Please Read First:

This story is a pairing of Haruka Ten'ou and Usagi Tsukino. Obviously, this is a Yuri fanfiction. If you are in any way against this, I suggest you read something else before you further dislike it. If I receive any review pertaining to his or her objection towards my pairing, I will automatically delete it from my review panel.

You have already been forewarned.

Chapter 1:

The ability to spread one's wings depends upon one's endurance. To race with the wind is the impossible height of our imagination. Though I feel my adrenaline running abnormally in my veins, my mind is intact and I have but one focus.

As I carry my legs up, I feel my passion for winning coming near. My opponent, an invisible force, has most likely beaten everyone. My thoughts have only one point, I have one target and I have one chance. A wrong move at one second will destroy everything. It will destroy the complete balance.

Carelessness is not acceptable to achieve perfection. Perfection on the other hand is a sly, arrogant and disagreeable prick. Its distaste extends to no end if you are not fit to be its master.

Control is the important ingredient in this game. Emotions will carry you away, thus a tremendous amount of will is needed.

Discipline will come next. No war has been won without a watchful eye. Yet if you are reckless, then your perseverance is futile.

A single mind can manipulate a battalion of soldiers, can withdraw from evil, can disintegrate fear and can obtain unequal strength.

My heart is pounding, I come near to success.

As the tall clock tower of Infinity school strikes at four in the afternoon, a young athlete races across the white lanes and prove to the world the skill of a fit warrior.

With the strong wind dashing in front of her, the pressure she exerted resulted to an unstable speed.

And then as she came near to the end, her lips opened and mouthed,


Almost all the student has started leaving the structure, and only a few were left inside.

A young blonde stood motionless in front of her locker, her other arm braced on the cold steel. Sweat went down profusely from her face. From the tip of her nose to the tip of her chin.

"Hey Haruka!"

The woman named Haruka brought her head slowly towards the source of the sound. She didn't look at the person completely, but she tilted her head on one side.


"You're going home?"

"Not yet."

"I'll wait for you."

"You can kiss my ass while doing that."

The voice laughed heartily and banged the locker from afar.

"You sure you don't want a ride?"

"I have my own, Jake. You can fuck off now."

The woman named Haruka fanned her hand towards the man and smiled arrogantly.

"Fine, fine. See you tomorrow, my little rosebud."

"Get the hell out."

A chuckle followed the woman's last statement while she took out some towel and clothes from her locker.

She banged the steel shut and limply carried herself towards the huge bathroom from a distance.

Feeling the hard droplets fall aimlessly on her tanned skin, Haruka felt they were more likely of tiny bullets piercing her simultaneously.

She closed her eyes and held her chin high, slowly opening her mouth to receive the water falling from above.

I need an opportunity... I need a cue!

Fresh from the shower, Haruka stepped out of the cubicle and wrapped the towel around her waist, not minding to have anything to dry the wetness from her face and torso.

Since she was already alone, she didn't care the least any longer. Having everyone leave is her favorite part of the day. She gets to have her unending privacy and strange solitude that no one really understands.

Her cold and firm personality was known to all the students in Infinity school. Her reputation as one of Japan's youngest champion racers has won the respect of everyone. Besides her extraordinary talent, her skill in playing the piano was just as good.

Above all else, she has an exceeding mental capacity that awed even the smartest in her school.

A natural. That was what they mostly call Haruka Ten'ou.

One of Haruka's favorite titles though was 'The Perfectionist'.

Complements were rather a spontaneous greeting to her face. One could always see the trace of admiration in anyone's eye, even as they speak the shortest words or phrases.

"I heard Jake calling you his little Rosebud again."

Haruka was tying her laced white sneakers when a gentle feminine voice like no other spoke out of the darkness.

"You should know better. He's a moron."

Haruka simply put, withdrawing her foot from the wooden bench where it was originally settled.

She took out her knapsack from the locker and ignored the beautiful figure that slowly walked towards her side.

"It just bothers me that he still keeps on pursuing you."

The woman held out her hand, exposing her long slender fingers and gently moving them on Haruka's shoulder to her nape.

"You mean you're jealous." It wasn't a question. It was a statement, which appalled Haruka's company.

