Twin Trouble

"Okay Ashlyn, Alex, let's go." Said Olivia. The little girls got up and ran over to Olivia almost knocking her over. It was about five thirty when they left her office.

"Hey Munch, I'll talk to you later tonight."

"Okay bye girls I'll see you tomorrow."

The girls left and got in Olivia's car. They drove to the nearest gas station to get gas for Olivia's car. As they pulled into the parking lot one of the girls shrieked and started crying. Olivia looked back and saw fear in the girls' eyes. Then she looked ahead and saw their mother. She was walking towards the car.

Olivia gripped her steering wheel and yelled, "Hang on girls!"

Olivia turned the wheel sharply to the left and floored the gas petal. The two girls shrieked and clutched the side of the window for dear life. In the back they heard tires screech behind them. Ashlyn turned and looked out the back window.

'Olivia. She coming!" she screamed.

Olivia turned and looked behind her. Muttering something non-to pleasant under her breath she turned the wheel sharply again. Only this time they were out in the middle of New York Rush hour.

The two girls screamed again and a blue Mercedes had to swerve to keep from hitting them. String of angry curses followed them as the speed onto the opposite side of the road straight into incoming traffic!

Olivia swerved again and they found themselves on a back road. Quickly she put it in park and turned to see if Alex and Ashlyn were okay.

"Yeah we're fine. I think." Ashlyn told her exhaling sharply.

Behind them they heard yelling and the sounds of a crash. Both girls jumped as they heard their mother begin to start screaming.

Suddenly everything was quiet, and then a loud banging came on the back window.

The two girls screamed and Olivia punched the 'lock' button.

"GIVE ME BACK MY KIDS!" The crazy lady yelled as Olivia pulled away in the car.

A/N NOTL wrote half of this!