True Love Will Find It's Way

Lily was starting to get impatient, so she got up and started to pace around the room. Her mother was supposed to have picked her up ten minutes ago.

What are you so excited about?" Scoffed Petunia "Getting ready to go to that FREAK school of yours?"

"Oh I'd shut it if I were you! You don't want me to blast you away to smithereens do you?" said Lily

"You aren't even allowed to use magic outside of school!" retorted Petunia

"I wouldn't be so sure of that if I were you. I'm head girl now- I can do whatever I want!" said Lily although she new perfectly well it wasn't true.

Petunia glared at Lily and then stomped out of the room. She was Lily's older sister. They had gotten along fine until exactly six years ago, when Lily was eleven, Lily received a letter from an owl that changed their relationship forever. The letter was an invitation to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Since the time that Lily had been a little girl she had always dreamed of magical worlds and had always fancied the idea of flying on a broom, so you can imagine that she accepted the invitation in the blink of an eye. Her parents, being muggles, knew nothing of the wizarding world but they thought they would give the school a chance. Petunia on the other hand thought her whole family had gone insane and insisted that Lily was a freak. Still, nothing could have changed Lily's mood that day. She thought it was the best day of her life! That had been exactly six years ago, and now in one week Lily would be going into her seventh year at Hogwarts.

(Honk Honk) Lily jumped at the sound of her mother's car. She was so caught up thinking about petunia that she had already forgotten her mother was supposed to picking her up to take her to Diagon Alley where she would be buying her school supplies.

"Hey mum." Lily said as she stepped into the car.

"Hi darling," said Mrs. Evans "sorry I was late, but I got stuck in traffic. So, are you sure it's alright that you stay at Casey's with jade?"

"Yes mum, Casey sent me a letter saying she would meet me at Diagon Alley and that it was fine for me to stay at her house until school starts. Oh, and jade is going too," said Lily. Jade and Casey were Lily's two best friends. They had been best friends since they met each other on the train ride to Hogwarts. Casey had blonde straight hair that fell right upon her shoulders and hazel eyes that swelled with kindness. She was a very sweet person that always looked for the best in people. Jade on the other hand was more of a bitter-sweet kind of person. If she thought someone was being a stuck-up jerk she would go right up to them and tell them off. She really didn't care what people thought about her. Her features really stood out. She had tight golden locks and her eyes were a very dark shade of brown that sometimes gave her a cold appearance but at the same time, they were beautiful.

"Mum, this is it - you can drop me off right here," said Lily with an excited look on her face. She hadn't seen Jade and Casey all summer.

"Alright sweety," said Mrs. Evans "Take care of yourself and don't forget to write me."

"Yes, mum. Don't worry this IS my seventh year, remember?" said Lily.

"Yes dear, but with Lord What's-his-name on the rise I want you to be extra careful." Mrs. Evans said. At the end of Lily's sixth year it had been announced that a dark wizard by the name of Lord Voldemort was trying to take over, and had already killed a number of witches and wizards.

"I know, I know, that must be like the hundredth time you've told me," said Lily.

"I'm sorry, but I'm just so worried about you," Mrs. Evans said.

"I know. Well mom I have to go. I love you," said Lily. Mrs. Evans gave Lily a kiss on the cheek and then said goodbye.

"Lily! Lily! Over here!" Lily turned to see jade and Casey waving to her.

"Hey guys," Lily said as she approached them. They were talking with Remus and Peter.

"Hello," said Remus

"Hi," squeaked peter

"We were just talking about where we were going to go next," Casey said

"Can we got to Flourish and Blotts?" said Lily "I really fancy having some new quills."

"O lordi Lily," Jade sighed "Don't you have enough quills already?"

"Well you can never have too many quills," Lily said, but at the look on jade's face she quickly said "Well…what can I say? I use a lot of quills."

"Yes, yes, we know you do Lily. Well we are gunna go to Quality Quidditch Supplies after this," Jade said. Jade was one of the chasers of the Gryffindor Quidditch team.

"Alright, shall we go then," Remus said

"Yes we shall," said Casey, and the two of them walked off to Flourish and Blotts arm in arm. They had been going out since the end of sixth year.

"Oh, they are so adorable," said Lily admiring the relationship that Casey had with Remus.

"Hey! There you are you two numnuts!" said James as he burst into Flourish and Blotts almost knocking down a basket full of quills.

"We've been looking for you lot all over this place," said Sirius

"Sorry," said Remus "Peter and I ran into Casey, Lily, and Jade." James looked around the room. A huge grin slowly appeared across his face as he spotted Lily Evans. "She's so beautiful," James thought. He loved her so much. Perhaps it was because she was so hard to get, or maybe because of her attitude on life. Whatever it was James knew that he loved her and that he was never going to give up. "How come she's the only girl that doesn't like me?"

"Hi Lily dear," James said as he approached Lily.

"Oh please Potter, save the sweet talk," said Lily.

"Well you see Lily; I was just on my way to Quality Quidditch Supplies, but I just can't imagine what it would be like going without you." James said with a playful smile on his face.

"Potter, you know perfectly well that I-"

"She wants to go," said jade before Lily could finish her sentence.

"No I-," Lily tried again.

"Great!" said James

"Well then, c'mon let's go," Jade said. She grabbed Lily by the hand and pulled her out of the store.

"Jade!" Lily said in frustration as she was being pulled out of Flourish and Blotts "I'm going to kill you."

"Oh c'mon," Jade replied "you promised me we were gunna go anyway."

Once they got to the store Jade left Lily's side and ran to see the latest brooms. Casey and Remus were outside of the store waiting for them, and Sirius and peter were having an argument on the number of times James had asked Lily out.

"No Peter," Sirius was explaining "Remember the time that he fell off his broom while asking her out after he'd done an awesome move…ahhh good times……"

That left Lily with James.

"So Lily, how did your summer go?" James asked Lily.

"Fine, seeing that you weren't around," snapped Lily

"Ouch" said James "Man, I sure do have a thing for feisty ladies."

"Ugh Potter," said Lily "You'll never give up will you?"

"Nope!" said James with a smile on his face. "I know you have feelings for me somewhere in there."

"Yes Potter, I sure do have feelings for you; Right now I'm feeling I should take this broom and shove it up-"

"Lily, Lily, Lily," Said Sirius shaking his head "You're head girl and you're using fowl language? What a shame, what a shame."

"Well if this arro-" Lily said

"Wonderful, gorgeous, smart, talented- what were you saying?" said James interrupting Lily.

"Oh in my book Potter, you are none of those things, and what the bloody hell is up with people cutting me off today? It's like I can't even say a blasted sentence!" said Lily.

"Who said I was talking about me? I was merely just naming off some of your qualities." James said. Lily blushed. "Well, see you around Evans. Looks like its time for us to go." Said James

"Bye," said Lily rather rudely coming back to her senses.

"Bye love," said James

"Bye bye" said Sirius, and with that Sirius and James left taking Remus and peter with them on their way out.