Disclaimer: Everything belongs to J.k.!

A/N: Yay the sixth chapter is done! Thank you to all my reviewers. You guys keep me writing. Hope you like it and please review.

Lily and Severus bowed to each other, each of them too disgusted with the other to bow all the way down. Lily knew she was really out of luck because even if she beat Severus she would still have to battle Bellatrix and the other four slytherins.

"Locomortor Mortis!" Lily yelled firing her first spell.

"Protego!" he yelled deflecting the spell back at her.

She quickly jumped out of the way and dodged the spell.

"Tarantalegra!" Severus shot at Lily.

This time the spell hit her. She felt her legs jerking around. She had no control over them anymore. Bellatrix and the other slytherins laughed coldly at Lily. Lily shook with fear. How much more of this was she going to have to endure? She remembered all the times she stood up for Severus. All the times she saved him from James and the others. Why was he doing this to her? She began to feel angry. The slytherins kept laughing inciting Lily's anger even more.

"Conjunctivitis!" Lily fired at Severus.

"Argh!" Severus yelled when the spell hit him giving him pink eye. He forgot about the spell that he was casting on Lily and she was let free of it. She ran towards a statue, but just before she could take cover behind it Bellatrix hit her with a spell. Boils covered her left am.

Lily stood behind the statue clenching her left arm in pain. The boils kept on spreading, and soon they would cover her whole body if she didn't get to the hospital wing fast.

Jade and Casey were walking back to the common room. Jade had had to just about drag Casey out of the magical room. They both loved it and couldn't wait to tell Lily about it. There was an extra bounce in each of their steps. You could tell that they were very pleased with themselves for discovering something so special. On their way back to the common room the two girls exchanged different ideas about how they could use the room.

Their daydreams were suddenly interrupted when they heard laughter.

It was a shrill, cold, evil laughter. Jade and Casey were sure they knew who it belonged to. They'd heard it may times before. The laughter could only come from the slytherins. Then they saw a figure jump behind a statue. A strand of light from the full moon was coming in from a window near the statue. From where they were standing, Jade and Casey could see a glimmer of red hair shining in the moonlight. They knew it was Lily.

The two girls ran towards the scene; Jade to the slytherins, and Casey to Lily. The slytherins hearing the footsteps thought they were professors and began to run. Bellatrix lagged behind though to fire one more spell at Lily, but the nonverbal spell instead hit Casey. She flew to the floor gasping for breath. Jade and Lily ran over to her. Casey was clenching her throat and opening her mouth desperately trying to get air.

"She's choking!" Jade said in a panic.

"Bellatrix must have hit her with a spell to close her airway," Lily said.

"There has to be a way to reverse the spell, or at least one to allow a person to breathe!" Jade said.

"I know!" Lily shrieked, "But I don't remember learning anything like that!"

Suddenly Casey let her head fall back.

"Oh no!" Lily screamed, "She's knocked out. We only have a little bit of time."

"What's wrong?" they heard a voice ask, and then Sirius, Peter, and James just appeared out of nowhere.

"She can't breathe," Lily said, "Bellatrix hit her with a spell to-"

James put a hand out in front of Lily motioning her to stop talking.

"Anapeno!" he said. Casey let out a little sound, and her breathing returned to normal, but she was still knocked out.

"She should be fine now," James said, "she'll wake up soon."

The two girls embraced Casey.

"Yay for James; the hero of the day!" Sirius announced to the group.

"Thanks James," Jade said.

"Yeah, thanks," Lily said, "Where'd you learn that spell?"

"I know a lot of spells from fighting with the slytherins. That hasn't been the first time I've had to use that spell."

"Are they trying to kill us or something?" Lily said throwing her arms up. When she did that she felt pain in her arm. She remembered the spell Bellatrix had hit her with that had given her boils.

"You're hurt," James said gently picking her arm up.

"Its fine," Lily said snatching it away from James.

"Lily, you have to go to the hospital wing before it spreads," he said.

"Well right now it's more important that we get Casey to the hospital wing,"

"If you say so," he said. Then he bent down to pick Casey up.

"Casey took a pretty hard hit, but she's going to be fine. I will be keeping her until tomorrow," Madame Pomfrey told the group only moments after they had carried Casey to the hospital wing, "It's a very good thing you knew that spell Potter."

Everyone shuddered at the thought of what would have happened to Casey if James hadn't known the spell.

"Tell me. What were you kids doing for this to have happened?" Madame Pomfrey asked the group as she finished mending Lily's arm.

