There was once a time when flying scared me. Now it more soothing than milk and cookies. It is compelling being this far up looking down at everything. I fly for a while stopping for moments to watch the stars. With out realizing it I end up at home. I stand in front the door to my parents house. I've been standing there a few minutes when the door swings open. My mom stands in the doorway, big smile on her face. She doesn't look different from when I last saw her.
"Clark honey what wrong."
"I was talking to Lex to day."
She hides the lack of shock well, not well enough not from me.
"Come in honey the stoop is no place for a conversation."
I follow her into the kitchen. Sitting down automatically in what has always been my seat. I wonder where Lex sits when he visit. How is it I've never run into him on one of unexpected visits home. My mom slide a piece of pie in front me. I reach for the fork lift it half way two my mouth before stopping.
"Where does Conner sleep when he stays here?"
"Who said Conner slept over?"
"I know he does. Lex would want him exposes to as much Kent nurturing as possible."
"Your room. Does that bother you."
She sits across from me hands folded on the table. "He is a part of you Clark we couldn't turn him away."
"You could have told me."
"We…" she stops herself lip caught between her teeth. "What would you have done if we told you about Conner?"
"Went to visits Luthor… try to get some answers."
"You would have screamed at him making accusation. He never would have gotten the chance to explain."
"He explained tonight. He's not free of guilt. He knew his dad was trying to make a clone he helped him."
"Lionel would have done it behind Lex's back."
"So now you're defending Lex."
She looks at me lips pulled in a straight line. "Yes. I will be the first to admit we ... me and your father where wrong about Lex. He loves that boy. He not always smart when it comes to judging good and bad but that is for the most part Lionel fault. He can be such a good person."
"He can be a very bad person I've seen him hurt people."
"Some time he can go a little bit over board. He just needs a little guidance."
"He's a grow man mom, he test off the IQ charts, he built up his own company and destroyed Luthorcorp by the time he was 25, on his days off he builds experiments in his lab and hatchs plans to make baby clones, he is a fucking genius and your telling me he need some one to hold his hand and tell him what is right and wrong."
"Yes. Watch your mouth, eat your pie I'm going to get your father."
With out thinking I bring the fork to my mouth. My mom smiles and leaves the room. My mom defending Lex. Never thought I would hear that. There had been a time when I would have sawed off my own arm to hear my parent speak so kindly about Lex fucking Luthor. I sit and eat the pie. My parents are still not back by the time I'm done. I cut another piece and start in on that. My mom comes back followed by my dad who is on the phone a frown on his face. He looks tired like he just got up. It's late almost early he was probable sleeping. He says a quick good by. My mom pours me a glass of milk. The room is quite. I slump in my seat. My dad clears his throat.
"Conner just a kid Clark we couldn't turn him away."
"I've heard the speech already dad you don't have to say anything. Who was on the phone."
"Lex he wanted to know if you're alright."
"What did you tell him?"
"You where eating pie you can't be that damaged."
"I'm mad at you …all of you."
He sits across from me. "We expect that but I hope you don't take it out on Conner."
"I don't know the kid."
My mom sits next to my dad one hand resting on his shoulder. "Are you planning on getting to know him?"
"I don't know."
She frown my dad clears his throat. "He's a good kid. Very curious a lot like you when you where young."
"I'm sure he's great. Can I sleep in my room?"
My mom gives me a soft smile."You don't have to ask."
My dad clears his throat. I turn to look at him he still look incredibly tired maybe it wasn't lack of sleep maybe my dad was just getting old. "Lex said he and Conner would be coming by in a little while. They normally try to get here in time for breakfast."
"Fine. Whatever…. Good Night." I stand and leave the room. I hear them talking in hush voices. I tune down my hearing. I don't want to know what they're saying. I strip lock the door and throw myself on my childhood bed. It's smaller than my current bed but I still love this one more. I have very good memories that go with this bed. I buried my face in the pillow let my thoughts drift till I sleep.