Danny Phantom
Sinners, Saints, and Sadists
Chapter – 1, Lost
Hey everyone! I decided to write another Danny Phantom fic. Don't worry, I will finish the other one eventually, but the idea for this one just couldn't be ignored for the moment. In my last story I had a touch of rape, but this time the fic is going to be centered around that theme (in other words: don't read if you get squeamish easily!). I just love to torture that little halfa! XD evil cackle. So PLEASE READ AND REVIEW! Right now I am going to make this a One Shot but if you want more chapters let me know in a review. :-) That said, on to the story!
Disclaimer: I do not own Danny Phantom and anyone who reads this story will quickly learn why. XD
Vlad Masters angrily paced the deserted streets of Amityville enraged at the fact that his minions were, once again, trying his patience. He had never cared much for the city. Time and time again the people that inhabited it only proved that they truly were prejudge mental, ignorant morons. Buying a mansion and becoming a recluse had been his smartest move. In fact, he would still be at home right now if he had the choice, but business always came before pleasure.
It had been nearly a month since Jack and Maddie had visited his home with their two children, and his life was still in shambles. Mostly because of their son, Danny. What a surprise it had been to find out that Jack's only son possessed the same abilities as he. The power to turn into a ghost at will, thusly making him a halfa. However, his excitement at this discovery has died out since then. Vlad had believed, at that time, that he could make Danny his apprentice; train him to meet his full potential. But, just like his father, Danny made the mistake of crossing Vlad instead. Now, nothing was left but loathing, resentment and the need for revenge, which Vlad was always up for serving.
It saddened him a bit that things had to turn out this way, but you can't expect to anger a bull and not get the horns. Looking at his watch, which read 10:30pm, Vlad realized that he had been foolishly waiting for a half hour now and his subordinates still hadn't shown. Muttering a few swear words, he turned on his heel and began to head back towards his mansion, but a raspy voice interrupted his angry retreat.
"Boss, wait! We're here! We're here!" It shouted behind him. Vlad, annoyed, turned back around to face the lowly presence with a scowl warping his aging features.
"You've had me waiting here for over a half hour. What in HELL were you doing?" He asked coldly, taking in the smaller ghosts appearance. Though transparent, the creature resembled a lowly looking teenage boy dressed in a leather jacket and tight fitting blue jeans. One could easily see that he was probably a bully in his lifetime; the out of place ski cap that hugged his head proved it.
"We had some problems earlier finding some teenage bodies to borrow for the job." He replied nervously.
"We? I only see you here." Vlad replied with an attitude while crossing his arms.
"No, we're here." three voices shouted in unison from out of nowhere. Soon, three other ghosts appeared beside the original boy. all dressed the same as he. "Sorry, we're late." One of them said, bowing. Vlad snorted in disgust.
"Save it, did you or did you not do as I asked?" He asked, eyeing the four teens with scrutiny.
"Yes, Boss, we did. We have four bodies at our disposal. We await your further orders."
"Fine." Vlad spat, uncrossing his arms and taking a step closer. "I want you four to take care of someone for me." He began, his tone dangerously dark.
"Yes, sir. Who is the person you had in mind?" One asked.
"His name is Danny Fenton. Here is a picture of him." Vlad replied, handing them a photo he had taken of Danny at his mansion.
"He doesn't look like much. We can have him wasted before sunrise." Another one mused while looking at the photo.
"Oh you misunderstand me, boys. I don't want this child dead. I only want him to wish he were." Vlad explained, a crooked smile reaching its way across his face.
"I'm not following..." The boy holding the picture replied, clearly baffled.
"I want you four to make him suffer, embarrass him; defile him to the point of wishing for death. I want him to feel even more out of place in his world than he already does. That boy has crossed me and I will not let him go un-punished. Do what you have to, but make sure that my wishes are fulfilled or I will personally send you all back to the ghost zone myself." Vlad warned, his voice now dripping with malice. The four boys gulped, almost at the same time, then nodded.
"As you wish, Boss." One finally replied as they all turned to walk away.
"Oh yes, before I forget!" Vlad shouted after them while digging in his pocket for something. "Use this on him before you try anything." He explained, throwing an oddly shaped gun to one of the un-dead teens. "Daniel is a halfa, just like me. He may not look like much but he can put up one hell of a fight. Shoot him with that device before you even attempt to capture him." Vlad explained. Receiving a nod from each of them, he spun around on his heel, turned ghost, and flew off at full speed towards his home.
