.You'll Find Me

Disclaimer: I own nothing. Not Roy, not Riza, or any other FMA character. The song isn't mine ether. It belongs to Diamond Rio. I do own a computer and a truck. Just try to take them from me. (Cocks shotgun). Enjoy the story.

This is lyrics.

Up and off to work again

Going trough the motions

I bet she tired to warn me and I didn't even notice

Fuhrer Roy Mustang rushed out the front door followed by his wife, Riza Mustang.

"I'll see you later." He said, continuing down the walkway to his waiting car and driver. Riza stopped short.

"Don't I even get a goodbye kiss?" She said

"No time. I will when I get back." He yelled over his shoulder. He got in the car and it sped away, leaving a small dust trail.

Riza watched as the dust began to settle and disperse. Tears began to form in her eyes. When they first got married, she actually had to tell him when to start getting ready for work from their morning "bed games" and he never left without giving her a million kisses.

Til I got home and found her gone

Left with just a letter

Folded with a key on top

Sitting on the dresser

I open it

It simply read

Later that day, Havoc drove Roy home.

"See ya later, Chief. Tell Riza hi for me." He said.

"I will. Thanks for the ride." Roy replied, getting out and waving bye as he left. He turned and went inside.

"Riza!" he yelled. No answer.

"Riza!" he yelled again, "I'm home."

Still no answer.

"Riza!" he yelled again and again, looking from room to room.

When he got to the bedroom, he noticed something. A folded piece of paper with a key on top, lying on his dresser.

A note? he thought.

He opened it and quickly scanned it.

"A letter." He stated.

Look and you will find me

I won't be to far

I'll be right here waiting for you with open arms

I don't want to live without you

But I can't go on like this

Torn between the man I love and the one I'm living with

It's a conflict of emotion

To my heart I must be true

I know that I need you

But you have to need me too

So if you get home and miss me in your life

You'll find me


Look and you will find me. I won't be to far. I'll be right here waiting for you with open arms. I don't want to live without you, but I can't go on like this. Torn between the man I love and the one I'm living with. It's a conflict of emotion; to my heart I must be true. I know that I need you, but you have to need me too. So if you get home and miss me in your life, You'll find me.



I called her family asked everyone who knows her

Telling them in detail all the things I should have told her

How much she really means to me and how much I'm regretting

But so far no one's heard from her and all that I am left with

Is how I let her go

And the letter she wrote…saying you'll find me

Roy ran out of the room and straight to his home office, grabbing the phone and his personal phone book. He began, frantically, dialing numbers, calling everyone he knew that knew her, but everyone gave him the same answer.

"Are you two having problems?" Gracia asked.

Roy was silent for a moment.

"I don't know. She hasn't said any thing to me." He replied.

"Maybe she is feeling insecure?"

"About what?"

"Men, I swear. Roy, when was the last time just the two of you did something fun together or you told her how beautiful she is or just told her how much you love her?"

Roy was silent. He honestly didn't remember the last time he had done any of that for Riza.

"Your silence is very reassuring, Roy. Go find her. And call later." Gracia said, hanging up. Roy placed the phone back on the hook and thought about what he had just heard.

Is that why? he thought. He again grabbed the phone and call Havoc.

"Yeah, Chief?" he said.

"Come get me. I need your help." Roy said.

"On my way." He said, hanging up.

Roy hung up too, clutching the letter.

You'll find me. he thought,Where?

I spend the next eight hours wondering where on earth you were

It was getting late, I was getting tired and growing more concerned

When all at once it hit me, that piano bar back home

Where I asked you to marry me

And there you were alone

For the next eight hours they drove all over Central, asking everyone they saw and showing pictures. But everyone again gave the same answer. Roy sighed.

"Don't worry, Chief. We'll find her." Havoc said yawning," It's late, let's take a break."

Roy growled at him.

"Hold it, Sir." Havoc said,"You won't help anyone if you collapses from exhaustion.

Roy growled again, but followed him to the car.

"I'll drive." He said.

"Whatever." Havoc said, "I'll take a nap."

While driving, Roy began thinking about when he and Riza got engaged. They were at a piano bar here in Central. Everyone was celebrating him becoming the new Fuhrer. After a few drinks, Roy stood up and said he had an announcement, then shocked the hell out of everyone when he dropped to his knees and proposed to Riza.

"Sir, are you drunk?" she had asked

"I have never been more serious in my life." He replied.

"Sir, that fraternization!" Fuery yelled.

"Not according to this." Roy said, holding up a signed legal document.

"Then Yes, I will, Roy Mustang." She said. Everyone in the bar cheered.

"This calls for another drink." Havoc yelled. Everyone laughed.

That was a nice bar and nice times. Roy thought, then it hit him.

"The bar!" he yelled. Havoc stirred.

"What bar?" He asked.

Roy didn't respond, but he did make an illegal U turn in the middle of the street, run a few stop signs, and got many fingers and words thrown his way. He didn't care. He only had one thing on his mind. Havoc's nails dug into the seat as the car skidded to a halt in front of the bar.

"Are you sure she's here, Sir…Sir?" Havoc said, but Roy was already out of the car and running through the door.

"Go get her, Chief." He said grinning, and then the car moved. Roy had even forgotten to put it in park.

"OH SHIT!" Havoc yelled, trying to get in the driver's seat.

Inside, Roy looked around and spotted Riza at the same table, in the same spot, that he had proposed to her. Alone.

"Riza!" He yelled.

I knew I would find you

And how it warmed my heart

To see you right there waiting for me with open arms

Said I don't know where I'm going, but I can't go on like this

The thought of life without you is something I just can't live with

It's a conflict of emotion

To my heart I must be true

You told me that you need me

Well, girl I need you too

So if you come home and want me in your life

You'll find me

Riza stood as he ran to the table and tackled her with a hug and a big kiss.

"I'm sorry. I am so very, very sorry." He said beginning to cry into her shoulder.

"Shhh…" she said holding him as close as she could. They stood there for a long time, neither willing to move, but finally Roy pulled back and looked Riza straight in her eyes.

"Well," he started, "I don't know where I'm going, but I can't go on like this."

Riza looked back at him, confused. Roy continued.

"The thought of life without you is something I just can't live with."

He pulled the letter out of one of his pockets and began quoting.

"It's a conflict of emotion, to my heart I must be true." He flashed a smile.

"You told me that you need me. Well, Riza I need you too." She smiled back at him and gave him another hug.

"So if you come home and want me in your life, You'll find me."

You'll find me.

"I'll find you." Riza said.

You'll find me

"Now and forever." Roy said, sealing his promise with another, more passionate kiss.

Well? Good? Bad? Sucks? Trash? Tell me what ya think. PLEEEEEEEEEASE review.

Oh. As for Havoc. Let's just say the phone pole attacked him. Poor car. Good luck man.