Wow. First fic I've written in a while, especially a multi-chaptered one.
This takes place directly after chapter 50 of the manga, so if you haven't read that far, not only are you going to be lost, but you're going to be somewhat spoiled.
Obviously, this isn't chapter 51 of the manga. I doubt chapter 51 will turn out at all like this fic. So consider this an . . . well, not an AU. But an alternate way the story could have gone.
Sorry this chapter is so short. It seems after writing all of my drabbles, I've lost the ability to write longer chapters. Hopefully the next one will be longer.
Envy felt the final layer of skin wrapping around his newly formed muscle, before he finally opened his eyes a crack. He took a deep breath in. Then he sat up quickly, coughing and gagging. Wherever he was, it smelled horrible.
He ran his hands through his hair, frowning slightly. There was some sort of thick liquid coating it. Blood, perhaps?
Rubbing his brow, he tried to remember what had happened. The pipsqueak had been trying to save his squinty eyed little friend, had jumped in front of Gluttony and then in some stupid lapse of judgment, Envy had tried to stop him from getting swallowed.
Yes, he was a precious sacrifice. But not one that Envy would risk his life for. Well, obviously not. There was only one way Envy could be killed, and that wasn't being swallowed.
His frown deepened as he stood up and looked around. He was ankle deep in blood, there seemed to be ruins all around, and skeletons. Not to mention the smell.
He sighed, looking up and only saw darkness. It would stand to reason that he was inside of Gluttony, considering how he clearly remembered being half eaten, but he wasn't outside. "Shit," he murmured, crossing his arms.
He hadn't even known that one could live inside of Gluttony. He thought once you were eaten, that was the end of it. So how was he supposed to get out? He didn't plan on spending the next few centuries trapped inside of him. Especially not alone like this.
He sighed, turning himself into a small bat, and flapped his wings, flying up until he couldn't see the ground anymore. He admitted that it wasn't too high up, considering how bad the bat's eyesight was, but he could still use sonar.
He cried out, waiting for the echo to come back to him. It didn't, so he turned around and cried again. After doing this in every direction, he discovered that he couldn't hear anything. It was almost like Gluttony's stomach was infinite, which might explain how he managed to eat everything. Envy had often wondered how Gluttony could eat so much and not be three-hundred times bigger than he was, but now he supposed he found his answer.
He was about to return to the ground, when he did hear something. It sounded like someone yelling out. It was obviously quite some ways away, but the fact that he could hear someone - and he was positive he wasn't hearing things - meant someone else was there.
More pleased with the idea that he'd have at least some company for a little bit than he cared to admit, he flew off in the direction. The words began to form more clearly as he flew closer.
"Is anyone out there?!"
Envy thought for a moment, slowing for a moment. That sounded like –
If bats could grin, he'd have one stretched across his face, and he picked up speed again, getting to nearly 97 kilometers per hour. It was a few minutes before he called out with his sonar, and 'saw' the person only a few meters away.
He circled slightly so he was behind him, before shifting back into his normal form and landing silently in the blood. He snuck up behind him, walking on his tip-toes to cause as little disturbance in the blood as possible, before hooking an arm around his neck.
"Hello," Envy sang cheerfully as the person yelped. "Didja miss me, Fullmetal Pipsqueak?"
Constructive Criticism is more than welcome. Flames will be mocked. Next chapter will be up sooner or later.