(The Next Day)
Danny awoke to yet another dreary day in Amityville. Worse yet, it was Monday and he had spent all weekend playing video games with Tucker and Sam on the computer. His parents had grounded him again for bad grades and that was the only way he would have any contact with his friends. Getting up and out of bed, he groggily walked towards the bathroom to brush his teeth, but not before being interrupted by Jazz who was coming up the stairs.
"Ah, good morning, Danny." Jazz said cheerfully.
"Morning, Jazz." Danny replied sleepily, pausing for a moment then continuing his trudge to the bathroom.
"You know, you should really start getting up earlier, that way you'd actually have time to eat breakfast. It is the most important meal of the day you know..." Jazz said matter-of-factly.
"Yeah, whatever." Danny said coolly, shutting the bathroom door on her before she could continue her lecture. "God, she's like having another parent in the house..." He mumbled before locking the door. Once dressed, Danny rushed downstairs to grab a piece of toast before leaving.
"Good Morning, Danny." Maddie greeted from the kitchen table.
"Morning, Mom. Gotta go, in a rush, bye!" Danny shouted in response, darting towards the front door.
"Now hold on a sec! Don't forget that your father and I are leaving today for the scientist's convention in Cleveland. It's only going to be you and your sister for a few days, Danny." Maddie shouted after the young boy. Danny, surprised that he had forgotten, stopped in his tracks then ran back into the kitchen.
"Sorry, Mom. I forgot." Danny apologized, kissing his mom on the cheek and letting her take him into a big hug.
"Now, I want you two on your best behavior, alright?" She asked, hugging him tighter.
"Right! But if one of you see a ghost, you know what to do..." Jack warned, standing up from his chair at the other side of the table. "Bust out the Fenton gear and GIVE IT HELL!" He shouted, balling up a fist and shaking it in the air.
"Jack! For God's sake! Are you trying to get our kids into trouble while we're gone? You two, ignore your father. Sometimes I really wonder about his sanity." Maddie replied, finally releasing Danny from her hug. "Now hurry along, Danny. We don't want you being tardy." Maddie said, motioning him towards the door.
"All right. Bye Mom, bye Dad. See you guys in a few days!" Danny shouted, resuming his rush and running out the door. Once on the sidewalk, Danny glanced at his watch. He was making decent time, but still wanted to keep up his pace. Once at Casper high, he paused for a moment at the doors to try and catch his breath. There were still people outside of school talking in the courtyard so he knew he had a few moments to relax.
Sitting down on the cool, cement stairs, he jumped when a hand touched his shoulder. Turning around, he was relieved when he saw it was only Sam.
"A little on edge today?" She asked, sitting down beside him. Sam was wearing her usual black ensemble but Danny couldn't help but admit to himself that it suited her.
"Nah, just tired, Sam." He replied, running a hand through his raven black hair.
"Maybe you shouldn't play video games until the early hours of the morning on school nights then, Danny." Sam teased, smiling cheerfully.
"Yeah, yeah... At least I'm early for once, that counts for something right?" Danny replied, his smile matching hers.
"Yes, but you're just going to fall asleep in class again as usual so what does it matter?" She asked, nudging Danny playfully.
"Oh, whatever! Mr. Lancer's class is about as fun as a root canal. How could I not doze off? Anyway, where's Tucker?" He inquired, looking around for a head wearing a red beret.
"He forgot his PDA so he ran home to get it real quick. You know how geeks are." She taunted, retying one of her boots. "I was going to wait until Tucker got back before asking, but I might as well run the idea past you now. Would you like to come over and watch some movies at my house after school? You know, order some pizza, pop some popcorn?" Sam asked, trying to hide the fact that she was blushing a little.
"Sure! I was only grounded for the weekend and my parents are going away today so I won't even have a curfew." Danny replied, smiling brightly.
"Awesome!" Sam exclaimed, nearly jumping off of the steps. However, upon seeing Danny's confusion at her over excitement, she immediately toned herself down. "I-I mean...er...um...great! You, Tucker, and me are going to have a blast. I have that new movie Hell's Heathens, too." She explained sitting back down and starting on her other boot.
"Really? I thought that wasn't supposed to come out in theater's for another 2 weeks?" Danny asked, baffled.
