Yu-Gi-Oh: The Real Story by Marik's Dark Queen

Disclaimer: I don't own YuGiOh

Chapter 13: "The Wind of Change"

A/N: This is the last chapter of this story and I have to tell you that it is most random as well…


One day Marik, Yugi, Seto, Mokuba, Tea, Yami, Mai, Ryou, Bakura, Ishizu, Joey and Tristan were bored. Very bored. They were all sitting in a room with no things in it except of a laptop. Since they didn't have anything else to do they turned on the laptop and they went to a site called They didn't know what to do since they hadn't seen this site before so they opened the link that said "Anime". A new site opened and Yugi noticed something.

"Hey! Why does it have my name here?" he asked looking at the link that said "Yugioh". So they opened that link and read all the stories about them that appeared…

Two years later…

The shock that the stories caused to the young minds of the yugioh people caused irreversible problems. Tea couldn't bear to read all the fics that were against her and decided to switch shows. So Tea and Mai left YuGiOh! And went to Pokemon. Mai became a pokemon trainer and her favorite pokemon was Tea. They starred in the new Pokemon movie and became very popular.

Ryou couldn't read any more fics about him being abused by Bakura, so he left the show and went to work in a circus with monkeys. Yugi did exactly the same thing and worked in the same circus, but as a clown. In order to show to everyone that he could be gentle and polite, Bakura became one of Disney's princesses and his new friends became Cinderella, Pocahontas, Sleeping Beauty and Belle instead of Marik and Yami Marik. His new goal was to have many cute little animal friends instead of taking over the world.

Yami couldn't tolerate Yugi's desertion so he swore that he would never duel again in his life and he became the biggest gossiper of his neighborhood. He knew all the latest gossips and did lots of 'research' to discover new ones! Everyone avoided him though…

After reading all the yaoi fics of him and Seto, Joey decided that he must be a very good-looking guy if all these girls were writing fics about him. So he became a supermodel and Tristan took pictures of him and sold them for a living. Ishizu decided that she must be looking very old fashioned, so she changed completely her style, she cut her hair short, she moved to the US, where she became one of the most successful rappers. Marik decided to become a good boy, so he changed his style as well and became a nerd with glasses.

However, the weirdest change was that of little Mokuba. He became unnaturally tall and changed family roles with Seto. Now he was the big brother and Seto was the little one. Seto never wore a trench coat again and he took an interest in the banana industry. KaibaCorp. was now exporting bananas at very good prices.

Pegasus couldn't accept that everyone in the world thought that he was gay, so he decided to sell his company, to give up on the millennium eye, to live in nature and to dedicate his life to the study of butterflies.

Nobody ever guessed what caused these changes in our favorite yugioh people. To most people it will always remain a mystery…

End of Chapter 13!

End of YuGiOh: The Real Story!

Thanks to everyone who reviewed!