
By Nefhiriel

Rating: G

Genre: Humor/Romance

Summary: Post-ROTK vignette. Arwen is pregnant. Excited, and highly emotional, she tries to give Aragorn a few hints. Exhausted, and completely oblivious, Aragorn's just trying to stay awake. Watch the results.

A/N: -dodges flying objects-I know, I know…I said the next thing I'd post would be the sequel to The Wrong One. I don't know how many people are still holding their breath for it (hmm, I see a few of you are turning blue…), but I give you my word: I have NOT given up on it. Really. For the last couple of months I've been busy packing/settling into the new house, so I really didn't have the energy to write at all. At the moment, though, I have quite a bit of time to write…but I can only access the internet on my dad's computer :-P Anyways, I had sudden inspiration for this vignette, so I just had to share it.


Oh, and please excuse me if my responses are brief, non-existent, or long in coming…I'll have to see how things go ;-)

One more moment of this and he would go mad.

Aragorn shifted restlessly in his chair for the fifth time in the last two minutes. Next to him, one of his more daring advisors cleared his throat quietly and shot him a meaningful sideways glance. He resisted the very unkingly urge to groan.

A few of his advisors would be paying for this with their heads.

Usually he had some sort of warning before they crammed him into one of these stuffy rooms, to have an equally stuffy meeting with an impossible-to-please ambassador from Eru-knows-where. This time, he had not been so fortunate, and had not even heard of his fate until moments before they locked him up with the mad-man. Even then he had tried, but there was no hope for escape.

"Still, I tell you, it was cruel of you – cruel! – to have our room decorated in red and orange: the colors of our deadliest enemy!" the aforesaid ambassador ranted, refusing to let anyone take away the joy of raging about his misery. "If this was some kind of joke, I tell you, it was of the lowest kind! Unbefitting a country of your refinement! I would have expected such treatment from a more…barbaric people, but Gondor…"

And so it went on. Some were just too content to wallow in their own misery. Ambassador or no, Aragorn was nearly ready strangle the man and run. To Mordor with diplomacy, he could use a little excitement about now. Besides, he could always claim afterwards that it was self-defense…

A small nudge at his arm made him refocus on the dismal reality around him. He was just in time to catch the last few words the ambassador was saying.

"Well, I suppose all must be forgiven, even the most heinous insults. If Gondor asks for pardon…"

"Yes, I assure you, Gondor does offer a most heartfelt apology." Aragorn heroically managed a smile. "No insult was meant against you, or your people. You will excuse the…ah, color scheme of your quarters?"

The ambassador paused and sighed theatrically before finally nodding. "Yes-"

Not waiting for another speech, Aragorn hastily rose and bowed to the ambassador. "Good. I am glad that is settled, then." The ambassador had no idea just how glad. "You will excuse me, it has been a long day."


Arwen smiled as she surveyed the lavish meal set out on the table. Everything had to be perfect. She was determined nothing should spoil their evening. Tonight her surprise would put a sparkle into his tired eyes, and nothing would take that joy from her.

A baby.

Aragorn had wanted children for so long, and now she could finally give him one.

She tried picturing the look on his face when she told him the news, but knew that any vision she could conjure up wouldn't do his excitement justice.

Aragorn was a wonderful husband, and he'd make an even better father―if he didn't get their son or daughter killed before they reached their first birthday, that is. In many ways, he'd learned far too much from his brothers, and doubtless all their "training" would manifest itself in his parenting. She shook her head fondly at the thought of her brothers. Visits from Uncles Elladan and Elrohir would undoubtedly be her bane for years to come.

The sound of footsteps out in the hallway roused her from her reverie on the future. Her heart jumped as she recognized the soft footfall as Aragorn's. As the doorknob began to turn, she closed her eyes briefly in an attempt to quell her excitement. The last thing he needed after a hard day's work, was a wife pouncing on him the moment he opened the door. Give him a few minutes, start eating, drop a few hints…

The moment she got a good look at his face, she was relieved she hadn't sprung it on him. His weary blue eyes lit up faintly at the sight of her, but soon glazed over again with exhaustion. He ran a hand through his hair, messing it up, and adding to his already miserable appearance.

"It was rather a long day…" he said, as if he felt the need to apologize.

Arwen stepped towards him and took his arm. "Well, I'm going to have to have to have a talk with those advisors of yours if they keep sending my husband back in this condition." She gently leaned forward to kiss him. He returned the kiss tenderly, albeit tiredly, and allowed himself to be led over to his chair.

"Looks delicious." His voice slurred slightly, and his eyelids drooped.

She laughed. "Open your eyes, meleth-nín, and it will look even better."

Aragorn glanced up sheepishly at her, and reached for his spoon. But drinking soup and yawning simultaneously was proving difficult.