"Well lets just say my Mom and Dad have connections." Sam replied, winking.
"Boy it must be awesome to be rich." Danny mused, laughing.
"Nah, just more hassle. So what do you say we head in to class and wait for sir dork-a-lot there? It makes no sense for us to be late too just because Tucker's married his PDA." Sam suggested, standing up and grabbing her bag.
"Fine with me." Danny agreed, grabbing his bag as well and following her into the building. Time passed slowly after that. Tucker eventually showed up to school, which inspired a funny scene of him getting lectured by Mr. Lancer to occur, but other than that the day proved to be as uneventful as usual. It wasn't until the bell rang at the end of the day that Danny actually started to perk up. Exiting the courtyard with Sam and Tucker at his side, he couldn't help but be cheerful.
His friends really were the only ones there for him. Sure he had the love of his Mother and Father, even Jazz, but somehow he knew that they would always be the ones to understand what he was going through. The mere thought of telling his parents that he was half ghost was more terrifying than death. It's true that they loved him, and probably would no matter what, but sometimes love just isn't enough. And sometimes circumstances just become unacceptable. Sam, finally noticing Danny's spaced out look, became concerned.
"Danny, are you okay?" She asked, a worried look on her face.
"Y-yeah! I'm fine! Just thinking about something." Danny reassured, snapping out of his daze.
"Thinking about what?" Sam probed, her velvet eyes meeting his bright blue ones.
"N-nothing important, really!" Danny replied nervously, hating the fact that he was blushing. Even a blind person could pick up on Danny's continuing crush on Sam, and hers on him as well. However, in the end, they both found it much easier just to ignore it.
"If you say so..." She said with a sigh, her expression one of exhaustion and annoyance at the fact that while Danny confided some of his darkest secrets with them, he never shared his emotions or feelings. Tucker, finally realizing the tension between the two, decided that now was a good time for a change of subject.
"So Sam, can I call my parents when we get to your house to let them know I'm staying over for a bit?" Tucker asked, knowing that the answer was obvious, but glad that he had moved the conversation into a new direction.
"Of course, Tucker! What a stupid thing to ask. I think you've been spending way too much time with your gadgets. Danny, you need to call Jazz and let her know you're coming over too." Sam informed, readjusting the bag on her shoulder. Danny nodded and then grew silent once more, retreating back to his deep-in-thought state. He was thankful for the moment that Tucker had interrupted when he had. Otherwise, things would have grown even more uncomfortable. Sure, Danny wanted to confess his feelings for Sam out loud instead of implying them, but now just wasn't the time.
(At Sam's House)
"Aw, c'mon, Jazz! Stop being so unreasonable!" Danny shouted into the receiver, fighting the urge to throw Sam's phone into the wall. Asking his sister to stay at a friends house for a couple of hours should have been a simple thing, but Jazz just always had to make things complicated.
"No, Danny!" Jazz shouted back over the phone. "It's the first night of Mom and Dad's leave and I refuse to be stuck in this house by myself!" She explained, her voice becoming as desperate as Danny's.
"Why don't you call Dash over to keep you company then!" Danny taunted, his anger rising by the minute.
"Oh c'mon, Danny! That doesn't even make sense! I am just Dash's tutor and nothing more. You know that better than I do! Don't bother trying to make things up just to get me angry and off subject. I said no already." Jazz replied with an irritated sigh. Danny, realizing that his chances were diminishing by the second, took a deep breath and pulled out his trump card.
"Jazz, I never usually ask you for anything, let alone favors, but please...can't you bend just this once? I'm coming home right after the movie so why can't you do this one thing for me?" He pleaded innocently, knowing that kindness was probably his only option at this point. A long silence ensued between them on the phone and then Jazz sighed once more, defeated.
"Fine, Danny. You can stay at Sam's for a little while. BUT I want you home before twelve. If you're even one second late I'm calling Mom and Dad. Got it?" She warned.
"I got it. See ya later." Danny replied, hanging up the phone before giving her a chance to say goodbye. Turning around to face his friends, he couldn't help but laugh at the shock that so clearly showed on both of their faces. "Yeah...we fight like that all the time..." He confessed, placing a hand on the back of his head.
"I see..." Sam replied, raising an eyebrow. "Well uh...now that that's settled, let's get some snacks and start on the movies then." She added, heading towards to kitchen with Tucker following closely.
"H-hey! Wait for me!" Danny shouted, running into the kitchen after them.
