Hihi! Haven't updated in ages! Iv been busy and shit happens so yeah… hope u enjoy the story! BTW, we have reached where Amelia started in the beginning now.


In her current position, Amelia wondered how she could manage to escape this nightmare with her dignity.

She would love to oblige Jim and escape, but then she would throw away all her years of complaining against the opposite sex and refusing point blank, to date anyone at all.

"He is not serious," Amelia fumed.

"Well Jim can be very pissed-persistent." Delbert said slowly, "He'll hold until the end."

"Bloody wonderful," Amelia fumed, "stuck under the power of a snot nosed teenager until I kiss you!"

Delbert dropped his head.

Amelia realized what she had said and sighed, her head fell too. "Delbert…I'm sorry. I didn't mean to say that…I just…"

Delbert shook his head, "No, no. you're right. I would be mad as well if I had to…well…you know…"

She sighed and flopped down on the couch Jim had so thoughtfully provided them with. "I suppose we should watch his DVD,"

Delbert picked it up; it was a home movie as it had no title or case. He slipped it into the player and pressed "PLAY."

He sat on the couch with Amelia, and they watched Jim's movie roll…

A Hawkins Production. The screen said. Created by Jim Hawkins.

The two watched as Jim appeared on the screen. "Hey there Doc, Aimee and whoever else may be watching." Jim said. "You all know me and if this is just you two lovers watching, you probably hate me right now!"

Amelia growled lowly. "Too right Hawkins," she breathed, "and don't ever call me Aimee."

"Why are you in there right now? Well welcome to 'Operation Make Out,' you are here because you are head over heels about each other… You're both just too pathetic to realize it!"

Amelia glared at the screen, as though Jim was right in front of her.

"Lets roll the film, I will be commentating…lucky yous."

The screen faded and there was the image of the kitchen, the camera must have been hidden as a small plant leaf was in the way.

Delbert was sitting at the table reading the paper, Amelia was opposite him buttering her toast, Jim was between them and there was the clanking of dishes from Sarah in the kitchen.

"Now watch what happens next…"

"Doctor, would you please pass me the marmalade?" Amelia said.

Delbert did not look up from his paper and moved the butter to his left.

"No, no the marmalade."

Delbert jumped and blushed scarlet. "Of-of course Captain- terribly sorry," he mumbled, passing the milk.

"The marma-oh never mind," she sighed and reached over the table.

Delbert reached for it and their hands touched and both looked up startled. "Cap-Captain," Delbert said hurriedly, "I'm so sorry.

Jim slipped from his seat, into the kitchen.

"Not to worry Delbert," Amelia said, her face blushing scarlet.

"See that?" Jim said as the screen paused. "That my friends, is sexual tension. And how long has this been going on? ...Oh about everyday since Aimee arrived!"

Delbert and Amelia avoided each other.

"This is 7 October a couple of weeks ago…"

This time Delbert blushed, as the camera adjusted on his garden. Don't play this! But his wish was ignored.

Delbert was watering the garden and whistling softly under his breath. He did not notice Amelia as she walked towards him with a tray of sandwiches.

She was wearing a white t-shirt and blue pants and some pink jandals.

"Doctor I brought you some-Aaahhhhhh!"

Delbert had turned suddenly and shot her with the hose, drenching her and the sandwiches. Amelia stood, completely soaked, her t-shirt transparent.

"Captain! I-um-I-"

She kicked off her jandals, snatched the hose from him, dropped the plate, and swung the water over him.

"Aahhhhh!" Delbert cried, now frozen to death. He looked at the grinning woman, "You'll pay for that one!" He cried playfully.

"Oh contraire Doctor!" Amelia said triumphantly, "I have the hose!" She soaked him even more.

Delbert laughed and sprung forward, grabbing her waist, knocking her unceremoniously off her feet, wrestling the hose from her.

Amelia was astounded. We look so happy...

They rolled about on the lawn, fighting for the hose. Delbert had seized it, and was sitting on Amelia, blasting her with water. "Give up!"

"Never!" Amelia laughed.

"Then I'll resort to foul play!" He dropped the hose and tickled her furiously, one wrist held firmly to the ground with his left as the other attacked her.