Arwen struggled to keep down a smile as she dipped her spoon into her own soup. After they'd exchanged a few monosyllabic sentences, she couldn't wait any longer to tell him. "Melleth-nín…I have some wonderful news for you."

"Really?" He looked up briefly at his beaming wife. Rubbing his throbbing temples, he tried to look interested.

"Yes," She paused excitedly. "soon we will have…a new member in our household."

Aragorn forced himself to sip some more of his soup. "Ah, so you finally found a new cook?"

Some of the light went out of Arwen's eyes, but Aragorn was too absorbed in the task of keeping awake to notice. "No, I haven't found a new cook. Please, Estel, I know this will be a surprise…but it's good one. A wonderful one."

Aragorn smiled faintly. Eru, I don't think I can keep my eyes open much longer… Aloud, he said pleasantly, "So, you mean to cook for us yourself, then? That is a pleasant surprise… You really are a wonderful cook. This soup is—"

"No." Arwen said quickly, an edge to her tone. She rose from the table and walked over to the window, valiantly keeping her temper in check. Eru, I know he's tired, but sometimes he can be so obtuse… Sighing, she tried again. "I won't be cooking, and I won't be getting a new cook, as I haven't fired our present one."

Aragorn frowned slightly, but then nodded and yawned, setting down his spoon. "Well, whatever you wish, my love. I'll be perfectly happy either way."

Arwen continued to gaze out the window. She took a deep breath, allowing the excitement to well up again. This time she would be so clear that even an abnormally dull-witted orc with half a brain could understand. Not that she would ever compare her husband to and orc of any kind, of course

Phrase it simply, she reminded herself. Just tell him.

Silence rained for a moment, and then she said gently. "Meleth-nín, I know I'm being rather elusive, and I know you're tired, so I'll just tell you in as few words as possible. We're having a baby."

There was silence. She smiled, waiting for him to recover. But the silence continued—except for a gentle snoring sound. She spun around, and nearly cried with disappointment and exasperation. "Aragorn!"

Aragorn's head snapped up from where it had been lolling against his chest. He jumped up, his eyes focusing on Arwen: her eyes welling with tears. "Meleth-nín, what's wrong?" he asked in alarm.

Arwen glared at him. "You haven't been listening to a word I've been saying, have you!"

Bewildered, Aragorn stammered. "Of - of course, I have, Arwen…I've been listening to every word. Really, I-"

"No you haven't!" she nearly screamed at him. "You were sleeping!" She'd tried to be patient, oh she'd tried… But this—this was too much. She was tired of giving hints and trying to make this a special moment for him. He simply refused to pay attention.

Aragorn watched her, his face a mixture of terror and worry. "Arwen, my love… I'm sorry, I…" he tried to sooth her, but he still felt half-asleep, and the right words wouldn't come.

A few tears escaped her eyes. Suddenly, standing there watching Aragorn's tentative attempts to calm her, she felt ridiculous and irrational. But the embarrassment and emotional confusion that now flooded her, left her feeling weepier than ever. All she'd wanted to do was tell him… This was supposed to have been a wonderful night, full of joy, and now everything was ruined.

Seeing the fire die out of her eyes, Aragorn cautiously stepped towards her. "Arwen…I am sorry, my love. I wasn't listening." He cupped her face gently with one hand, wiping the tears from her face with the other. "Shh… Please don't cry."

Arwen couldn't help but smile through her tears. At times like this, however angry she might be, she couldn't help but remember exactly why she'd fallen in love with him. The tenderness in his eyes was enough to instantly consol her, and she allowed herself to be led over to her seat.

Aragorn sat down next to her. "Now, tell me."

"You promise you won't fall asleep this time?"

He smiled. "I promise."

And she smiled too. Now she had his full attention, she could make the moment as drawn-out as she wanted. Let him wonder for a few seconds. "I know this will be a surprise…But it's a very happy one. The happiest we could have hoped for."

"Now meleth-nín, if I promise not to fall asleep, you must promise not to torture me with suspense. What is it?"

"Oh, nothing to get so suspenseful about, your majesty… Fatherhood isn't so very dreadful."

Aragorn gaped. "Fatherhood?"

"Yes, fatherhood. Do you need a definition?"

"You're…that is…"


"We're going to have…"


The look of wonderment and joy that lit up Aragorn's face was exactly as she'd imagined. He took her hand and drew her towards him. Arwen smiled. Perhaps her surprise hadn't been ruined after all.

The End

PLEASE let me know what you think! I absolutely LOVE feedback! And I feel so lonely out here…-sniff-…in my new house…away from all my friends…-sniff- Ok, I'm through being pitiful -g-