After the little spat on the phone, Danny lost track of time. Somewhere between popcorn fights and pizza snarfing he stopped caring to look at his watch. It wasn't until Sam glanced at hers and gasped that he remembered his curfew.
"Danny, it's five minutes to twelve! Jazz is going to freak!" Sam shouted, jumping up from the popcorn-covered floor.
"Damn! You're right!" Danny agreed, standing as well and getting his shoes on.
"Are you going to be okay walking home by yourself at this time of night?" Sam asked, her face laced with worry and concern.
"Are you kidding me? Of course! I'm one of the ones keeping this city safe." Danny replied, laughing at how much he sounded like some comic book hero.
"Alright then, smart ass." Sam teased, following Danny to the door. "Tucker, you leaving too?" She asked before fully exiting their theater room.
"Nah, I think I'm just going to spend the night. I'm not an ass kicking half ghost like Danny." Tucker said playfully. "You'd be reading about me in the morning paper. I can see the headline now, 'Techno geek gets the ax walking home and only his PDA lies unharmed'." He added, laughing at his joke.
"Whatever, Tuck. See ya tomorrow." Danny said before disappearing fully from the room. Reaching the front door and grabbing for the handle, he was surprised when he felt Sam wrap her slender arms around his waist in a hug. He gasped when she began to nuzzle her face into his back.
"I know you say that you're going to be fine walking home, but I have a bad feeling about it tonight for some reason. Just promise me you'll be careful okay, Danny?" Sam pleaded hugging him tighter.
"I promise, Sam." Danny reassured, placing his hands on Sam's arms to hug her back. He almost hated it when she finally let go.
"See you tomorrow?" She asked, opening the door for him.
"Yeah." Danny confirmed before walking outside and into the night. He could feel her watching him for a few more moments and then finally the soft click of the door shutting hit his ears and he knew he was alone. His house wasn't far from Sam's at all, three or four blocks at the most, but at night it seemed like a longer, more dangerous stretch. He almost felt like kicking himself for not coming home earlier. Maybe his sister really did have his best interests in mind after all. Sure, he had walked home at night before, but never at midnight.
Usually, the streets were filled with people at night; late shoppers, cheating business men, teenagers looking for mischief; but tonight, something just didn't feel right. There was no one, absolutely no one out. Even the homeless beggars were no where to be seen. Danny jumped as a shiver ran up his spine. Maybe he should walk back to Sam's house, call Jazz and admit that he was afraid to walk home by himself? No, that wouldn't work. Jazz would never let him forget that and more to the point, what was there to be afraid of? He was a halfa, if need be he could defend himself, right?
Turning the corner to go down the street that eventually crossed his, he began to lose his nervous edge. He was almost home free. Releasing a sigh of relief, Danny jumped when he heard someone stir behind him. Turning around in his best attempt to see what it was he gasped when he realized that nothing was there.
"H-hello?" Danny called out. He wasn't surprised when he didn't get an answer. "O...k...that was probably just my imagination..." Danny reasoned, turning back around and picking up his pace to a run. He was almost at his street when all of sudden Danny felt something hit him from behind causing his whole body to feel as though it were on fire. The pain was so intense that he passed out, his last image being the ankles of his assaulter's.
"Wake up you little runt!" Danny heard someone shout. He tried to open his eyes but they felt too heavy. The only sensation he could feel was the cold ground beneath him. "I said, wake up!" The person repeated, punching Danny in the face and knocking him out of his haze. Now fully awake, Danny gasped when he saw that a creepy, dirty, teenage boy, obviously older than he, was staring at him with pure hatred. "So I finally got through to ya, eh?" the boy teased, a malicious grin creeping onto his face. "Hey, Levi! Our little friend is finally awake, why don't cha come say hello?" The teen asked.
Danny squinted to see whom he was talking to, but the darkness was too intense. He tried to move his arms but panicked when they refused to respond.
"Don't bother trying to move, kid. Not only have your ghost powers been disabled, but your mobility as well. You're not going anywhere." Levi said as he approached Danny and the other teen. Danny couldn't get a good look, but was able to make out that the boy had short, dirty blond hair, unlike the one that had punched him, who seemed to be wearing a worn out baseball cap. "Don't look so afraid, halfa. We're not going to hurt you, are we, Zeke?" Levi comforted, easily reading Danny's expression.