"Lighten up, Michiru. I'm gay, remember? And I'm sure every damn soul in Infinity school knows about that." She humorously added, and closed her locker, turning around to plant a swift kiss on the green-haired beauty's forehead.

Kaiou Michiru was a professional and magnificent violinist. From here, it's clearly visible that Infinity school was a school for 'the gifted children'. Michiru's talent on the instrument was the main reason why she was accepted.

While Haruka's talent was on the wheels.

Some students claim that Michiru was a magician, for the music she makes out of her violin pulls out different emotions from anyone who hears it.

Her meeting however with the famous racer was altogether different.

Haruka met Michiru when Michiru was performing the first time inside Infinite school's grand podium. Her aquamarine hair floating against the soft gentle breeze.

It was like seeing the perfect picture of a woman for Haruka.

And as if her presence was felt at that moment, the lady with the unusual color of hair lifter her eyes and met hers.

Haruka and Michiru's footsteps were the only ones left inside the structure. Haruka led the way, followed by Michiru who carried a few books in her arms.

Upon their way to the parking lot, a white Jaguar sat motionless on the ground, its pearly appearance blinding any eye with its outstanding look.

"What are we having for dinner?" Haruka asked.

"How does sukiyaki sound?"


Michiru smiled sweetly at her and made her way inside the car.


After dinner, Haruka automatically went to take a hot bath to contemplate the meal she just ate.

She then made her nightly routines and went to bed with Michiru at about 11 in the evening.

Ever since Haruka got together with Michiru, both had decided to live under the same roof. Even everyone at school knew about this, and luckily, no one questioned them.

But of course, rumors and gossips has its own ways and inevitably, everyone simply concluded they were a gay couple.

It's nothing really big for Haruka and Michiru, this is, after all, the modern age.

People tend to become more open-minded towards any possibilities.

What they have now could be best described as 'natural'.

Love though, was still a question to Haruka. Leaning her head to her other side to watch her beautiful partner sleep, she couldn't be happier for feeling this content in her life.

All she was waiting for now was a chance to be known to the world.

She slowly got up from bed and made her way downstairs to get some coffee.

Haruka and Michiru were fortunate enough to have patrons by their side. The more they got popular around the nation, the more their wealthy supporters were glad enough to give them plenty of exceeding money.

Haruka took her mug and slowly, barefooted, walked towards the balcony where a sliding glass door separated her from the outside.

After lulling it open, Haruka closed it securely and leaned towards the balustrade where her calm hands gripped the warm mug.

The soft cold wind mesmerized Haruka inwardly. Its presence was her ultimate relaxation, for even in the race, the wind was always with her.

Having the best view around the city, Haruka watched the small lights shining from afar.

She sipped her coffee and stared unto the dark pit above her where thousands of stars gladly saw her gaze.

And as if making a wish, Haruka closed her eyes and grinned like a kid.

Before she left the balcony though, she missed a shooting star that crossed the heavens.


"Hammie's Arcade at Jinka Street. It's near my place, but I'm sure it's not far from where you're sitting at."

"I don't even know where that place is." Haruka complained, grunting at the other end of the line.

"I'm really sorry, Haruka." Jake apologized, "but I have to do some important errands."

"What are you, a mama's boy?"

"C'mon!" he exclaimed, "At least I finished three fourths of the project."

Haruka fell silent for a while and bit her lip with unsurpassed guilt.

"Fine. Just don't be late."

"I'll try."


"Okay, okay, I'll see you in fifteen."

Haruka frustratingly lounged on her seat outside a café where she stopped over from dong some errands of her own. Michiru was in a meeting with the student body, discussing about a performance to be held next month. Since it was high time they buy some new groceries and since Haruka was hanging around doing nothing back at the condominium, Michiru decided Haruka should be the one to go to the supermarket and buy some necessities.

Haruka mumbled to herself, silently detesting such a small responsibility and drank her coffee straight and got up from her chair.

Deciding to walk the short-distanced arcade that Jake was rattling about, Haruka had her hands shoved inside her pocket and looked undeniably masculine with her whole outfit.

