Disclaimer... I do not own the Harry Potter series or the idea's from Gene Roddenberry's Star Trek series... mainly the characters are in space on a ship.. and that's what I'm mostly borrowing.. haha.

AN: This is posted today because it's Gene Roddenberry's birthday... and mine as well! Happy Birthday to me!

AN #2: This IS a Parody.

The (Ridiculous.. Insane.. Hilarious.. Twisted.. ) Adventures of the Starship Hogwarts

one.. of the first scene one. Rus of Sever

Stardate: Unknown.. Area of Space: Unknown.. Location: The Starship Hogwarts

"Master Captain! Master Captain!" the ships cook yelled as Dumbledore swiped a cup of tea, though he'd prefer Earl Grey.. he had to make due with whatever rubbish the cook came up with if he wanted a cup of tea.

Captain Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore internally shuddered, but he turned to his ambassador and smiled serenely, "What is it Dobby?"

"I think Rus of Sever is etempting to rejoin de collective, Master Captain."

"Captain.. Call me Captain, NOT Master! Why do you think 'Rus of Sever' is trying to rejoin the Lord Voldemort Collective?"

"Because he vas talking about," Dobby looked around the nearly empty mess hall before continuing, "the Queen!"

"The Queen?"

"Yes... He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named."

"Tom Riddle?"

"Dobby's eyes widened till it looked as if they would pop out of his funnily shaped head.

"You must not speak that name Mas.. Captain, you must not!"

"Dobby," Dumbledore began calmly, "I trust 'Rus of Sever,' are you sure your not misplacing your wish for the return of your lost lover, Ginny?"

"Why do you try to make Dobby, cry?"

"I am not trying to make you cry, Dobby."

'Rus of Sever,' eh hem, I mean Severus runs in screaming, "I AM SEVERUS! SEVERUS!"

And the former drone ran back out of the mess hall.

"Hmm," said Captain Albus, "I think Severus need to regenerate."

"I HATE POTTER!" Exclaimed Dobby.

"Dobby, I thought we already went through this, Lieutenant Potter did not steal Ginerva from you, Ginny and you later mutually agreed to separate.. and I thought you and Harry were friends.. sure he fantasized about her.. but that ended quick after she started lighting things on fire."

"Dobby and Harry are Friends," Dobby nodded happily.

Dumbledore shrugged, "What do you think are the odds of our pilot and engineer hookin' up?"

"She'll bite him first," Dobby said serenely.

"I.. I'm off back to the bridge, till next meal, Dobby."

"Yes, till, Master Captain, sorry sir, Captain sir." Time to burn my fingers on a frying pan.. or a wok!

Post AN: There was the first part.. of what is so far seven parts of hilarious nonsense! Please review...