"Nope, Levi. We're just going to have some fun, isn't that right Gabriel? Xavier?" Zeke teased, caressing Danny's face with his sweaty palm. Danny cringed when he saw two more shady looking characters step out of the shadows. One had long, stringy looking black hair pulled back into a greasy ponytail while the other had a completely bald head, obviously shaved along time ago because stubs were protruding from his scalp. They all actually looked quite different from one another but something still stayed the same. They were all wearing black leather jackets and blue tight fitting jeans.
"Look, I don't have any money, so can you guys just let me go?" Danny pleaded, feeling helpless for the first time in a long while. He jumped when Levi snorted.
"Let you go? Ha! Not a chance, and we don't want your money." He scoffed coming closer and then bending down on his knees to join Danny on the ground. Shooing Zeke's hand away Levi straddled Danny. Placing a hand on each of Danny's hips and leaning down so that his lips touched his ear, he took in the halfa's sweet smell and then sighed.
"Would it be too much of a stretch for you to believe me if I said that all we want is you?" Levi whispered, lightly biting Danny's ear.
"Get off of me!" He shouted, hating how desperate he sounded. Levi only laughed.
"Scream all you want to. Everyone within a 5-block radius has been put under our spell. Not to mention you're in an alley. Only the rats will care that you're here." Levi said coolly, letting his hands slide up Danny's shirt. Danny tried his best to squirm away from the older kids touch, but it was to no avail. It only made the teen move his knee from the ground and onto Danny's crouch in an attempt to, painfully, hold him down.
"Please..." Danny begged as Levi's fingers brushed over his newly developed six pack.
"Please? Please what?" Levi asked, pinching one of Danny's nipples and causing him to cry out. "You know, if you just relax this could be enjoyable." Levi comforted, taking Danny into a hungry kiss.
"Hey, Levi! Save some for us!" One of the other boys shouted. However, Levi was ignoring them for the moment. Who could have guessed that an order from Vlad Masters could be so fun? Slipping some tongue into the advance, he savored the feel of Danny's mouth. Finally breaking the kiss to come up for air, he immediately grabbed Danny by his neck and then lifted him up and off the ground.
"Now is where things get really fun, halfa." He taunted, throwing Danny into the middle of the alley and then quickly jumping onto him once more. Ripping off his own shirt, he captured Danny's mouth once more before he could protest. Meanwhile his hands began to wonder again. First he slipped them back underneath Danny's shirt and then finally he stripped Danny of his shirt completely. Danny, however, was growing tired of playing helpless. He would rather be beaten to death than allow himself to be taken advantage of. Summoning up his nerve he bit into Levi's tongue as hard as he could.
Danny winced as the teen started to thrash on top of him, obviously in great pain, but he continued to refuse to let go. Finally, when a punch connected with his bare stomach, he lost his grip.
"Dammit!" Levi cursed, using his bare arm to wipe the blood from his mouth. "You little bitch!" He shouted, backhanding Danny across the face and then kneeing him in the stomach. Danny chocked on his own blood, and Levi's, as he gasped for air. "It looks like our little toy doesn't know his place yet. He's still got some fight left in him. What do you say we strip him of his pride, boys?" Levi asked, standing up and leaving Danny on the ground.
"Sounds good to me." Zeke replied approaching Danny and kicking him in his bare side. "You're going to learn to regret that little mistake of yours." he warned, kicking Danny again and laughing when he cried out. Soon Levi joined in the beating and then finally Xavier and Gabriel jumped in. Before Danny knew it his body was being assaulted with kicks, punches, and stomps. He could feel each and everyone one of his ribs breaking and finally cried out when he felt his left shoulder dislocate completely from its socket. Another crack sounded through the air when Xavier broke Danny's right arm. For a few moments Danny truly thought he was going to die, and then, thankfully, the beating stopped.
"Do you get it now, halfa? No one is going to help you and no one cares. You're our's tonight whether you like it or not." Levi warned as he watched Danny cough up blood. "Now where were we?" He asked, grabbing Danny by his ankle and dragging him closer. "Oh yeah, now I remember." Levi said triumphantly as he began to furiously un-button Danny's jeans. It wasn't long before he was in his boxers. "Sorry, I don't have any lubricant." Levi whispered as he began to undo his own pants. "But that doesn't mean we still can't have a good time, right?" He asked innocently, bending down and kissing Danny's exposed neck.