Even if she was a woman, she was clad in white straight-cut pants, a black undershirt and a white blazer for her cover.

For the feminine touch though, she wore a three-inched black heel.

Matched with her Ferregamo dark shades, no one would think that Haruka was a girl—unless they pay attention to her feet.

Taking a long breath, Haruka went inside the café/arcade and took her seat to the nearest door.

Far away from her table, she noticed there were several racing games settled in columns.

Haruka looked sideways and leaned back to her chair.

Suddenly, a wide grin formed on her lips.

A few feet away, the chime bells of the glass door rang when added customers started to fill in.

"Omigod! It's here! It's here! Then new games are here!"

A loud blonde exclaimed, making her way towards the arcade.

"Good thing Andrew informed us back at school." Another blonde spoke, but this one was rather different from the other.

The first blonde had her hair tied halfway with a large red bow.

The blonde who followed her had hers tied up in strange pretty buns with her hair extending up to her calves.

"Hi, Usa!" a girl with short brown curly hair called at them, waving her hand from afar.

"Molly!" the one in buns replied, waking towards her friend.

"You should try out the new racing game, it's so cool! It's got a helmet to go along with it. It'll really make you feel as if you're outside the race tracks."


"Yeah, c'mon, let's go and play."

The three girls got in front of a huge shiny game booth.

"Is this it?" Minako asked,

"Yep! Isn't it cool?" Molly inserted her game card and watched the screen start up.

"What's this helmet for again?" Usagi inquired, taking hold of the equipment in her hands.

Instead of answering her, Molly took the helmet and placed it on Usagi's head.

"Try out the game. Maybe you'll love it." Molly started, "Like what I said, the helmet's suppose to make it feel real."


Molly pushed Usagi on the chair and pressed the start button,

"Go on, step on the clutch and start stirring the wheel."

And Usagi did just as that. In a matter of a few seconds, she was already speeding away.

"I didn't know Usagi could play so good." Molly whispered to Minako, observing the flat screen.

"She and her brother often mess around with their video games back home. I suppose that's her practice."

While driving with complete enjoyment, Usagi noticed something peculiar on the screen.

There was a white car catching up from behind.

The screen was divided into two. Up above was Usagi's point of view and below was the car speeding up beside her.

"Usa-chan," Mina began, leaning forward, "can't you break loose from that car?"

"I'm trying, but it's being too fast."

Molly felt there was something different. Usagi's opponents are all computer-generated. This white car Usagi was rivaling with seemed to act unusual.

That is, unless…

"Molly, stop elbowing me." Minako muttered, concentrating on the screen.

"Mina," Molly whispered, "look over there."

Gazing up at the direction Molly was pointing to, they saw a man with short blonde air playing the same game.

Suddenly, short crashing sounds emitted from the screen. Usagi's red car and the opponent's white car crashed at each other, competing for the finish line.

Until finally, the cars bashed inside a tunnel and came out all wrecked up.

Usagi took off her helmet and exhaled.

"This game is good. I almost had the computer."

Molly bit her lip and glanced at Minako.

From afar, the blonde man stood up from his seat and took off his own helmet.

Usagi noticed the movements.

And as if the man sensed some audience, he approached the three ladies.


While the handsome guy walked towards them, his heels clicked softly on the ground and his smile captivated the ladies.

"Nice game." He complemented.

Usagi turned red. OmiGod—he's so cute! Major hunk, major hunk!

Usagi stared at her lap and replied,


"I didn't know pretty ladies hang around in this place." He teased.

Molly and Minako were left giggling on the other hand.

Usagi felt her cheeks burning.

"Do you come here often?" the man asked.

Usagi looked up, and the moment their eyes met, there was something she saw in those green eyes of his.

"My Little Rosebud, did you wait too long?"

All four of them looked behind where another man stood.

"Haruka, darling—"

Haruka let out a deep infuriated breath and shook her head.

"I-I'm sorry," the other man stuttered in amazement, "I think I barged in at the wrong time."

He then chuckled under his nose and waited outside.

"Sorry 'bout that," the blonde handsome guy spoke, "Guess I have to go."

Suddenly, all three girls came to a crashing conclusion:

He's gay.