Disclaimer: I don't own FMA.


Colonel Roy Mustang sat back in his chair and looked at Riza, who was finishing her paperwork like a good officer should. A loose strand of blonde hair fell into her beautiful (Roy thought they were beautiful) auburn eyes as she signed papers. "Riza, may I ask you a question?"

Riza answered him without looking up. "You should finish your paperwork, sir."

"I will if you answer my question." He smirked.

Riza sighed then looked up. "Go ahead, sir. Ask your question."

"Do you believe in love at first sight?"

Riza hesitated, surprised at the Colonel's question. "No, sir."

Roy stared at her in disbelief. He knew that she didn't really show deep emotions, but how can she not believe in love?

Riza noticed her superior's incredulity. "Sir, I didn't say I didn't believe in love. I said I didn't believe in love at first sight." She paused thinking. "I believe in lust at first sight, although it doesn't pertain to me." She smirked and murmured, "But it sure pertains to some of your fans."

Roy glared at her, then asked, "But why don't you believe in love at first sight?"

"Because, sir, it takes time to fall in love." They both looked into each other's eyes. Auburn to obsidian. There was a moment there where they understood each other, reading each other's mind. Riza broke off first and blushed. "I suggest you get back to your paperwork, sir."

Roy turned back to his desk and murmured, "I don't believe in it, either." And from the corner of his eye he could see Riza with a small smile.

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