By: Lord Strife
Disclaimer: I don't own Ranma½! I wish I did so I could finally skip this part.
Genma was trembling in fear as he knelt on two knees before his wife Nodoka, bounded in rope and behind him stood two samurais of the Himura Clan. "What where you thinking, Genma? Spiriting our son away to take on your so-called training trip that I never approved of! If I haven't gotten to you in time, you would have thrown my baby in that awful pit of cats!" (If you're wondering, she sent several ninjas to track Genma down. Apparently they caught Genma somewhere near the outskirts of Kyoto.)
"But No-chan! It was for the boy, I was going to teach him the neko-kOooofff!" A large brick bounced off of Genma's forehead. (Don't ask where she got the brick.)
"Idiot! Didn't you read the manual? It said the technique was flawed as it causes the trainees to lose their sanity?" Nodoka barely held her anger in check though the samurais that stood behind Genma, upon hearing what the neko-ken was, were ready to cut him to shreds.
Genma sweated, he never got to that part…he basically stopped where it said it would make the trainee invincible. "Uh…oops!"
Nodoka threw another brick (As I said don't ask where she got the brick.) at Genma, "That's it? That's all you're going to say? Oops?" She was still repressing the urge to draw her katana and slice his head off. "But that was just the beginning of your idiocy. I heard you sold our son…no, MY son to Daikoku-san for bowl rice and two fish? (Plus pickles!) Then con that poor merchant Kuonji-san into engaging Ranma to his daughter then stealing her yattai? You're fortunate I was able to settle things with them, and it almost caused a stain in the family's honor."
Before Genma could response for his defense, another samurai entered the room. He bowed to his mistress before giving her two message scrolls. Nodoka noticed that the two messages were each sealed with family emblems she easily recognized. She felt this will lead to more bad news…and she knew it was somehow because of her stupid husband. Needless to say, she opened the first message. After reading a while a small smile crept to her face. 'Well it seems that stupid husband of mine did something right for a change.' She then tucked that message into her obi and opened the second one. She nearly fainted upon reading the second letter. "GENMA!" She drew her sword and made a slash towards Genma.
'I'm dead!' Genma thought as he closed his eyes, he was surprised when Nodoka merely cut the rope that bound him. "Huh?" He checked his neck. 'Yep still attached to my head.'
Nodoka noticed his confusion, "Well Genma…for what you did to Ranma and seemingly dishonor you caused…I should really lopped that head of yours off your neck."
Genma gulped.
"But then…" Nodoka smiled. "These two letters I received…from the two families you…supposedly engage Ranma to have…more or less, redeemed you. A little. So instead of cutting you down…I've decided to spare your life… (Genma was overjoyed at that) and cast you out of the clan instead.
'Who cares? As long as I'm allowed to live!' Genma thought rather happily.
"Now get your belongings and leave before I change my mind." Nodoka emphasized by thumping her now sheathed sword.
Genma didn't hesitate to do as he was told. He knew better than to look a gift horse in the mouth. And before anyone could blink, he was gone from sight. 'I'll be back for the boy. You can count on it dear wife.' He thought as he fled the household.
Nodoka turned to the samurai who stood at Genma's left. "Make sure you thoroughly removed any evidence of him being in the Clan Scrolls." And you two, make sure that bastard never sets foot in this house again.
The samurais bowed and went out to carry their orders.
Nodoka soon left for her own bedroom, where her son was sleeping at the moment. As she did so, she pulled out the two letters she received and smiled. 'Let's hope I didn't make a mistake…' Then her smiled turned full blast, 'Oh my son's going to be so manly!' And her son sneezed while he slept. Dreaming of two swords.
AN: Ryoutou translates into two swords. It's much more formal than Ni no Katana.