Disclaimer: They won't be showing up until the first chapter, but I don't own the characters of Detective Conan and Kaitou KID. Those rights belong to Aoyama Gosho.

Wishing on Roses


Roses have long been considered symbols of love and magic, but despite the air of romance and mystery that surrounds them, they still are ordinary objects, plants that live and die as any other normal plant does. Although, there is a chance of being plucked by a young man eager to win the heart of a young woman.

But even then, they are still just common, ordinary flowers.

However, there is one expectation…one special rose that existed centuries ago in ancient Japan.

Yes, I know roses aren't native to ancient Japan.

I said it wasn't an ordinary rose, didn't I?

This special bloom is said to house a minor demi-god, capable of bringing happiness to those around it. A few tales insist that it is in fact a demon which causes chaos when released.

In truth, it contains only a simple spirit, capable of acquiring anything the rose's own wishes.

Over the ages, normal people have used it to fulfill their dreams and wants. Whether this made them happy or not, it doesn't matter…those stories aren't important.

The story we do wish to focus on, however, is that of the rose's owner during the end of Japan's Feudal Era: a young man who only wished for happiness and love, but instead found himself to be a player in large events to come…

Author's Note: Yes...very short, and I can promise you the actual chapters won't be as short. Think of this as a teaser trailer for the actual fic.