Danny, barely conscious, began to feel Levi's erection growing until it started to press painfully against his own quiet member. Whining a little at the new discomfort, he immediately regretted it because Levi only took it as one of pleasure.
"So he likes it?" Levi inquired, biting Danny's neck and leaving a bloody mark. "Wow, we need to really get you up to speed, kid" He added, noticing that Danny was still un-aroused. "I can easily tell this is your first time." He pointed out, roughly sticking a hand down the halfa's boxers. Danny bit his lip as Levi wrapped his hand around the member he found there. "The first time is always the most memorable." He mused, stroking the soft shaft. Danny bit his lip even harder, hoping that the moan in the back of his throat would just disappear if it had no place to escape, but eventually he just couldn't take it anymore and let out a frustrated, but turned on grunt.
A paradise wrapped in a nightmare, where pain and pleasure could melt into something completely new and Danny was right smack dab in the middle of it. It was true that Danny was lying half naked, beaten and bleeding in the middle of an alley, but for some reason he was able to forget that 'minor' detail for the moment. Though he hated to admit it, Levi was making him feel great. Further and further Danny slipped into his pleasure filled stupor until he began to feel his boxers becoming strangely tight.
"Uh huh, there we go. I knew you couldn't play cold turkey for too long." Levi said coolly, picking up the pace of his stroking and causing Danny to moan and cry out even louder. In the distant reaches of his mind, Danny could hear a voice calling out to him, telling him that this was wrong, that he was giving in to the filthiest desires; but he couldn't listen. It wasn't until Danny reached full erection and felt the cool breeze of the night that he realized Levi had stripped him completely of his boxers. Coming back to his senses, he remembered what was going on and began to struggle once more, although now it was much more difficult with broken bones.
"D-don't" Danny managed to choke out, tears welling up in his eyes from shame.
"Too late to stop now." Levi replied while using one hand to painfully pull Danny's arms above his head and the other to release his own large and very hard erection from his last layer of clothing. "Zeke?" Levi called in a relaxed tone. Meanwhile, Danny watched in horror as the teen with the baseball cap came over and took over the job of holding his arms down.
"Don't tear him up too bad, Levi. We want to get a piece of him too." Zeke said in a cold tone, applying a painful amount of pressure on Danny's wrists.
"Yeah, yeah." Levi replied while slipping a hand underneath Danny and lifting his lower body up from the ground. Sucking on three of his fingers, he ignored Danny's baffled looks and immediately stuck one inside of Danny without hesitation. Danny yelped in pain and let it intensify when Levi carelessly shoved yet another large finger into the barely stretching orifice. "Almost there." Levi whispered, slipping the last finger into Danny's rectum and allowing them to flex and spread out in his best attempt to expand the small boy. "That should be good enough..." he mumbled to himself while quickly pulling out his fingers and shoving his erection into the poorly prepared opening.
Danny cried out as loud as his lungs would allow into the night. His body arched in pure agony as he felt his inner walls tearing.
"Oh god yes, just as tight as I like it!" Levi exclaimed, grunting with pleasure.
"Levi I can't take it anymore, I gotta have some!" Zeke shouted, losing his composure. When he didn't hear a protest from Levi, he quickly unzipped his own pants and in a few mere seconds yet another large and fully erect member hung out for Danny to dread. "I'll just busy myself with something else until he's done, kid." Zeke said playfully before shoving his penis into Danny's mouth. "Understand one thing. This time, if you bite? I won't only break your jaw but I'll go back to your dear Sam's house and kill her in the most unpleasant way possible. Now suck." Zeke commanded, pushing himself in so far that Danny began to choke.
Levi, meanwhile, only became more turned on by Zeke joining in the assault on Danny's body. He showed his eagerness by pulling out and then thrusting back into Danny so hard that his body slid forward a few inches on the pavement. Danny wanted to cry out, wanted to scream until the sound shattered glass, but he couldn't. Zeke was so far into his mouth that he was touching the back of his throat. Danny was paralyzed with both fear and otherworldly discomfort that only worsened as Levi began to pick up a pace of thrusting in and out.
"Ho ho! We've got a bleeder here, guys!" Levi shouted between thrusts, amused by the crimson that was now pouring out of Danny's anus. "Maybe I should wrap this up before he passes out from blood loss and you guys lose your fun." He added with mock concern, panting. Speeding up his pace and ignoring the steady increase in blood flow, Levi finally let himself come deep inside of Danny's shivering body. "Next!" he shouted heartlessly while pulling out.