Amelia laughed, her pleasant face lit with enthusiasm. She used her navy tactics to grab his collar with her free hand, pulling him to her, and she rolled him over onto his back.

He looked shocked, the tables had turned.

"Ha!" She exclaimed, now above him, "Revenge!"

The two of them lay there, laughing as Amelia got her "revenge" on him, tickling him until he gave. "I surrender! I give! I have raised my white flag!"

She stopped tickling him and they looked at each other, realizing how they must look.

"See that?" Jim said, "that's the time when you should have just kissed and made out- sorry…made up then you wouldn't be here right now. But you didn't as we can see…"

Amelia released him and swung her leg over him, standing to her feet. "Well Doctor…I should change and then make more sandwiches."

Delbert watched her leave, before grasping the hose firmly and turning it off. He grabbed her jandals and followed her inside.

"This is the intermission." Jim grinned.

The screen turned into an image of Delbert and Amelia hugging each other at the carnival, Amelia clutching a large brown bear; and a sign with 'intermission' flashed across it.

They looked at one another, not able to speak.

"Well," Delbert said hastily, "I suppose we will have to kill Jim when we get out of here."

Amelia bit her lip, "Yes, I believe we will."

They stayed silent for a moment.


"Hey love bugs!" Jim cried, "Did ya miss me? Finished snogging, or should I just leave you alone for a while?"

Amelia could have sworn she hear Delbert say "one more minute," but she wasn't certain.

"Any who, time for our "top five reasons you two should date:"

The camera focused on one person at a time, along one side, a tally with the words on it appeared with who said it.

"1. Amelia, you're the only one who can control him." Sarah.

"2. Doc, you need old fashioned romance." BEN.

"3. Amelia, you have to stop being so heartless and find your soul mate." The Admiral at the space port.

"4. Doc, you're an idiot if you don't realize what you have here." Delbert's friend Tim.

"And finally…opposites attract people!" Jim cried, "Now back to our show.

It was the show of the day Jim had stayed behind:

"So- ah," Delbert was saying, "it's still chilly in here, would you like me to light the fire?"

"That would be very nice Doctor," Amelia replied softly, nodding to him.

Delbert managed finally to start the fire, and he made his way back to the couch. "So, um, what should we do now?" he blushed.

Amelia leaned forward, resting her head on Delbert's chest.

Delbert gave a slight shiver and Amelia raised her head, mere inches away from his face.

Delbert covered the final distance between them and-

"Hey all, I'm home!"

The camera went fuzzy.

"Here's a question for yous at home: what would Doc and Aimee have done if Mother had not come home for another?

A) coughed and drawn back

B) given each other a slight kiss on the cheek

C) thrown caution to the wind and gone at it like rabbits

"Well I took that around and here were the results:

A) 0

B) 21

C) 78

"Oh. My. God! Big shocker there! Well Doc and Aimee…what would you do?"



A/N did you enjoy it? …Nah, JJ, I wouldn't do that to youz! evil grin sori I'm a dumb ass! (Oh and it doesn't equal 100 for a reason!)


They looked at the blank screen, then at each other.

"W-well," Amelia said shyly, "That was…um… interesting."

"Did you just falter Captain?" Delbert grinned nervously.

Amelia flushed, "I don't know…d-did I?" she flushed again

He edged apprehensively towards her, not knowing if he should just do what his heart willed him. "So…which one would you do?"

She stared, "Since when have our roles been reversed?"

"Since that confounded DVD started," he replied quietly.

"And was there any truth in that 'confounded DVD?" she was so close to him now.

"It was very exciting."

She frowned for a moment, daring to believe how close they were, their noses almost touching. She corrected his Freudian slip. "Don't you mean 'enlightening'

He leaned forward, closing the distance (and his eyes)… "No."

Suffice it to say that

C) Was now …79


Tada! Wat did ya think? Waz it alright? Hope u enjoyed it! BTW I slipped jandals in there 4 u Brie! Feel special! LOL

Thanx so much 4 all hu reviewed! C ya all later, my work here is done!

And remember: if you see someone without a smile… GIVE THEM ONE OF YOURS

Amelia Johnsonn
