Author's notes: This is my first fic in nearly a year. So 'I'm a bit rusty. Well this is for all the Lu Xun/Da Qiao lovers out there. Now before I start this won't follow the conventional Dynasty Warriors/Romance of the three kingdoms storyline (You must all go play ROTK VIII). So even though Sun Ce was dead by this point he'll make an appearance.

Disclaimer: Romance of the three kingdoms and Dynasty Warriors are trademarks of Koei and Luo Guanzhong (The author of Romance of the three kingdoms who died 600 years ago). The characters are property of themselves (They were real after all).

Chapter 1

Red Rose of Wu

It is the year 209 AD. Cao Cao's fleet had been annihilated at Chi Bi the year earlier and now Wu and Wei were the most dominant factions in the land. The only other kingdom was that of Gongsun kang in Bei Ping in the north eastern mountains of China. Meng Huo existed peacefully in San Jiang and Jiang Wei was still a small boy of 7 years old. Shu was still non existent and wouldn't be created for another 2 years.

And in Wu, 25 year old Lu Xun faced problems bigger than the Wu army of 100,000 that would attack He Fei castle some years later. That problem? Love.

For some weeks now Sun Ce's wife Da Qiao had been making passes at him. Lu Xun was scared stiff less. He knew Sun Ce would kill anyone he suspected of going with his wife behind his back. But at the same time it was becoming increasingly difficult to deny his own feelings for her. And he was afraid he would do something rash that would in most probability end with his own death and maybe Da Qiao's. He wanted her badly and wished for just one brief moment of love with her. But at that particular moment this train of thoughts was knocked from his head by the interruption of Gan Ning and Ling Tong.

"Hey Kiddo" Gan Ning cried out, slapping him on the shoulder "What's the dull look for! Its Sun Ce's birthday and the only dull face in Jian Ye is yours!"

"He's 25 Gan, hardly a kid."

"So he's not a man just yet Ling! Needs a good woman first!" Came Gan Ning's reply. Lu Xun who was already depressed enough as it was just walked away.

He came to a secluded bench and burst into tears. He wept over the fact that the one object of his desire would never be his. Da Qiao probably didn't love him anyway. He cried until a hand on his shoulder shook him from his weeping.

"Lu Xun?" Came the soft voice. 'Oh no, not her' Lu Xun thought.

"Do you really love me that much?" Da Qiao asked having heard most of his rant. She was welling up on the inside because she had been under the same impression that Lu Xun had. That the other didn't share the same feelings. He nodded very slowly afraid of her reaction. Instead of the slap to the face he had been expecting, she threw her arms round him. His heart almost stopped.

"I love you more than anyone could possibly imagine." She whispered. "I don't love Sun Ce like I love you" she cried, before pressing her lips against his. They only meant for it to be quick, but due to their undying passions soon their tongues entered, clashing together. And this is why Sun Ce and the rest of the Wu officers were to come across them. And Sun Jian had no hesitation in having Lu Xun arrested and thrown into a cell.

Back in his chamber an irate Sun Ce verbally ripped into Da Qiao.

"Nearly 5 years together and you go behind my back with one of my most trusted officers! Am I not good enough or something!" He yelled.

"No Ce! Bu...But I've had feelings for Xun since I first saw him!"

"So you've been kissing each other like this for 2 years? I married a right bitch didn't I!" He screamed before slapping her to the ground. His guards dragged her to a cell away from Lu Xun. Sun Ce then went to get information out of him. And even though Lu Xun explained that Da Qiao had these feelings and he did, he never intended to try take her away from him.

"It was the heat of the moment my lord. Surely you understand." Lu Xun pleaded.

"Yes I do." Ce replied before smashing his Tonfa in Lu Xun's face. He smiled at the small trickle of blood coming down Xun's face.

"I'm going to have you publicly flogged in front of every officer of Wu. And when you hang in chains later, your back ripped open and bloody you'll realises you don't mess with me!" he spat.

So two days later a lone soldier came to his cell. He stripped Xun to his waist, blindfolded him and then…. Chained him back up again?

"I thought I was being publicly flogged?" He inquired.

"You are." Came the cold reply. He heard another pair of feet come in, while the guard left and slammed the heavy oak door behind him, locking it in the process. A bowl of water was shoved underneath his mouth. He drank from it asking who the figure was. A soft hand stroked his chest and with a jolt of fear realised who it was:

"Lady Sun Shang Xiang…"

"Got it in one Xun." She said softly.

"Come to gloat then?" He asked.

"No I came with a proposition."

Author's notes: Well that was boring. R&R please and ill add the next chapter which hopefully will be more exciting. Till then adios!