Pansy, is actually an account of a close friend's experience during, yes, Valentine's day. My friend got something from her boyfriend that day, nothing as glorious as Hermione's though. Thanks again.

To angie, I'm glad you liked this story. Thanks. Read my other fics, ayt? And tell me what you think of them.

To fourthiv, I am so glad you like it. I'm flattered that you like it so much that you're adding it to your collection. I hope that my other fics that I have already posted and those that are to come will live up to this one that you like. Take care.

To xesha, thank you for reading my fic and liking it. I really appreciate that you do.