A/N This story is based on a role play that I created on the forum Ranger Power. It stars members from the forum who are my friends. Unless you're a member there, you won't recognize them. lolI thought I'd post the story here to and see what you guys think of it. Please leave a review! Thanks! Enjoy!

Episode 1: The Jade Crystals part 1

The classroom was silent and motionless. The eyes of both student and teacher alike were all focused on the same spot: the clock that hung on the wall above the white board. The seconds clicked by slowly, it seemed, as always happened before something exciting. Only one pair of eyes in the room was not looking at the clock. These eyes were staring at a watch on the wrist of the body they were attached to. Bethany Blackmon knew that her watch was accurate to the second with the school bell, which was more than anyone could say for the clock in the room. It was always a few second off, and Beth wanted to know the exact second the bell would ring.

At last, there were only ten seconds left before 2:38 and the end of school. Beth began to count down the seconds loudly.

"10, 9, 8…" By now, all eyes in the room were on her. A few other students joined her. "7, 6, 5…" At this point, every one in the room, including the teacher, was counting as well. "4, 3, 2, 1, brrrrrrinnnng." Sure enough, the second after they had counted to one, the bell rang and the students began to flood out of the classroom. Beth was the last one out besides the teacher. As she made her way to the door, she turned to him and smiled.

"Have a good spring break, Mr. Thompson," she said.

"I will," he replied, smiling as well. "You too, Bethany."

"Thank you," Beth said politely as she skipped out of the classroom and down the halls to the exit. Once she got outside of the school, she began searching for her friends. They had agreed to meet in the quad area before they went to check out the new café that had just opened today. Overclocked, it was called. The very name was enough of a reason to check it out, besides the fact that it was a cybercafé and all of the other students in the school were going there today as well.

Sure enough, Beth soon found her four friends standing around waiting for her. She walked up to them and smiled.

"Finally, it's Spring Break," she said in mock exasperation.

"Yep," said Daniel McCue, looking at his friend. He was wearing a red tank top shirt with a thin black jacket over it and a pair of blue jeans. He ran his fingers through his hair before continuing. "Spring Break: a time for rest, relaxation, and wild parties every night!" He grinned happily at his last few words, while the others just laughed at him. They knew he was serious, but the thought of it still made them laugh.

Michael Tisdale put his arms behind his head. He was wearing a pair of black jeans and a long sleeved yellow shirt. Tiz was the only guy Beth had ever seen who wore yellow almost every day, but that was one of the things that made him so unique. "Me?" he said. "I'm going to spend some quality time with my video games during break. They've missed me so much while I've been in school…" His voice trailed off in pretend sadness as his friends laughed.

Margaret Ryan punched Tiz in the arm. "There's more to life than video games, you know," she said as he rubbed his arm in pain. Peg walked over to Dan and stood next to him. She wore a blue spaghetti strap shirt with a see-through white jacket over it, unbuttoned, and a pair of light blue jeans. "I think I'll go party hopping with Dan this break," she said, grinning playfully. Dan smiled down at her.

Beth chuckled. "I'm looking forward to being able to get back into my online role plays," she said. "I've been kind of neglecting them lately, because school has been taking up way too much of my time. Stupid school…" she added, laughing a little. She was wearing a plain green T-shirt and black jeans.

"Well, school is always more important, right?" asked Sean Varisano, who stood next to her. He wore dark black jeans and a long sleeved white shirt. Anyone could tell by his smile that he was being sarcastic. No high school student really thought that school was always more important. Beth smiled back at him.

"So, what are your plans for break, Sean?" she asked with a hint of shyness in her voice.

"I don't know," Sean replied. "I haven't really given it much thought. I guess I'll just hang out with you guys."

"Um, shouldn't we get going?" Peg asked impatiently. "After all, we would like go get to the café before the crowds, right?" Everyone saw the logic in this and made their way to their respective cars. It didn't take long to get to the café, which was right down the street from the school. When they arrived, they sat at a booth near the door and looked at the menus to decide what to order.

William Jones stood behind the counter of the Overclocked Café, making smoothies for his many customers. His suspicions had been correct. Opening the café on the first day of Spring Break was an excellent idea. The place was already full of teens who had just finished school for two weeks and who needed a place to hang out in all their extra free time. Plus, there was the intrigue that the advertisements for Overclocked must have put into the hearts of the high school students. Will had been advertising today's opening for many weeks now, via flyers and newspaper ads. Obviously, his efforts had been rewarded, as the café was packed. Will was glad that he had already hired some help. He had hired a high school boy who seemed like he would be a good worker. Will could only hope that he would be.

Delvin James walked up to the table where Beth and her friends were sitting. He recognized some of them from school, but he didn't know them personally. He had seen a lot of his friends come in earlier, though. This place was packed even though it was the opening day, meaning that Del had a lot of work on his hands. It was his first day of work, and he already had so many customers to deal with. Oh well, he thought. At least this job pays well. He chuckled a little as he pulled out a notebook and turned to the people at the table.

"Hello," he said, smiling. "What can I get for you guys?" He took out his pen and wrote down their orders as they said them. They handed him their menus and he walked away, promising them that their orders would be there shortly. Walking up to the counter, he told Will what the new comers had ordered. Will smiled at him and began to make them. He pointed to a tray on the counter.

"Those go to table three," he said. Del groaned slightly. The tray was completely full of smoothies, and he knew that it would be difficult to carry. Taking a deep breath, he picked up the tray and headed over to table three. It was a rather shaky journey, and Del almost dropped the tray a few times, but he finally got to the table safely and handed the drinks out to the impatient teenagers. When all the drinks had been passed out, Del headed back to the counter and sat down on a stool, hoping to have a second to recover. But, no, there were already three more trays waiting to go out to their respective tables. Del sighed as he picked up another tray. This job was going to be harder than he thought.

