She was never good enough; she was never.. herself. But when Rue finds her.. things occur. Rue x Mint.
I do not own Threads of Fate, nor any of its places or characters.
Hidden Between Lies
Chapter Two: Start To Run
The said woman looked up, and auburn eyes wide and spiraling, she held her breath. Pale skin shadowed by the figure above her, Mint struggled to look for a way out. He inched ever closer, and she farther. When she looked up from the ground again, auburn and chocolate clashed. Her strawberry tresses framed her face, blood lightly staining just under her eye and on her cheeks. Sad eyes looked back at her, daring her to look away. Sadly, the princess wasn't good with dares, and they continued to stare into each other's eyes.
"What happened to you..?"
He set his hand on hers. She didn't move.
"Mint. Tell me what happened to you." Now it was a gentle, concerned demand.
"I fell."
She had forced herself not to choke. Rue noticed, but decided not to say anything. He eyed her warily.
"Are you alright?"
"Yes." She replied, a little too quickly for the man's liking. He showed this by furrowing his brows.
"Come with me. You need to be cleaned up."
"I'm fine, Rue. Go back home to Claire." She spat the woman's name out like a dreaded curse.
"...Claire's dead." An awkward, shocked silence came over her, auburn eyes wide and unreadable.
"Wh-what?" Rue sighed, looking up to the sky and pulling Mint close, holding her to his chest.
"Claire's... gone."
"..She can't be, Rue.. She can't be.."
A muffled sob was heard from under him, and he stroked his best friend's hair in comfort. He knew she didn't like Claire at all, probably hated her-- but not even the selfish, egotistical princess he once knew was cruel enough to not cry. Even if she didn't know it, she had sort of looked up to the older woman. Mint muttered apologies over and over, but alas, both knew that anything they said would not, could not, bring back the dead. As much malice and hatred ran through her veins for Claire, Rue's Claire, for some reason it hurt the girl so that she couldn't contain her sobs to herself, and took to actually letting Rue support her for a bit. No one had to know, right?
After the rain cleared away, and Mint slowly drew herself from Rue's chest, she looked up at the man and weakly smiled. He did the same. A secret, silent message was shared in that moment, though neither of them yet knew of it. Both stood up and dusted dirt from their clothes, and the princess rubbed her eyes in attempt to wipe away her own tears. She could almost laugh. After so long of not communicating, they still acted and seemed like best friends. It still feels like it, too, both mused silently to themselves. Yet even if it felt like old times, they knew it would never be the same. Not after this, not after that. ..Not after Claire died.
Without a word, they walked side-by-side through the forest, damp air and muddy ground only causing little annoyance. As depressing as the last few hours were, they were once again content to be in each other's presence, knowing that they could tell the other anything; anything at all. Almost anything, thought Mint. I can't tell him I'm in love with him, now can I? The way she placed the words in her mind made it sound slightly humorous, as depressed as it made her. She smiled slightly, then sighed and looked up to the sky through the trees, where the sun was peeking through. As the night rose into morning, and the sky was painted with warm colors, Mint felt like the sun had just called to her. "I found you! Now you're it." Every day was like a new game of hide-and-seek.
One sharp intake of breath from the princess, a worried look from her "escort". As they neared the castle, Mint suddenly got nervous. Rue gave her another concerned side-glance.
"What's wrong?"
"..Mint, you can tell me. We're best friends, right?"
"Of course! But.."
"Oh, come on.. please?"
"..I'm supposed to be married to this dreadful man that I loathe."
"So that's why you were running away?"
"Yes! The blasted man, damn him. I hate him!" Well, it wasn't a total lie..
"Mint.." The said girl looked up slowly at Rue, who had said her name quietly and gently.
"Yes?" She whispered back. His eyes glittered, and it scared her, but she was entranced.
"I don't want you to marry anyone you won't be happy with.." She drew in a breath.
"Rue, I.."
Finally! I finally updated! Sorry for the long, long wait, but all of this is coming from the top of my head, even if I do know the ending. x-x;; I hope it's okies, and I hope you all haven't given up on me! Oh, crap! X3 Thanks to Mare for telling me that I put up the wrong story, thanks! I didn't even notice. o-o;;