Zeke, removing his member from Danny's mouth, took no time in placing himself between Danny's blood soaked legs next. Harshly shoving his own erection into Danny, he immediately began to thrust and hungrily pump Danny's own neglected member.
"Damn how I wish I would have gotten the first go." Zeke whined, following it with a moan. Although his mouth was now free, Danny still couldn't bring himself to speak. He had been stripped of his pride, his energy, his life, and most importantly his innocence. Now all he could do was silently watch as Zeke had his turn with him, and lie still as his body jerked with each thrust. When Zeke came, Danny had a few free moments to rest in his own puddle of blood. At least until Xavier appeared, his penis bigger than both Levi's and Zeke's, he roughly grabbed Danny by his hips and literally shoved him onto his rock solid erection.
Needing something to latch onto, for whatever reasons, Xavier dug his nails into Danny's bare stomach and lodged them deep into his skin. After that he began to pull in and out of Danny, but more painfully than the others. It should have knocked Danny to his senses, but instead all it did was send him further into himself to a place where all this wasn't happening. Was it his imagination? No, but it was the only thing keeping him tied to his sanity and Danny found peace there.
In his comforting state he was with Sam, sitting on a grassy hillside and watching the sun set. He was holding her and everything was all right. Then, Danny felt the familiar burning sensation of Xavier coming onto his torn and bleeding inner tissues and his alternate reality was ripped from beneath him. Being on the edge of unconsciousness, Danny could barely make out Gabriel as he approached him. However, it didn't take long for him to feel the teen shove himself into what little was left of his rectum. Danny tried to stay awake, tried to beat the intense pain that threatened to throw him into darkness. But he couldn't win and eventually let himself slip away into the limitless void, his ears picking up their laughs before shutting off as well.
When Danny regained consciousness, the first thing he felt was pain. Pain in his broken ribs, broken arm and dislocated shoulder, pain in his anus from the nearly endless assault, intense shame and embarrassment that caused his heart to ache, and anguish from a knife that had been angrily shoved into his bleeding and bruised stomach. Upon closer inspection he could see that a note was tied to it as well, but for the moment, he was too weak to read it. Looking up at the sky, it still held its dark, empty, deep velvet color that he remembered seeing before passing out. Feeling the need to raise his hand to his brow, he was surprised when it responded; he had his muscle control back.
Wiping the sweat from his feverish forehead, he shivered as a small gust of wind brushed over his still naked body. He looked around for his clothes, but the closest thing to him was his torn up shirt.
"Guess this'll have to do..." Danny rasped to himself, covering up his lower body with the tattered remains. He tried to raise his head, but found that it only caused more agony, not only from the stiffened neck muscles but also from the bruises and stab wound on his torso. Bringing his good arm back up to his face once more he semi-curiously read his, now cracked, watch. It blinked 2:48 AM in dull green numerals. If Sam was out from under the influence of that spell then she was definitely going crazy by now. Some part of him really wished that he had died during, dare he admit, his rape. His life was never going to be the same.
Jazz would call their Mom and Dad. Sam and Tucker would find out the truth next, and then the whole school. He could almost hear the reporters; 'Last night a local boy, Daniel Fenton, was brutally attacked and sexually assaulted by four unknown teenage boys. The police have no leads but its safe to say that this kid's life is ruined.' Danny tried to laugh at his own dry humor, but his ribs prevented it. Finally managing to roll over onto his side and alleviate some of the pain on his backside, Danny began to regret his feelings.
Yes, he had been humiliated, violated and defiled but right now all he wanted was the warm embrace of someone who loved and cared for him. If he only had that, all of his misery would go away. But...would the relief ever come? Danny didn't know and now all he could do was lie helpless in a pool of his own blood, hoping, praying for someone to find him before death seemed more inviting.
And there you GO! My Danny Phantom One Shot, non con, rape filled, angst promoting fic! I hope everyone enjoys it and that doesn't delete it! I mean I wanna post it here, not on AFF where it can't get the ratings it deserves. BUT if I must, I will post a link from FF to AFF if they hassle me. Also I want some feedback on whether or not I should keep this as a one shot or make it into more. Let me know in a review and with that I'm off to bed! Oyasuminasai, Minnasan!