Disclaimer: I don't own it, blah blah blah, and I borrowed the line about virginity from another Instant Star fic…

She writes her lyrics best in bed.

It doesn't matter what time, what lyrics, as long as she's in bed. In his bed, or rather, any bed that he happens to be in.

She's seventeen now, almost eighteen, almost old enough to wear the ring he gave her on her finger, instead of on a chain around her neck.

It wasn't supposed to be like this, wasn't supposed to happen at all. But that night, almost two years ago, had happened, however much they both tried to deny it.

They had tried to ignore the feelings. But one month after the party, their feelings came flooding out.

Now, as they plan their wedding in secret, she hasn't been a virgin in almost two years.

Not that she's complaining. She wouldn't trade what she had with him for anything. And she won't, no matter how famous she becomes, no matter how the press reacts.

And they will react. Seven years is a gap, one that she doesn't acknowledge, but knows that it's there.

Some will call it wrong, but she doesn't care. She loves him, and loves who she is with him.

She'll be married soon. An eighteen-year-old bride. And she wouldn't have it any other way.

After all, the lyrics she comes out with are amazing, and if her fans aren't pleased with her choice of husband, they won't be able to deny her second album, and how great she's become.