It wasn't long before their drinks were brought to them. This place has pretty fast service, Dan thought, sipping his smoothie happily. Good drinks, too, he added, smiling. The others seemed to be enjoying themselves as well. Dan looked around at the other people in the café. Most of the people there he recognized from school. He couldn't believe how crowded this place was already. He was just about to comment on that when all at once, the sky outside grew dark. Great, black clouds had covered the sun. The café emptied as people went outside and stood in the street, watching the sky, wondering what could have caused this. Dan made his way outside with the others, and they looked up as well, staring at the vast darkness in the sky. Suddenly, an explosion was heard nearby, just across the street from Overclocked. A car had exploded, and a monster stood next to it, grinning. It was obvious that he was the one who had blown up the car.

People began to run away, fleeing in all directions. Only a few people stayed, five of those being Dan, Sean, Peg, Tiz, and Beth. They hesitated, feeling as if somehow they shouldn't leave.

Tiz suddenly felt an urge to close his eyes. As soon as he did, he felt a strange sensation in his body. It started off as a slight tingling, then it progressed into a feeling of electricity surging in his body. He knew that he should be in pain right now, but somehow, it didn't hurt at all. This must be a dream, he thought. Suddenly, he threw his eyes open and looked at his body. Sure enough, electricity was crackling all around him. Screaming, he thrust his hands forward, and the electricity shot towards the monster, striking it, causing it to surge with pain. Suddenly, Tiz felt extremely drained, and he collapsed to his knees, feeling shocked and exhausted. The others just stared at him in bewilderment. Peg walked over to him slowly.

"How did you do that?" she asked. He just shook his head at her.

"I have no idea…"

Peg was about to say something else when she got a strange feeling as well. Turning to face the monster, almost unwillingly, her eyes closed as well. She had a sensation of water rushing around in her body, flowing through her like a river. It didn't hurt at all, as she thought it would. It was almost comforting, and it seemed so natural. It also seemed natural when she put her hands out in front of her and opened her eyes. Water flowed from her outstretched hands and an extremely high pressure, shooting straight into the monster, who was still twitching from the electric shock. The water caused the electricity to intensify, and the monster screamed in pain. Peg felt a sudden weakness, and she fell backwards, gently sitting on the ground, breathing heavily, feeling totally and utterly confused.

Next, it was Sean's turn to feel weird. Walking up and facing the monster, his eyes shut. He felt a rush of wind around him, blowing his clothes about him. The wind was so strong, yet so natural. It didn't seem as if it was coming from behind him, in front of him, or from the sides of him, though. It seemed as if the wind was coming from him. But that's impossible, he thought. Then, he realized that a lot of impossible things were happening today. Opening his eyes, he threw his hands in front of him, causing the wind to intensify, flying straight at the creature. As the wind hit it, sparks came from its body, and it fell over in pain. It got up soon afterwards, but it was obvious that it was weakened. So was Sean, and he collapsed to the ground as well, sitting down, panting.

All of a sudden, Beth felt her body begin to shake as she closed her eyes. It felt like she was shaking inside intensely. It didn't hurt, but she felt the pressure of the shaking was too strong. She felt as if she would explode if the shaking didn't stop soon. Tears began forming in her still closed eyes as she tried to find a way to stop the shaking. Somehow, she felt that, if she focused, she could send the shaking out of her and somewhere else. Opening her eyes, she sent the shaking into the ground, and it began to feel like there was an earthquake all around them. Beth screamed and tried to stop it. Focusing all her thoughts towards the monster, she sent the shaking at him, and a large chunk of earth came up from under the pavement and crashed into him. He collapsed in pain, and so did Beth. She fell over and lay on the ground, unconscious.

Dan watched as his friend passed out. He began to go over to help her, but suddenly he was filled with a feeling similar to what the others had felt. Instead, though, it felt like his body temperature was rising quickly. His eyes closed on their own accord and he felt extreme heat all around him and inside him. It felt as if he was literally on fire, yet it didn't hurt at all. The heat surged through his body and he cried out, not in pain but for reasons he couldn't explain. Opening his eyes, which were now glowing with fire, he put his hands forward and a huge blast of fire flew out of them, hitting the monster, causing it to fall backwards and explode. Dan staggered backwards, but he remained standing, staring at the place where the monster had been. All that was left of him was a pile of ash, blowing away in the slight spring breeze.

Will watched as the teens attacked the monster. He was not surprised, shocked, or confused at all. He was only pleased.

"I finally found them," he thought to himself, smiling. When the monster was destroyed, Will stood in front of the teens. "Follow me," he said. After a quick glance at each other, the high school students got up slowly and began to comply. All except for Beth, who was still laying unconscious on the ground. The others started walking away, until Sean noticed that Beth hadn't moved.

"Wait up, guys," he said, going back and kneeling beside his friend. He shook her gently and called her name softly. After a few moments, she opened her eyes and looked at him. Her hands went immediately to her head.

"What happened?" she asked, still feeling exhausted. Sean smiled at her.

"I'm not sure," he said gently, helping her stand up. "But I think we're about to find out." The two followed the others into the café, walking silently side by side. Will lead them up to the counter. He hopped over it and pressed a button that was underneath it. Suddenly, much to the surprise of the young onlookers, the wall behind the counter twisted sideways, leaving large gaps on either side. Will smiled at them, then turned and walked through one side, motioning for the others to follow. After a quick glace at each other, they jumped over the counter as well and went in after him, hoping that they would soon learn what had happened to them that day.