The boys looked at each other. They didn't actually know what the girls had been doing. They had just come in from giving Remus company during the full moon when they found Lily and Jade panicking over Casey's unconscious body.

When no one answered, Madame Pomfrey turned to Lily, the most mature of the group. "Tell me dear, what were you doing?"

Lily was never very good about making up bogus lies on the spot, and since she couldn't think of any other way to get out of this she just decided to tell the truth. "Well, we ran into some slytherins. I won't say anything more."

Madame Pomfrey shook her head. "Do you kids realize how dangerous this is?"

"Yes ma'am. We know who were dealing with," Lily said.

"Yeah, a bunch of scumbags," Sirius said.

"Mr. Black, for your information I could easily give all of you a month's worth of detention! If I were you I would be on my best behavior! Now get to bed; all of you, and do not take any detours!"

"I could kill her!" Jade said to the group on their way back from the hospital wing to the Gryffindor tower.

"Madame Pomfrey?" Lily asked in disbelief.

"No, Bellatrix!" Jade said.

"I've always wanted to kill her," Sirius said.

"Who wouldn't? She's the slimiest of them all!" Jade said in disgust.

"Personally, my most hated slytherin is Severus," James contributed to the conversation.

"He's definitely pretty high up on the hate list," Sirius agreed.

When they got to the common room James pulled Lily over before she went in.

"We've got a big problem, or actually Remus does," he told her.

"Oh no. Don't tell me something happened to him during the full moon."

"No, nothing like that. I mean that Casey is in the hospital wing right now, and Remus always goes straight there after he regains his human form."

"But this can't happen! Remus hasn't told her he's a werewolf yet!" Lily said.

"I know, so she's going to have to find out the hard way."

Remus turned the knob of the hospital wing door. He stumbled inside trying to feel his way around the room in the dark. His whole body ached and throbbed. He automatically went towards the first bed he could find. He stubbed his toe on the bed post, but by now pain was a familiarity and it compared nothing to the immense pain he was already feeling. He tossed back the covers and dropped himself into the bed. He kicked and turned trying to find a comfortable position. Memories of the full moon started coming back to him. He woke up from this nightmare out of breath. He looked around the room trying to find some comfort, fighting back sleep, but he did not. Then something caught his eye; a head of yellow hair, and fair skin.

"Casey is that you?" he asked before he was mercilessly taken over by sleep to recall the horrors of the full moon.

Remus awoke to find Casey sitting next to him on his bed. She had been watching him sleep for a while.

"Remus, what happened to you?" she asked when she saw him open his eyes.

He didn't answer. He took her hand in his, kissed it, and set it back down. He looked away from her.

"I'm sorry." he said.

"What are you sorry for?" she asked.

"I wanted to tell you, but I was scared, and now," he paused; "Now you're going to have to find out like this."

"Remus, what are you talking about?"

"Casey, I don't think we can do this."

She leaned her head against his chest and whispered, "You're breaking up with me aren't you?"

He lifted her head from his chest, and held it in his hands.

"Yes I am," he said gently kissing her forehead.

A Tear fell from her eye, and then another.

"Don't make this hard for me Casey,"

"But why?" she asked.

He didn't answer her.

"Don't I have the right to know?"

He looked at her eyes, streaming with tears. He might have the right to keep quiet, but he knew he owed this to her. No matter how ugly the truth was, she deserved to know.

"Do you see all my cuts? Do you see these scars? And are you aware that I am absent from class once a month? I always told you I was sick, or my grandmother was sick and I needed to go take care of her. You probably know that's a lie."

She nodded.

"I'm a werewolf, and have been since I was seven. I transform every full moon."

With her hand she traced the scars on his face while she absorbed the information.

"That's why you wanted to break up with me?" she asked.

"No one should have to date a werewolf," he answered.

"Am I no one to you?"

"I didn't mean-"

"You didn't? Then how come you didn't tell me or how come you broke up with me? Did you think I would care for you any less once I knew?"

"Did it ever occur to you that maybe I was trying to protect you!" he said.

"It didn't occur to me that you would think I was so shallow," she hissed.

He opened his mouth, but no words came out.

"I wish I could have been there for you on other full moons. I wish you wouldn't have hid this from me."

"I didn't want to risk losing you," he said softly, "I love you."

Silently forgiving him she held his head in her hands and kissed him tenderly. Intensely and passionately he returned the gesture with his own lips.

"I love you too," she said.